Chapter 47 "Eskimo Kiss"

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Anderson's P.O.V

Today is the day. The day I will start trying to make amends. Maintain my relationship with people because I've realized that friendship is a two-way street. I don't feel annoyed by the fact that I have to go to school which is a first. I haven't felt this way for a long time. Like a different, new person.

I grab my keys and head to school. I have a task to complete after all.

More like a plan you need to put into action.

I wouldn't exactly put it like that Pablo. It's a 'two birds with one stone' thingy. Anyway, don't spoil my mood.

The parking lot is crowded, as usual, I see May's car parked in her usual spot. I park my bike beside her car and see Hezeke coming in his car looking pissed as fuck. Someone woke up on the wrong side of his bed this morning.

"Why are you so pissed?" I ask him as he gets out of his car.

"Because of your girlfriend. She's influencing Scar wayy too much," he glares at me.

"My girlfriend? I have no idea what you're talking about," I shrug and try to hold back my laugh.

"Oh please! You know exactly who I'm talking about," he continues to glare at me.

"Like I said Hezeke, I have no idea who you're talking about," I start walking towards the school followed by Hezeke.

"You're just as bad as her," he smacks my shoulder making me chuckle. Just when I was about to respond Nick shows up.

"What's gotten your panties in a twist Zeke?" he pinches Hezeke's cheeks.

"Oh fuck off! Not you too. I thought you were actually nice," Hezeke swats his hand.

"Are you okay Zeke? How could you think this devil was nice? Or did you forget I'm the better twin? Shame really," Shade hits the back of Hezeke's head making me laugh.

"Leave that. Tell me who messed with you and I'll break their head, com'on, give me the name," Nick holds Hezekes shoulders making us halt right in front of the entrance of the school.

"May did, and Scar. But Andy boy here won't let you guys touch his girlfriend obviously," They all turn to look at me.

"Oh please. How many times do I have to tell you that she's not my girlfriend!" I ignore the idiots and start walking away, into the school.

"Whatever you say Andy boy," they say in unison and we all enter the building together which earns us multiple stares. No scratch that, every single soul in the hallway was looking at us and I have to admit, I missed being one of the bad boys of the school.

We entered the school like we used to all that time ago. Only now, one of us is physically missing but emotionally, he'll always be with us.

"Looks like the bad boys are back in action," Scar smiles at Hezeke as we approach her and May by their locker. Shade and Nick head to their own lockers after giving us a nod.

"Maybe yes, maybe no," Hezeke's anger completely disappears as soon as he sees Scar. He pecks her lips and wraps his hands around her shoulders.

"Anyway, I need to talk to all of you about something at lunch. And all of you includes Nick and Shade," I inform them before I grab May's hand and head to class.

"Well hello to you too Andrew," May looks at me with confusion written all over her face.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're being super nice in public," she tries to take her hand out of my grip.


"And people are giving us weird looks,"

"May, I'm just trying to spend time with you. As much as I can anyway. So please let me, unless you don't want to spend time with me," I let go of her hand and start to walk away.

"What? No! Of course, I want to spend time with you," she grabs my hand.

"That's what I thought," I smirk at her.

"Oh my god, you asshole!" she smacks my hand and tries to hide her smile.

"But seriously Andrew, I think one of these girls might kill me before I can even step my foot in Vegas," she laughs.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Are you seriously oblivious to all the girls drooling over you and giving me death glares?"

"You're the girl that matters to me right now. So I simply don't care," I smile at her which she gladly returns.

Lunch comes around quicker than usual and I head to the cafeteria with Scar after P.E and she told me everything that happened last night after Hezeke and I left including the fact that May slashed the tires of Hezeke's bike. Explains why he was so pissed this morning.

We enter the cafeteria and instead of going to my regular table, I go sit with Nick and Shade on the 'popular' table. Surprisingly, only Kira and Allison were sitting with them. All four of them give me weird looks but cover it quickly. Scar just stands there looking at me with confusion which turns to surprise then to a smile, she walks over and sits beside me. I swear this girl is super weird.

"You guys are probably wondering why I'm sitting here. I'll explain when the other two come too," I take some fries from Shade's tray.

"Ah okay?" Nick narrows his eyes.

"What's up with you and Allison though? Do you guys still have that on and off fling?" I ask Nick still munching on Shade's fries. You might think he will yell at me for taking his food but the guy is super patient and generous. Stupid, I know right?

"Nope. We're a thing," Nick kisses Allison on her cheeks.

"A thing? I thought you were my boyfriend," Allison folds her hands over her chest.

"Yes, baby, that's what I mean. You're my precious girlfriend," he gives her an Eskimo kiss. A few 'awws' erupt from the table and me and Shade just look at each other awkwardly.

"Okay, so I knew Shade is super soft but Nick? Really? Some news that is," I look at him with wide eyes.

"With the right girl, the most emotionless dude becomes soft as a fucking marsh mellow Andy boy. You'll see," he shrugs.

"Hey....guys?" We all look at who May who was standing with Hezeke.

"Oh hey, finally you guys are here. Have a seat," May and Hezeke both suspiciously sit down.

"So what I wanted to say was- Oh wait I completely forgot," I take my phone out.

Group: Accidental friends
Members: May, Hezeke, Scar

you added Shade
you added Nick
you added Kira
you added Allison

All their phones ring one by one.

"Look at that afterwards. First, listen to me," I make sure everyone is looking and listening to me and then I  continue. "I will be sending a location on that group tomorrow morning. You all have to be there by 9 in the morning. Pack a few clothes and your toiletries. Oh and a bathing suit. That's all. See you guys!" I leave without waiting for a response or any objections.

Plan put into action. Good job Andy boy!

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