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"You may start." The professor said, you look around and saw your classmates and students from other sections watching the six of you.

Jungkook and Taehyung were standing in front, you and Jin in the middle, Jimin and Hoseok at the back.

"On three," Jin told you as he began to count then you two yelled: "I'M A BARBIE GIRL!" Then the six of you began to march like soldiers.

Your friends and Jin's followed: "IN A BARBIE WORLD!"

The punishment kept on going as you marched all around the gymnasium. You heard the students chuckling and you can feel the embarrassment coming from the guys around you.

"It's been a long time since I last saw you being punished." You and Jin looked turned to the guy in unison.

The guy had his arms crossed and smirked, he glanced at you, then made eye contact with the vampire beside you.

"Yoongi." You muttered with a warning and he just shrugged until the six of you marched away.

The students were told to go back to their classes after the scene while the six of you watched all of them leave.

You shook your head and began to leave with Jungkook and Hoseok following you but, "Why are you following us?"

You asked Jin who's quietly following you, "What we did was embarrassing! If I show myself up or either of us, they will probably gossip about me then you and the rest."

You blinked because of how fast he spoke as you slowly nodded, finally processing his words.

"You got a point." You turned around and began to walk towards the stairs.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked, walking beside Hoseok. "Alright, I think I wanna go back."

He said when you reached the top floor, "Go ahead." Taehyung said which made the former pout as he clung to Hoseok.

"T-this is creepy," Hoseok commented after the long silence and walking along the empty hallway.

All of you stopped in front of the stock room which made the others gulp. Jin opened the door creating an annoying sound, "I-is there a ghost here?" Jimin asked with his small voice.

"Do you think we will be able to clean this room if there is?" The vampire alpaca beside you said sarcastically.

You stepped in and the rest followed, immediately taking a seat and totally forgetting the rumor.

You're about to take a seat when Jin suddenly took it and sat down, you glared at him. "That's my seat!"

"Your name isn't here."

"I got it first!"

"You didn't touch it."



The guys watched the two of you bicker before Hoseok finally had the guts to cut you two off.

"There's still another seat, guys."

You and Jin looked at them before looking at the other seat, you rolled your eyes and sat down.

The long awkward silence broke when someone's stomach grumbled, "Not me." Jungkook said and everyone answered the same except Taehyung.

"I'm hungry."

"Ugh! This is your fault! If you're careful enough, you wouldn't have hit my head!"

"If you didn't bring us here, we will be able to eat!"

"Then go out! I didn't force you to come!"

Jungkook opened a portal made of black smoke, and the cafeteria's food was presented on the other side. They took some food and Hoseok made sure to get you some with Taehyung doing the same for Jin.

The portal closed and the bickering stopped when they heard someone munching loudly on purpose to make them stop.

"Here's your food~" Jimin snatched the food from Hoseok and Taehyung then handed it to you and Jin with a smile, his eyes turning into straight lines.

"What are we going to do now?" Taehyung asked after he finished eating.

"What's the plan?"

"Do we have a plan?"

"Then let's make one."

"Let's just skip classes." Everyone looked at Jin.

"You finally came up with a sensible idea."

He glared at you and you just shrugged, "Please open the portal." You told the others.

"Who says you'll come?" You raised a brow at your vampire foe who has his arms crossed.

"Can you two stop bickering just for a second?" Taehyung snapped, his brows furrowed.

Jungkook opened a portal and gestured for everyone to go in and he was the last one to enter.

"I can't teleport directly out from the Academy, there's a spell." He explained when all of you are now in front of the exit.

You stepped on the platform and when you got verified, a door opened and let you exit as you waited for the others.

"I've never skipped classes before," Jimin muttered.

"Same." Everyone said in unison.

"We're out already so let's just go somewhere else or my parents will question why I'm out two hours before." You said and everyone agreed.

"I know a place," Taehyung said and you guys followed him.


"What's this place?" Jimin asked while looking up at the tall trees.

"This is where I relax," Taehyung answered, all of you continued to walk through the forest until a pond came into your sight.

"What a refreshing view!" Hoseok, full of energy, ran towards the pond and sat on the ground.

You followed him and sat down beside your friend, you dipped your hand in the water and made a small circular motion.

You saw the others sit down as well and later on, a splash of water hit your direction. You looked up to see who it was and saw Taehyung who gave you a peace sign.

You splashed water back at him but Jin got splashed on as well, so everyone ended up splashing water on each other.

"What was that?" Jungkook asked, he looked down at his feet and released a long high-pitched scream when he was suddenly pulled back.

"Hyung!" Jimin yelled and ran after his brother, everyone followed and saw him holding Jungkook.

Jungkook's lower body was tied to the tree's body with roots. His brother held his arms, trying to pull him back.

You look around and your eyes widened when you saw rotting corpses and skeletons tied to the trees.

"How did this happen, Taehyung?!" Hoseok asked with a higher tone and obviously panicking.

"I don't know! Maybe we disturbed them because of the noise earlier. every time I come here, I don't make much noise!"

"How are we going to get him out of there?!" Jin exclaimed.

Your eyes glowed gold, and olden lights encircled your right hand as it transformed into a long blade made of light.

You ran towards Jungkook's direction and sliced the roots tying him. He lost consciousness as Jimin immediately carried him far from the tree.

You followed them and at the same time, fought the roots that were chasing you. Jin's black smoke hugged each one of you and teleported you out of the forest.

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