Chapter 26 "Bonjour Beautiful!"

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Malec's P.O.V

After a few hours of awkward silence and Zeke pacing up and down the house we decided to come with a good plan and stick to it.

"I have to tell Andrew as soon as possible," I look at Zeke.

"He's going to be mad at you for hiding it from him for so long," Zeke looks at me with an expression that I can't quite decipher.

"I know and that's why I need your help to tell him so that he doesn't hate me for the rest of his life,"

"I doubt that,"

"Actually, in my opinion, I don't think Andy will hate you for the rest of your life. In fact, I don't think he'll hate you at all," Scar pipes in.

I give her the 'are you crazy' look. I mean for real, how can Andrew not hate me after he gets to know that I'm kind of the reason his parents died?

"And why exactly do you think that?" Zeke looks up at Scar.

"He's attached to you. That's why. And it's a fact," Scar continues.

"I mean not exactly attached but he has some strings attached to you," She changes her opinion after getting bewildered looks from me and Zeke.

We all stay quiet, trying to come up with a plan. And then a thought pops in my mind. I should let it go but before I know it it's out of my mouth.

"Why did Nick and Shade do that Andrew?" I spill the words out before I can stop myself.

"What does it have to do anything with his parents?" Zeke answers vaguely.

"But it has something to do with his brother right? So we know that only his dad died but both his mom and brother were in the car..."

I don't know where I'm going with this but I have a gut feeling I'm on the right track.

"May you're mixing up everything in your head and where are you going with this anyway? What say Scar?"

"I don't know," Scar decides to stay in the middle.

"Look, Zeke, what if, at the time of the accident, his dad died because he was already struggling? Did his dad have any illness maybe?"

"Umm... Weirdly he did. He had a weak heart. He went through open-heart surgery too,"

"Fuck my head is spinning with all the mystery unraveling," Scar sips her third cup of coffee and sprawls over the couch. "May why don't you call Jordan here? He might be some help,"

"Who's Jordan?"

"My best friend back in Vegas. The one who gave me the file,"

"Oh sure. He would be of some help," Zeke gets up from the couch. "Anyway, I'll get going,"

"Hey Zeke, can you please pretend that you don't know about this around Andrew? He's smart and he'll figure it out that you know," I request him before the leaves.

"Sure," he whispers and leaves without another word.

A few moments pass and Scar keeps staring at me.

"What?" I ask her annoyingly.

"When are you going to call Jordan?"

"I'll see,"

"What do you mean you'll see? You want to come clear to Andy fast don't you?"

"Of course I do,"

"Well then call him right now you dumbass,"

"Okay jeez I'll call him,"

Calling that jerk is always a pain in the ass. After bribing him for a good hour he finally agreed to bless us with his presence. On this very stressful day. Like literally in 5 mins or so.


"Bonjour beautiful!" someone chirps behind us.

We turn around to see a very floral Dan smirking at us.

"What in the world are you wearing?" I raise my eyebrows at his choice of clothes.

"Well hello I missed you too best friend," he takes his sunglasses off. "You must be Scarlett," he kisses the top of her hand. "Your pictures deceive your striking looks m' lady,"

"She's taken perv," I swat his hand.

"Stop being so rude May. Welcome to Nashville Jordan. It's so good to finally meet you," Scar greets him sweetly making me roll my eyes.

"Shall we leave or are you planning to disgust every girl at the airport?" I smack his arms and make my way towards the car.

"Ahhh that's a good offer but I think I'll pass. After all, I have someone else's love story to spice up," he wiggles his eyebrows and puts his arm on Scar's shoulders as we head to the parking lot.

The entire ride Scar and Dan take every opportunity to make fun of me and frankly I don't mind, I'm glad to have my best friend with me.

We reach my apartment and Dan is already up my ass to change my neighborhood. Are all boys the same? I thought Dan would want to rest but hey, who was I kidding? This guy could go sleepless nights without a doubt.

We decide to go to crosswords as it is 'the cafe' of Nashville.

Oh and just when life thought to handle Dan wasn't enough, Andrew popped up at the diner.

This guy never comes here on his own! What's he doing here today? Just as I was about to tell Scar and Dan to leave, the devil himself came and greeted us! What's with this guy? Is he drugged?

"Hey May, hey Scar" he nods at both of us and his eyes fall on Dan. He looks at him with a confused expression. "And you are....?"

"Jordan Rodriguez. I'm Alec's boyfriend. And you are?" Dan introduces himself and I almost choke myself to death.

"What? No, you're not! He's not my boyfriend, just my best friend," I smack Dan on his head.

"Ohh I'm Anderson Murdock. I'm Malec's... " he looks at me and trails off.

Damn, we never really defined what we are.

"Ah nevermind, why don't you join us, Anderson? I mean if you don't mind," Dan walks up to a booth and claims his seat before Andrew can answer.

"Common pretty boy, a small meal won't hurt now, would it?" Scar taunts him and we both walk up to Dan.

Dan and I sit on one side and Scar and Andrew sit on the other side. Either this is going to go really well or someone is going to storm out of the place and I hope it's not the latter.

We order our meals while solving some crosswords. Dan being the dumbass he opens his big fat mouth and asks Andrew if he still goes for dirt biking.

"Uhh... No, I don't really. Just sometimes if I need to get my mind off of things,"

"He's really good though," Scar chirps in to add to the spice.

Andrew gives her a look but stays quiet.

"Alec does a lot of dirt biking, don't you Alec?"

I will kill this dude right here if he doesn't stop talking.

"Oh yeah she does, hell the tracks are even available for her whenever she wants," Andrew contributes to Dan's taunts but I don't quite understand what he's trying to do here.

"Man she didn't even tell me,"

"That's bad of you Alec. You should have told him about it. Don't you think? Huh, Alec?"

The way he said Alec made me and Scar exchange some looks. Even though my expression didn't mirror her smirk.

"Anyway guys, I'll better get going," Andrew abruptly gets up and decides to leave. "Oh btw Malec, we should totally go to that abandoned building we went to, I had a lot of fun," and this guy has the audacity to wink and leave!?

The three of us just eat the rest of our meals with me in silent mode.

What just happened?

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