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You turned around and let Jin release his frustration. Sighing, your eyes landed on the book on the side with a color dark blue and gold cover.

Reaching for it, you read the title, Yearbook xx. You flipped it open and saw unfamiliar faces in graduation uniforms and caps.

You stopped when you saw your parent's faces and smiled at how young they looked. You continued to flip the pages until the group photos of the graduation came.

You saw your parents again, they are in the middle, a man was standing beside your father and a woman besides your mother.

"What's that?" Jin peeks at the yearbook you were holding and before his gaze could linger, they heard a knock on the box where got trapped in.

"President Kim? Miss Y/n? Are you two in here?" An unfamiliar voice resounded in the whole stock room.

"Yes! We're here!" You answered and looked up expecting to see the person but failed because of the box’s cover.

"I'll let you out!" Your legs wobbled when the box shook, Jin immediately caught your arms and your back rested against his chest.

You look at him with wide eyes and he looks back at you before suddenly letting go of you, your ass hitting the box's bottom.

"Aw!" You hissed and glared at the vampire who had his arms crossed while leaning against the box's wall.

Not long enough, the box became stable which means that it was finally placed on a surface.

You heard shuffling outside before the cover opened as brightness swallowed the two of you, your eyes closed instinctively.

You opened your eyes when the brightness lessen and you are now standing in front of a guy and the Principal.

"Thank you for freeing us," Jin said and bowed as you followed.

You finally recognized the guy, he's the Academy's top 1.

The Principal gave you two a nod before turning to the guy, "Namjoon, please accompany them out. It's already late."

The Namjoon guy bowed before letting you and Jin go first. "Why are you still here this late?" You asked Namjoon as the three of you walk along the hallway.

"The Principal asked me to stay to plan for an event and also to wait for the two of you to finish cleaning."

You finally arrived at the exit and thanked him for accompanying you and your dear vampire enemy.

"It's my pleasure."


"How's the punishment?" You glared at Hoseok when you returned to your classroom after changing into your PE uniform.

You have an outdoor activity which you hated because it involves sweating, you'll surely have to join since it's required.

"Imagine yourself being in a room with a snake." Your angel friend winced.

"Class! Let's head outside." The professor announced and everyone followed like ducklings.

"We have to share the gymnasium with two other sections, I guess we won't have any problem since the place is huge enough."

When your class arrived at the gymnasium, the professor was right. Your classmates went to their businesses until you and Hoseok were left standing near the entrance.

You followed Jin with your gaze as he went to his two vampire friends who were playing basketball.

"Let's go there." You gave Hoseok a nod as you two went to your classmates who were playing volleyball.

The two of you stood on the side and watched them play, "You wanna join them?" You asked your friend.

He crossed his arms and shook his head, "Nah. I'm not in the mood to sweat."


You were cut off when something hard hit the back part of your head, your vision went blurry for a while as Hoseok held your arm.

You stood up properly and turned around, your eyes meeting Jin's before landing on the ball near you and then back to Jin.


Hoseok whispered in your ear like he was telling you to not do something.

But, you grabbed the ball slowly then aggressively threw it at Jin and it hit his shoulder.

He clenched his fist and glared at you, before you could even realize it, the basketball ring was flying towards you with black smoke on its end like a tail.

Your face was expressionless as you dodge it with your golden light, the basketball ring flew to the side and broke when it crashed against a bench.

Jin's friends, Taehyung and Jimin stood behind him, ready to fight for their friend.

Jungkook, who's also in the gymnasium noticed the chaos. When he finally saw what was happening, he walked past Jin's group and stood behind you. Hoseok gave him a confused look but shrugged afterward.

"Brother?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

Jungkook just stared back at him while the rest of you were surprised by what Jimin have said.

Jin's eyes turned red, fangs sticking out from his lips, black smoke dancing around his fingers as he made eye contact with you.

Smirking, you prepared yourself, eyes turning gold, golden lights encircling your hands and you've decided not to release your wings.

You felt the presence of the two guys behind you getting stronger which means that they're preparing too.

Jin disappeared from your sight, you barely see him as he ran around, throwing random things at you as your friends do their best to protect you but his friends blocked your friends, Jin stopped in front of you with his eyes still bloodshot.

Everyone inside the place immediately leaves, afraid of getting hurt. You made a move and he fought back, ending for the two of you almost destroying everything inside the gymnasium if the Professor just didn't come.

All of you went back to your original form and stood in line in front of the professor.

"Because of this, all of you will receive a punishment!"

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now