Chapter 2

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I see the waiter approaching our table with two plates in his hands. He puts the dishes in front of us and smiles.

"There you go. Two lasagnes. Enjoy" he says.

"Thank you" Ty and I both say at the same time.

"So, are you excited? Its huge to be able to study here" he starts a conversation.

"I am, definitely. I never really thought I would get accepted here" I say.

"You deserve it, trust me. You are going to have a great time here. Uni is not all about studying and working nonstop. It is also about having fun, making friends and going to parties" he explains.

I simply nod while listening. I am relieved at his words. As much as I love hard work, I sometimes too need to get my mind of things and relax. I wonder how my life is going to turn out here. Am I going to enjoy it? Will I hate it? Is it going to be tough? Out of all sudden, my head is filled with all these questions that make me a little bit nervous.

"Bella, what are you thinking about?" Ty waves his hand close to my face and I finally snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask as if I couldnt understand him.

"You've been looking at the table for a minute now" he laughs.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking about how Im going to turn out here" I tell him.

"You're going to be fine" he assures me with a big smile.

We carry on talking and finish our food 15 minutes later. He calls for the waiter and takes out his wallet. As I take out mine, he says "put it back, this is on me".

"What? No" I protest.

After he convinces me to pay the meal next time, I simply agree. Ty pays for the food and we head outside of the restaurant. We walk approximately for five minutes and then take the tube to the city centre. The street is large and it has many different stores. There are decorations everywhere as if it was Christmas.

"It is beautiful here" I say while looking around the place.

"Told you, you were going to like it" he confirms. "This is where we often spend our time" he continues.

"We?" I ask not knowing whom he means.

"Yeah, me and some friends. I would introduce you to them but I think they are at some party" he explains.

"This early? Its like 3 PM right now" I wonder.

"I think they wanted to help the host set some stuff up" he responds.

"Do you go to parties here?" I ask him.

"I do, we go out two or three times a month" he tells.

"That sounds amazing" I say with excitement.

We walk around the city for another hour and decide to go back to the campus.

"Thank you for taking me there. I really enjoyed it" I thank him friendly.

"No need to thank me. Im really glad you came. I think Jace has arrived, lets go" he proposes.

"I missed that guy, why didn't he come?" I ask. Last year, when I used to visit Ty, Jace would always hang out with us.

"He had to drive to his family, he had forgotten to pick something up" he explains.

"Okay" I briefly remark.

We make our way to the campus and reach their room in a matter of minutes. Ty reaches for the doorknob and opens it. Jace is sitting on his bed with a laptop on his lap and a pen in his mouth. He is wearing a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants.

"Hey man" Ty greets him. Jace immediately stands up from his bed.

"What's up?" he asks and they do a very short handshake.

"Bella" Jace says and rushes to me to hug me. "Hi, how are you?" he asks with a smile on his face.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I ask him

"I'm glad you're here" he says.

"Me too" I agree with him.

I observe the room, taking a look at the details. There are some posters of famous football players on the wall. There is a little nightstand near Jace's bed. It has two books, some papers and a pen on it. Ty's bed is on the other side of the room. He has a bookshelf on his wall with many novels on it.

"Here, have a seat" Ty says while handing me a chair.

"Thanks. There are some new decoration here, I see" I tease.

"Yeah, it was getting a little boring, so I put these posters up" Jace mentions.

"I like the posters very much" I comment. "Especially the Ronaldo one" I add.

"Thank you" he says

"Do you have any plans?" Ty suddenly asks me.

"No. I dont have that much to do. I need to pack out the rest of my stuff, but I will do that later" I exclaim.

"You can hang out with us if you want. We havent got much to do either" he offers.

"I would love to" I smile at him.

We first start to talk about university a little bit. Then we watch some tv and play a game. Their company will make my life at this university a lot better and easier. We share a lot of laughs and I finally take a look at my phone and realize that I have been in their room for five hours.

"I have to go now. I need to get some sleep" I announce.

"We'll see you tomorrow" Ty notes.

"Bye, Bella" Jace says.

"Bye" I smile and close the door behind me.

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