Chapter 37 "I didn't kidnap you."

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Anderson's P.O.V

Currently, I'm seated in the booth of a cafe I'd rather not visit. Despite that, I'm here. Why? You ask. A little blackmail and pestering by 3 fools bought me where I am. Even after all my protests, they dragged me here. I personally think they've forgotten the fact that I still haven't forgiven them yet. But I knew I was hungry so tagged along nevertheless and plus it's not the traitor is going to be serving here so soon anyway. School might have ended just a while ago.

"Good afternoon. What would you guys like to order?" Oh boy. It's the traitor. I look at the other guys and they mirror my uneasy expression.

"Do you need a minute to decide?" Judging by the fact that she's speaking, I don't think she realized who she's serving.

"Um... May?" Hezeke decides to speak and she finally looks at all of us. I see the realization settle in her eyes.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you guys. I'll send someone else," I don't even look at her to see her face and she rushes off with Hezeke at her heels. I see them calmy talk but all of a sudden it looked like Hezeke was arguing with her.

None of my business anyway.

Hezeke comes back immediately looking a bit pissed off but he covers it well. The other waitress takes our order and the food arrives pretty fast too.

"Anderson. There's someone we want you to meet," I look up at Nick. Now, who wants to ruin my already ruined life?

"And who's that?"

"We can't tell you right away. Tomorrow maybe? We all could meet somewhere and we'll bring that person?"

That's it. They think just because I opened up to them I'll forgive them? God these idiots.

"Why in the world should I listen to anything you have to say Nick?"

"Because that person is important to you. And moreover its a part of the apology okay? Please? Let us do this one good thing for you. It won't be bad,"

"You don't know shit about who's important to me and who isn't. And don't think I'm going to suddenly start to listen and hangout with you,"

"Okay, we'll send you the location. You can come if you want to. But don't think we're going to give up. We're just as stubborn as you are Anderson,"

I snort at his words. Who do these guys think they are? Ruining my life without a second thought then acting like they suddenly care about me. Hypocrites.

If you don't give them a chance you'll never truly know if they care.

Oh Pablo, why are you even here? Shut up please and let me eat.

I'll always be here Andy boy. As long as you are.

Yeah yeah, whatever.

We eat the rest of our meals without another word and leave.


"Please Anderson just listen to me!! Please! Just once for god's sake!"

At the moment, I'm running away from the traitor who wants to 'explain herself' and I don't want to hear it. At Least let me have my lunch at school in peace! But no, yesterday those idiots and today this traitor.

Why do you keep calling her a traitor? More like a liar you know.

Not the time Pablo.

"Pleassee! Just once. You don't even have to talk. Just listen to what I have to say. I'll leave you alone I promise,"

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