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You watched Jin as he sat on the huge stone, his head low with his hands covering it. You just stared at him quietly and waited for him to calm down.

Somehow, you can feel his mixed feelings and frustration on top of those. Well, he's your mate so you have a connection.

You heard him sigh then looked at you, he scanned your face before stretching out an arm towards you.

You raised a brow when he opened his palm, "Come here."

Without hesitation, you stepped towards him and held his hands. Both of you smiled a bit at the connection you felt, the calming feeling blooming inside you.

You yelped when he suddenly pulled you in between his legs as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and buried his face in the crook of your neck.

"I'm sorry..." He said, voice muffled but you were still able to decipher it.

You smiled and raised your right hand and caressed his hair which you knew made him more comfortable because he suddenly hummed.

"It's alright but don't do this again."

"Okay." You two stayed in your place, hearts beating together in sync.

"Y/n..." You turned to meet your mate's eyes when he raised his head to look at you.

"I'm sorry for not being vocal about my feelings. Since that incident about us when we were kids happened, I don't know how to express myself again. You were the one who always encourage me to speak up for myself back then against those who tell me that I'm not worthy to be in the Angel Kingdom because I'm a half-breed. After I pushed you away, I don't know how to put my thoughts into words anymore. I began to limit the things I say, I'm really sorry."

"I never thought I'll be able to hear you speak that long again."


You chuckled and ruffled his hair, "It's your fault anyway, you pushed me away."

"I was scared and angry! It just slipped off my lips and I'm in denial that time!"

You chuckled, "Yeah, stop raising your voice."

Jin pouted when he realized that he was indeed raising his voice and talking too fast. Silence surrounded the two of you and just stared at each other, Jin's eyes glow red, and yours are gold.

It was like you were being tugged towards each other and you both found yourselves leaning in.

Closing your eyes, your lips pressed against each other, Jin's eyelashes glinted gold, yours glinted red. A black feather rose from the vampire's back and a white feather from yours. The feathers' tips met, a gold and red glint ran from its bottom, then meet at the top.

When they both pulled away, their eyes widened as soon as they opened their eyes because of their new eye colors.

Jin's eyes have a mixture of his usual deep shade of red with a bit of black and now have a color gold added to them. Yours has a mixture of your usual gold with a bit of silver and now has a color red added to it.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now