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Time flew so fast and it was already the last day of the Wine Celebration. Everyone's preparing so much because the Angel and Vampire King will come along with some officials to watch the performance of the dance troupe of the Academy.

"Let's visit Hobi." You told Jin who's walking beside you with your hands intertwined.

"Alright but let's buy him snacks first." You went to the food and snacks booth and bought so many snacks for your angel friend.

"I don't think he can finish that," Jin said with his arms crossed and just watching you.

You looked at him and gave him a look, "I'm his friend, Jin. I know he can."

Your mate just shrugged and let you do your business. He patiently waited until you were finished, he took the plastic from you and carried it.

"Let's go."

You two went to the hall where Hoseok practices, they will have just one last practice, then they're allowed to rest. That's why Jin finds it too much when you bought so many snacks.

When you two entered, every eye are on you and of course, they were all surprised.

You pulled him towards Hoseok when you found your friend, who was giving you a smirk. "Thanks, you're doing this for the second time, and," Your eyes widened and were about to stop him from saying anything, "With Jin this time."

Jin frowned and you gulped, "We will go ahead." You said and Hoseok chuckled when you glared at him.

You and your mate exited the hall, he immediately took his hand back when there are no longer students around.

"What was that? Who are you with when you visited him?"

"I-i was handcuffed..."

Jin stared at you before sighing, "Alright, let's go."

You frowned when he grabbed your hand, "Where?"

"Shopping. My treat." He winked at you before dragging you with him which made your cheeks flush.


You didn't know how you two managed to sneak out of the Academy but he assured you that you'll be able to go back.

You're now in a boutique and currently in the women's section while Jin went to the men's section. As you took a dress to look at it, you heard two girls talking on the other side, but they were too loud that you can hear them.

"You saw the tall and handsome guy at the men's section? The guy that just had entered? He's so perfect!"

You frowned but immediately shook the feeling that they're talking about Jin, you're sure that he's not the only tall guy in the men's section.

"Yeah, but I saw him entering earlier with a girl. I think they're in a relationship, he's handsome but has a poor taste when it comes to girls."

Your jaw clenched, there were few people in this boutique and you're sure that you and Jin were the couple that just had entered the place.

"Oh, there he is!"

You put the dress back and turned to look at the girls, they were looking in a direction as you followed their gaze.

They are looking at your man.

Who's currently looking at you. Two shirts were hanging on his broad shoulder, you two made eye contact and you smiled when he opened his arms.

You walked toward him and he immediately engulfed you in a hug and kissed the top of your head.

"Ignore them."

He pulled away and showed you the shirts that he got, the other one was black with a white wing in the middle and the other half of the wing was on the small-sized white shirt, "I picked a couple shirt."

You chuckled, "I never thought that you're into these kinds of stuff, Jin."

He raised a brow at you, "Why? Don't you like it?"

You shook your head while smiling, "No, no. It's cute, let's buy it." Your lips parted a bit when a huge smile formed on your mate's lips.

"Great!" You two went to the cashier to pay, "Let's walk around and buy things you like."

And that's what you did. After that, you went back to the Academy at sunset because the dance troupe's performance will happen at night.

When you entered the field, Jin and your friends appeared except Hoseok, "Hey yow, love birds!"

"Let's separate for a while, yeah? Have some time with your friends, will you?" Jimin said and tiptoed to put his arm around your mate's broad shoulder.

You guys chuckled because of how Jimin was struggling as he drags Jin with him, Taehyung following behind them.

"Let's watch Hoseok!" Jisoo said and you agreed.

"Where did you two go?" Jungkook asked you, "We haven't seen you both anywhere earlier."

You smirked, "Date."

They both gave you a disgusted look which made you chuckle. The three of you squeezed yourself through the crowd to get in the front.

The students were encircling around the field to watch the performance, and your eyes widened when you saw the Angel and Vampire King sitting on the thrones that the Academy provided.

They were both good looking and if Jin wasn't your mate, you would probably be crushing on them.

"Don't drool on them, Y/n. They already have their queens." Jungkook said, "Be someone else's queen instead."

The crowd went silent when the lights around the field turned off and you felt Jisoo and Jungkook's hold on your arms.

When the lights turned on, the performance began. While you were watching, you also keep on glancing at the Kings to see their reactions.

Hoseok had a solo and you were so amazed, you knew that after the performance, more members will join his fanclub.

The performance ended and everyone gave them loud applause, it was so cool.

The Principal spoke through the microphone to get everyone's attention, your eyes landed on Jin who was standing on the other side.

You frowned when his eyes glowed red and you felt your heart begin to quicken its pace when your mate suddenly disappeared from his place.

And everything was in chaos.

You ran towards him and you gathered all your strength to stop him, you were glad that you did.

His fangs were out, his eyes were glowing so bright, his nails were long, and he was glaring at the Angel King.

"Jin!" You said but he didn't even glance at you, his attention was focused on the King who was staring back at him.

You didn't know what to do and before you could even react, you were already being thrown in the air.

By your mate.


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