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"What are you doing here in our territory?"

"Chill. We're just passing by, madame." Jin said, his arms were raised like he was being arrested.

"So, can you please..." He touched the wooden part of the spear and tried to push it away from his face but end up getting a cut on his arm when the woman swung it back.

"Taehyung!" You yelled when black smoke swirled around his fingers, eyes turning red, and fangs sticking out.

He halted and took a deep breath to calm himself down but his triggered form remained.

"Hoseok, please heal him." You said and your friend nodded before rushing towards Jin.

The group surrounding you stared at Hoseok in awe as he healed the wounded vampire.

"We don't have any bad intentions, what our comrade has said was true, we're just passing by so please forgive us for causing trouble," Jungkook explained politely and formally, just like the Jungkook met for the first time at the forest.

The group looked at each other and nodded, retreating their weapons, "We have witnessed your abilities and how powerful all of you are, please let us serve you and provide for your needs." The woman who accidentally cut Jin's arm said.

She turned to Jin, who's now healed, "I apologize for being careless." She bowed a bit, "I'm Zorellia, I lead this group."

Jin stood up and brushed the dirt on his clothes, "I'm Jin, they're my comrades." You introduced yourselves one by one before the group lead you to a cave.

"Please step back," Zorellia said and all of you obeyed, she waved her hand in the air and began whispering, then a purple portal appeared at the opening of the cave. Glitters floating in the air like you're in a galaxy.

"Please step in." Jin is the first one to go in before the rest followed.

Your eyes widened at the sight; a huge grass field with small houses everywhere, lanterns were hung on every door of the houses that serve as light.

"Welcome," Zorellia said and smiled, she looked at the place proudly as she stood with confidence, her hands clasped behind her. "This place is more beautiful in the morning."

She turned around to face everyone, "You need to rest to continue your journey and you can stay here as long as you want, my comrades will bring you to your rooms. Goodnight, wayfarers."

"Thank you." The seven of you said in unison and bowed as a sign of gratitude.

"This way please." One of Zorellia's comrades said and you guys followed them.

"Is there a food in every rooms?" Jimin asked, rubbing his stomach because of hunger.


Not long enough, you stopped in the middle of the alley, a comrade lit up one lantern with a torch. You stared in awe when the following lanterns of every small vacant houses lit up automatically.

"You may choose your rooms and don't be afraid to approach us when you need something. We need to leave now, we still have to patrol around."

You smiled, "We understand." They bowed and left with their torches before you faced your schoolmates.

"Go and choose your rooms." Jimin was the first one to look at every houses before he finally settled.

"Goodnight!" He said and closed the door, you watched all of them pick a room before choosing yours.

You closed the door behind you and looked around the room; one small bed, a table with a candle and a bowl of fruits. You yawned and felt your legs weakened, you walked towards the bed and laid down.

You immediately fell asleep due to how long you've walked earlier even though you can actually fly.


You woke up earlier than others and you noticed that there's no toilet or source of water to wash your face and mouth.

You went out of your room and saw Jin stepping out of his room as well which was just across yours.

Both of you didn't know what to do, if you should greet each other a good morning or ask where are you going? Since all you've done was to bicker in your whole life.

Footsteps broke the silence as you both turned to the direction where it came from, it was Zorellia's comrade.

"Good morning, how can I help you?" She asked and smiled at the two of you, you're sure that she can definitely smell the awkwardness.

"Is there any source of water nearby?" You asked and she nodded.

"There's a lake nearby. Come, I'll accompany you." You glanced at Jin who nodded as you two followed the woman.

She brought you to a lake that was so breathtaking with how clear the water was and you can see the pebbles underneath.

"You know the way back, right? I still have to help your comrades, in case they want to come here, too." You thanked her as she marched away, leaving you and Jin.

You squatted and dipped your hand in the water to feel if it's too cold before you began to wash your face in silence. Jin followed and squatted not that far from you.

"Are we going back after this?" You asked and stared at your reflection in the water.

"Do you want to?"

You looked at him when you felt his eyes boring into your skull, your eyes meeting his, "You sounded like you don't want to go back yet." You chuckled.

He shrugged and looked away, "This is better than playing boring games at the camp."

"What if they are looking for us?"

"We will go back soon, don't worry." You nodded and silence surrounded the two of you again, you stared at Jin and observed his features which is, honestly... Perfect.

"Are we just... Having a calm conversation?" He asked and you both chuckled.

"This is actually fun," He looked at you with eyes widened a bit as you smiled.

"I'm enjoying this."


"Thank you for letting us stay, Zorellia."

"Please know that our loyalty is yours." Zorellia bowed and all of you did the same.

"We have to go now." You said, she nodded and stepped backward to give way.

Jimin and Hoseok waved at everyone like they're superstars before you guys stepped inside the portal back to the forest.

When all of you were out, the portal automatically closed and silence filled the air after realizing that you don't know where to go next.

"Are we going back?" Jisoo asked.

"No, let's continue! Meeting new people is fun!" Jimin said and you agreed.

"Alright, let's go there," Jungkook said and walked away as everyone followed.

This time, you took your wings out and Hoseok did the same. Jimin's eyes glistened in amazement, "That's so cute!"

Your angel friend flinched when Jimin poked his wings, "Oh, sorry!" He smiled, eyes getting adorably smaller.

Your wings flapped and lifted you a little from the ground as you followed the rest.

"Don't tell me we're going to cross?" Taehyung asked when you guys are out from the forest and now facing a river.

Jin just smirked.

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