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The seven of you were now standing outside the building where you're currently staying, with Namjoon standing in front of you.

The Principal has already left, saying that there are so many meetings for an upcoming event that's why the most trusted student is the one who's going to choose your punishment.

"May I know who came up with the idea of sneaking out?"

Hoseok looked at Jin, followed by the rest and Namjoon immediately got the answer as he fixed his round glasses.

"Alright. Later, we will have a campfire and I'm assigning all of you to gather many kinds of wood and prepare something to entertain the students. Any questions?" You shook your heads in unison.

"Excuse us." Namjoon nodded and remained in his place as he watched the seven of you form a circle not that far from him.

"What are we gonna do?" Jimin asked, who was standing in between Taehyung and his brother.

"What entertainment do you guys have in mind?" Jisoo asked, who's just next to you.

"Playing an instrument and singing something that everyone knows? That's what I always watched in movies and read in books." Hoseok suggested.

"Do you guys have any instruments?"

"Maybe the other students." You guys turned around to face Namjoon who's just watching quietly.

"Do you know someone with an instrument for us to borrow?" You asked and smiled.

The top one was taken aback, his dimples showing off as he smiled back and nodded, his cheeks flushed.

"I-i saw a student who got permitted by the Principal, follow me." He fixed his glasses and turned around.

Your schoolmates looked at you with mixed expressions on their faces, "Looks like he has a crush on you." Jisoo said and giggled.

Someone scoffed but you didn't saw who it was because Jisoo dragged you away with an arm linked with yours while the rest trailed behind the two of you.

You went to a building where the boys in your school stay and after some turns, you finally stopped in front of a door.

Namjoon knocked on the door and the door flew open, revealing a tall guy with yellow eyes, "What is it?" His face void of any expression– No, he looks so pissed.

You frowned when Jisoo pinched your arm as she eyed the guy in front and that's when you realized that he was topless.

You gulped and tried your best to not look down, it isn't bad to take one glance right? Just one glance. And that's what you did.

"Who is– Oh! Namjoon sunbae!" Another guy, smaller than the former, appeared behind him. Probably his roommate.

"Dong-gyun." Namjoon smiled and the smaller guy's cheeks flushed due to embarrassment.

"Oh, we're here to borrow a guitar. Your schoolmates right here, need it for later, Jiwon."

The tall guy named Jiwon didn't even bother to look at any of you and just went back into the room.

"Sorry about him, Sunbae." Dong-gyun politely said and bowed a little.

"It's alright–"

"Here." Jiwon suddenly appeared and shoved the guitar to Namjoon, you wondered if you were the only one who noticed that it was a bit harsh.

"Thank you." You all said in unison as the door slammed closed.

"What is his problem?" Jungkook asked, looking so pissed now.

"I think we disturbed them."


"Everyone, do you have your flashlights?" Jin asked, who distributed the flashlights earlier.

"Yeah!" Everyone answered in unison as you guys entered the forest to gather woods for the campfire.

"Don't go too far!" You heard Hoseok say before you walked away to start.

There were plenty of woods in your hands when you found a stick, you took it, and opened your palm. Eyes glowing gold as the golden mist wrapped around the stick.

You threw it in the air and caught it perfectly, you continued doing it before throwing it. You were sure it will come back to you after you turned it into a boomerang, like earlier.

But you didn't expect someone to get hit since the surroundings were dark, "Ow!"

"Sorry!" You immediately apologized and when you didn't hear a reply, you continued picking woods.

Then suddenly, a stick hit your cheek, grazing it, but someone was behind you and got hit as well.

"Damn! Who's that?!"

Not long enough, there was chaos. Sticks were flying from everywhere, the seven of you were trying your best to dodge it but ended up being grazed sometimes.

You ducked when you felt a fast movement of a stick coming from behind you, it went past you but it seems like someone got hit by it followed by a loud thud.

Worried washed over you as you immediately opened your palm, golden light coming out as you let it float above. Enough to give the seven of you a source of light.

There, you saw Taehyung, lying on the ground while groaning with his forehead, red.

You rushed towards him, "Taehyung!" The rest followed and crowded around him.

"I-i'm dizzy."

"Move away! He needs air." Jisoo said and the others followed except Jin and you.

You put your palm above Taehyung's reddened forehead, lights escaping the space in between your fingers and slowly, he flutters his eyes open.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked as you helped the other get up.

"Y-yeah," Taehyung turned to you and stared before smiling, "Thank you."

You nodded as his gaze landed on your grazed cheek before he looked around and chuckled.

"I think we need to go back."

Everyone suddenly groaned because of their wounded faces. Jin's left cheek was grazed, yours on the right, Hoseok on the left side of his forehead, Jisoo on her chin, Jimin in between his eyebrows, his brother on his right temple, and Taehyung on the middle of his forehead.

Everyone chuckled, "Yeah."

All of you went back to the camp with the woods you've gathered and Namjoon was surprised by your looks.

"What happened?" He asked as the seven of you placed the gathered woods down.

"We've decided to have some fun." You said and chuckled but immediately winced when your wound stung.

"You should treat it, there's a clinic here where the first aid kits were but there's no one to assist you guys."

"It's alright! We can treat each other." Namjoon gave Jisoo a nod before you excused yourselves and followed what the top one said.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now