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The sun isn't up yet the whole Angel Kingdom was shaken by the sudden noise at the Academy, it was very loud for everyone to hear.

You jolted up from the sofa, you didn't even make it to your bed last night and collapsed on the sofa in the living room of your house.

Your parents came down from their shared room with their weapons, you guessed that they were hugging their weapons too, just like you.

The three of you went out of your house and found the soldiers telling the other citizens to fly to the Academy.

You guys obeyed and flew to the said place, you were expecting the war to happen in the Kingdom. Seems like it will be held at the Academy, the place where the two breeds were sent to learn each other's beliefs and culture for peace.

Now, blood will be shed— the drops of blood of those who will risk their lives for this war after decades of being peaceful.

Your feet landed at the familiar field of the Academy, you immediately found your friends who were in front along with the Angel King, who was armed too.

You stood in between the King and Yoongi with a whip in your right hand. On the King's left was Hoseok, then Namjoon, Jisoo, and other citizens.

You looked in front and you managed to not show a surprised expression with the sight of Jungkook across you.

He's in between Jin and the Vampire King, who's glaring at the Angel King. On the King's left (from your view) was Jimin with Taehyung next to him and other citizens.

You squinted your eyes when you began to notice the similarities between Jungkook, Jimin, and the Vampire King.

"They are both Princes." You muttered which made Yoongi look at you.


"Jungkook and Jimin, they are the Vampire King's sons."

Standing next to the King just gave you a confirmation that they are indeed royalties. You looked to your left and saw Hoseok wearing a fierce expression, then your gaze shifted to the Angel King.

You raised a brow and turned your attention in front instead, "We vowed to never harm each other's citizens, King Hyukseo." The Vampire King said and that was the first time you heard the King's real name.

"What have you done? You killed a citizen of mine and harmed another one!"

The fury in the Vampire King's face showed you that he really loves his citizens which made you admire him a bit.

King Hyukseo sighed, "I apologize, King Jikyung–"

"Enough! I'm sick of your apologies! All you did was apologize!" King Jikyung's eyes turned charcoal black as he raised his sword, "For justice!"

"We're really doing this, huh? From friends to enemies, real quick." Yoongi said and shook his head.

Everyone let out a battle cry and charged toward each other; clashing of weapons can be heard all over the field, blood staining the refreshing color of the nature, the loud cries of pain disturbing the calm and peaceful Academy, and the friendship that was built between the two breeds are now ending each other's lives.

Having no choice, your eyes glow gold and silver with a mixture of red which Jungkook noticed instantly but shrugged off, his eyes flashed purple as you lashed your whip at him.

He raised his sword and blocked the whip but he didn't see your mist coming, your eyes flashed as you wrap him around your mist, and suffocate him.

Jungkook's grip on his sword loosens, unable to move due to your mist. He can feel how powerful you are and he didn't know where that was coming from, it was giving him goosebumps. His eyes watered with the loss of oxygen as he opened and close his mouth.

Your eyes watered as you stared at his pale face, you let go of him, and he immediately coughed. You turned around and faced other enemies.


Yoongi's weapon clashed against Jin's as they glared at each other.

"Never thought that Y/n and I will be allies and you will be our enemy." The angel said and smirked.

Jin's jaw clenched as he pushed Yoongi, the angel used his right foot to stop himself from falling backward, "Tell me, Jin. If I'll be able to kill you in this war, am I going to have my happy ending with Y/n?"

Jin frowned and his face darkened upon the realization, "I'll kill you then before you could."

Yoongi smirked when the half-breed suddenly charged toward him, he bent down and hit the other's waist using the handle of his sword.

Jin groaned and hit the angel with his mist, making the other fly and land on the ground with a thud, his head hit the ground causing him to lose consciousness.

The half-breed's eyes widened, that wasn't his intention. He was about to rush towards the angel but another angel beat him to it.

Hoseok glared at Jin, using his sword to stand up. Mist flickered around the angel's wrist, his face held no emotion.

Jin was surprised when the angel was suddenly in front of him, Hoseok pushed the half-breed with his weapon pressed against his neck.

Jin's eyes widened as he kept on stepping backward in hopes to escape but the angel just kept on pressing the sword against his neck.

They didn't even notice that they were already in the air. The half-breed gathered his courage and strength and then elbowed the angel's jaw.

Hoseok was taken aback as he held his stinging jaw, he looked at Jin sharply, and they seemed to think alike because they both shot each other with their mists.

When their mists met, both of them were sent flying on the ground like they were electrocuted by their opposite powers.

They both groaned and before Hoseok could stand up, Jin was already in front of him with his sword pressed against the angel's throat.

The angel's eyes were wide while staring at the half-breed who has no expression on his face and glaring at him.

Hoseok's breath hitched when Jin raised his weapon up, the sunlight reflecting on its blade. Before the sword could make contact with the angel's skin, a familiar voice resounded, stopping the half-breed.

"Stop!" You came into their view as you stood before Hoseok in a protective stance, grip on your whip tightening, and your color flickering around your wrist.

"Move, Y/n," Jin stated coldly and you felt something inside your chest sting.

"No. Don’t hurt him." You responded, eyes staring right into your mate’s to show him that you won’t back down.

You felt goosebumps when a smirk crept onto the half-breed’s lips like he got possessed, he’s not the same Jin you've met. You wondered how many masks he has.

When you first met, he was a pure jerk. When you two found out that you were mates, he suddenly became sweet and gentle. And now that the war is happening, he changed into a whole different person like he got possessed.

"Then, I don't have a choice." Your eyes widened when he suddenly pointed his index finger at you.

You groaned in pain when your back collided with the rough ground which was not that far from Hoseok's place.

Your eyes widened when Jin raised his weapon again, and you closed your eyes when the sunlight hit the blade which blinded you for a bit.


Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now