Chapter 36 "Jay Walker."

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Anderson's P.O.V

The worst part about my mornings is the part where I drag myself out of my bed. Sure that's the worst part for everyone, but to me, it's convincing myself to get through one another day for the sake of my mom and brother. Or talking myself out of it before any dark thoughts cloud my mind, and I end up doing something....wrong.

Looking in my mirror, I could see my restlessness of the night, empty eyes, pale face. I keep staring at myself, I couldn't look away. It's been months since I've looked in the mirror properly and admitted the broken, scarred, and the lost part of me. The bruises from last night were forming rather quickly, I make a mental note to clean them. Running a hand through my hair I put on my jacket and walk out of the door, like the monotonous habit it had become.

Arriving at the school didn't feel different, it was the same. It'll always be the same feeling, like I'm about to face hell. Scanning through the crowd, I spot at bright red Ferrari standing, far from its usual place. Good, it's far, far from me....

My eyes then land on the black car across me with Hezeke leaning on it. His jaw was set with an evident frown as he stared at the ground like a ticking bomb. Scar stood in front of him with a little soft frown, her blonde hair bounced up and down as she furiously moved her hands while arguing about something with Hezeke. He stiffly nods and with a last look at Scar, he gets in his car and zooms out of the school. It wasn't until I looked back up that I realize Scar was staring at me with sad eyes, I shake my head and ignore her as I walked towards the school.

My heart felt heavy at the same time empty and numb, it was used to this feeling. It was an everyday thing after all. I take a deep breath but before I could another step my phone vibrates in my pocket. I remove it and frown when I see a text from Eric, deep down it hurt seeing his name. All this while he knew everything then why didn't he ever tell me? Why did I have to find out everything like this?

I know you're going to immediately pocket your phone back and ignore this message, but before you do that... let me tell you this is very important Anderson. Come to the address as soon as possible. Please.~

I roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. Like hell, I'm going to do what anyone asks me to now.

But it may be important...

So what? Telling me about someone's bitter truth wasn't?

He must have had a reason. He's the only father figure we have, don't push him away too...

I grunt at my own conscience and look up at the doors of our building. Going to that address sounded much better than walking in there and unwantedly bumping into certain people. Contemplating my decision I finally decide to head to the address. I'm not in a state to bear any drama this school will bring today...


Where the hell has Eric sent me!?

The feeling felt like deja vu, not a day ago I had this same betrayed feeling seeing Ma- someone and today... Once again I'm betrayed by none other than Eric seeing the Wright Brothers and Hezeke standing in front of me.

"Isn't it ironic, not even a few hours ago I had been fooled the same way," I laugh bitterly staring at Hezeke.

"I have nothing to do in this. They planned it all," He angrily nods at the Wright Brothers.

"What do you two want? Still, want me to be behind the bars? Here take me, get done with your bullshit once and for all!" I shout angrily at them.

"That's not we called you here for Anderson. We just want to talk to you about something," Nick glances at Shade then back at me.

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