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Black mist covered half of your body as you flew in the air, then your back collided with the ground.

You groaned and held your back, your vision turned black for some seconds before it went back.

There, you saw your mate, throwing everyone who gets in his way, including his and your friends.

The Kings were being escorted out and the students around were trying to stop Jin.

You stared at his furious face in disbelief, he has always been composed and calm, sometimes irritated and annoyed. But this, his face was full of hatred that even you, his mate, couldn't stop him.

You removed your eyes from him when you felt someone's presence beside you, "Yoongi..."

He smiled at you and glanced at Jin, who's currently trying to get out of Jungkook and Namjoon's grip.

"You two used to defend each other against me," he looked at you, hooking his hands underneath your arm and back, "Looks like the tables have turned."

He helped you stand up and disappeared from your sight. Appearing in front of Jin with white smoke oozing out from his body.

"No one dares to hurt Y/n and the King," Yoongi said and clenched his fist, bright sphere made of light engulfed his fist, and his eyes glowed brightly before throwing a punch on your mate's jaw.

Jin flew in the air and rolled before he managed to stand on his feet in the air.

The vampire smirked, eyes glowing redder, and black mist danced around the lower half of his body.

Just when everyone was expecting him to attack Yoongi, he suddenly flew towards the Angel King who was currently stepping inside a winged carriage.

A darker shade of mist swirled around Jin's hands and pointed his palms towards the King's direction, sending two black rockets made of his powers.

Your eyes widened and the next thing you knew, brightness swallowed everyone causing you to see pure white before it disappeared.

Your eyes grew, even more, wider when you saw Hoseok, in between the King and your mate's powers. His palms were open, white with a mixture of blue powers were coming out, meeting Jin's dark mists.

They're both starting to sweat and the King immediately entered the carriage because the guards told him to do so before he could get hurt.

The carriage flew in the air and Jin used his other hand to strike the vehicle where the King is but he was sent away when Hoseok struck him instead.

He was sent too far that you didn't know where he landed, you approached Hoseok and he suddenly fell to the ground, energy leaving his body.

"Hoseok," You called for him and crouched down, your eyes were filled with worry as you placed your hand on his shoulder.

The others rushed towards the two of you, "I'll go and check hyung." Taehyung said and flew away with Jimin after the rest gave them a nod.

"Let's bring him home and let him rest," Yoongi said and you nodded, you made a cloud as he put your friend on it.


"Yes, Hoseok?" You asked softly and removed the hair strands that were covering his forehead.

"F-follow h-him. I'm fine, I just need a r-rest. He needs you," His eyes were half-closed and you sighed, "Please..."

You nodded, "Alright," You stepped back and looked at Yoongi, "Bring him back home safely." He gave you a nod and spread his wings.

Hybrid: Darkness Greets Purity • ksj✅Where stories live. Discover now