Chapter 22 "Friendship."

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Malec's P.O.V

"Pleaaseeee!" Scar clamps her hands together and looks at me with puppy eyes.

"I'm not going to do it Scar. Quit trying,"

"At least you can give it a try!"

"Don't you understand the meaning of 'no'? I won't ask Andrew to come with us to your stupid lunch,"

"Please dudeee! It will be so much fun!"

"It's just lunch Scar. Ask him yourself,"

"He won't listen to me,"

"What makes you think he'll listen to me?"

"Because he will," Scar states in a duh tone.

"Whatever. Tell me how your date went,"

"I won't tell you until and unless you ask Anderson to hang out with us,"

"Seriously?? Why are you doing this Scar? What are you getting out of this?"


Is this girl insane?

"Friendship? With Andrew? Are you medically ill or something?"

"Ohh common! You already have a nickname for him! You have got to invite him to lunch with us,"

"Nope. I'm doing no such thing. Now tell me how your date went,"

"Nope. I already told you I'm not going to tell you until you invite Anderson. Period," she holds her hands over her chest and smirks at me.

"Urgg fine! I'll do it! Gosh, I hate you so much,"

"Knew it,"

I search for Andrew's name in my contacts and ring him. Just as I'm about to hang up he picks up the call.

Fuck my luck. I put the phone on speaker so that Scar hear it when he denies the offer for lunch.

"Hey," he breathlessly answers the call.

"Heyy Andrew. What's up?"

"Why'd you call me?"

"Oh okay, straight to the point I see, but why are you breathless?"

"I'm at the gym. Now, if you'd tell me what you want? Or did you just call me to annoy me?"

"First of all, I won't waste my energy by calling someone like you. And second, I was forced to make this call,"

"Okay bye then," he hangs up on me.

That was rude but I'm happy he denied it.

I start to smile until I see Scar sitting in front of me. A scary sight I might add.

"What did you do May," she narrows her eyes at me.

"I didn't do anything. He hung up on me. He was at the gym. I would be mad as fuck if someone called me when I'm working out," I throw my phone on the sofa and head to the kitchen.

"You are hands down the biggest idiot I have ever seen in my entire life,"

"Hey, I'm offended. I'm not an idiot,"

"Then what are you? Because I've never seen someone let the opportunity of seeing a guy right after gym go out of their hands. That too a hot guy,"

"Seriously? He isn't even hot. And I have seen tons of guys,"

"Oh please May, don't give me that bullshit. Everyone knows he's the 'hot mysterious weirdo' of our school,"

Hot mysterious weirdo? What in the world is wrong with Summer Valley?

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