Chapter 41 "Promise?"

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Anderson's P.O.V

It was pretty late after meeting mum. I had requested the nurse to give us an extra visiting hour. I knew Rio needed it. I mean, who wouldn't? It hurts to see him like this, so lost. I wish I could do something for him, but he made it clear he wanted to go back to his apartment. But I think he forgets that his brother is just as stubborn as he is. We head out of the nursing home and stand there for a long time.

"There's one last place you need to visit," I break the silence.

"Nope. I'm not going anywhere, except to sleep,"

"Yes, you are,"

"I said no,"

"I said yes,"

"I think you're forgetting who's older here Lewi,"

"Oh, I know who's older here. But I also know who's wiser," I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He simply chuckles.

"Common, please. One last place and I promise you can go wherever you want,"


"Pinky promise big bro. Now common before this gets sappier,"

"Agreed," We both get on our bikes and I lead him towards the race track. He didn't think I'd let him go easy, did he? Either he'll appreciate coming here or he'll scold me really badly.

We head inside the gate I see a familiar red Ferrari parked outside the office. Oh well. Someone's here late. At least she'll get to meet her idol of dirt biking.

"Who owns this beauty? I didn't know people bring their expensive cars here," Rio examines the car with admiration, after all, it is a fucking beauty.

"A friend. Could get you a ride if you want,"

"A friend? I didn't know you kept contact with anybody after the accident,"

"I didn't. She's new. At least was,"

"Oooh, it's a 'she'? Interesting. Let's find out who this 'friend' of yours is," he smirks at me and heads inside the office.

We open the door and find May and Jackass standing near the table. I was hoping that idiot wouldn't be here.

"Oh hey, Andrew. Didn't know you were coming," May turns towards us. She looks at me and then at Rio. I see the surprise set in her eyes when she realizes who Rio is.

"OMG. You're Rio? The Rio Murdock? Gosh, I'm a huge fan. I love the way you ride oh and of course your style," she praises him with a huge ass smile.

"Uh... Thanks, I guess. Nice to meet you,"

"It's an honor to meet you, Rio,"

"Okay, we get it May. You love him. Anything else?" I raise my eyebrow at her. She looks at me with surprise but covers it up.

"Ah yeah sorry. I'll let you guys catch up with Eric. See you," she starts to collect her things from the table and that's when I notice jackass pointing at something. He kept point at May for some reason. With his eyes...

What is he trying to say? He kept wiggling his eyebrows and pointing at May. He realizes that I don't understand shit and starts to mouth some words. He keeps moving his mouth and his hand... Near his mouth.

"He's telling you to talk to the girl you dumbass," Rio whispers to me. Ohhhh. I show a thumbs up to jackass and he gives me a disappointed look.

"Uhh hey, May. Uhh... I uh wanted to uhh talk to you about something. Do you have a minute?" I ask May with puppy eyes. She looks at me suspiciously and turns to jackass.

"You go home, Dan. I'll come soon. Take the car," she hands her stuff to Dan before walking out of the door he stops right beside me and whispers something that catches me off guard.

"Shoot your shot Anderson or forever hold your peace," I look at him with confusion written all over my face. I gesture May to come outside. She comes out just after me and stands in front of me.

"What's up? What do you want to talk about?"

"About how curiosity got the best of you and you tried to get involved in my life but then realized you were already involved pretty deep and instead of stopping there you went in deeper and by pure coincidence solved all the misunderstandings of my life and--

"Look if you're going to guilt-trip me again it's not going to work. I'm not going to force you to forgive me. And if you-"

"AND you're leaving to let me deal with the new normal again,"

"What? I-"

"Shh. Let me finish. May I'm not going to let you go without a fight okay? I should thank you for indirectly bringing my life to normal. Well as close to normal it can get right now. I want you to stay with me through this. I can't force you to stay but I'll try my best,"

At that moment nothing else mattered. Her gaze was so strong I couldn't avert my eyes even if I wanted to. Those grey orbs held so much emotion and all I wanted to do was kiss her. And I did.

I close the gap between us and kiss her lips. God, I've been wanting to do this for such a long time. I grab her waist and pull her closer. Her lips moved in perfect sync with mine.

We both pulled away from each other but we still stood close, with her hands around my neck and mine around her waist. I didn't want to let go.

"What was that all about?" she asks me still breathless.

"I think we both know what that was about,"

"Mhmm you think so?" she kept smiling at me.

"Yeah absolutely and that's why I want to ask you out on a date,"

The second those words left my mouth her eyes widened.

"A date? You and me?"

"Oh no no You and the president of America. I'm asking on his behalf,"

"Don't be sarcastic Andrew. I'm serious," she hits my shoulder.

"I was serious the first time. Of course you and me. What do you say, Malec Brown?"

"Okay. I'll go on a date with you Anderson Murdock,"

We both stay like that for a while. Holding each other with wide smiles and even in the dark, she looks beautiful.

"Did not expect such romantic words from you Lewi," both I and May get away from each other and see Rio and Eric looking at us.

"Yeah, Andy, and especially for May right here," Eric smirks.

"Oh, you guys. Stop it. Let Andrew say whatever he wants. He'll probably never say those words again," I knew I should have stuck to calling her a traitor.

I narrow my eyes at her slowly shake my head but before I could say anything Rio speaks up.

"Wait. You call him Andrew? Not Andy not anything but Andrew? And he lets you?"

"Yep, he does,"

"No I don't," we both say at the same time.

"I don't let her call me that. She just does it,"

"Yep you do Andrew," she innocently smiles. "Anyway. I got to head home. Dan would kill me if I don't show up on time. See you guys," And before I could even stop her she runs off out of the race track without even discussing the time for the date tomorrow. Guess I'll just text her.

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