Chapter 44 "Destroyed, I know."

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Anderson's P.O.V

After school, I took May around the city. I never realized that she didn't get a chance to see it properly. We went around to see some malls, although none of us purchased anything we had a good time in the arcade trying to buy a gift, all we could win was a smiley ball.

After that, she insisted we go to a beach to get food but we still ended up playing in the water. When May said she loved the sea, I realized that she meant playing with water. At last, we ended up between the sunflowers in the field behind the abandoned building with a tub of mango ice cream. One more thing she loves.

"I'm soo tired. I want to sleep now," May whines.

"Oh common, that's all you got May? I thought you were more fun," I tease her.

"I am very fun okay! I have to save some energy for tonight,"

"Ooohh! What for huh?"

"Not like that you idiot. I'm supposed to meet Scar tonight. It's for a girls night out,"

"No wonder you'll require energy," she chuckles and continues to eat her ice cream.

"You know May, you're an ironic person," I keep my chin on my hand and look at her.

"Why's that?" she looks at me with confusion with a spoon between her lips.

"Remember when you slammed me in the lockers? You told me to stay away from you and your life,"

"Ahaaaannnn, I remember,"

"Well, you did the exact opposite by coming in my life, although I'm glad you did," I adore the idiot eating ice cream like a child and she looks at me with the same emotion with those grey eyes.

"Yhebeishbm," she mumbles

"Eat your ice cream first May, then speak,"

"I said, you're cute,"

"Am I now?"

She just gives me an adorable shrug in response and continues licking her spoon. Her short hair was tied up in a small ponytail leaving her baby hair to fall on each side. The sunlight was hitting her face making her features strike out and god... She was really gorgeous.

"Your staring," she smirks.

"I can't help it," I smile and look away towards the field. Can't believe a week ago this girl was on my nerves and look at me being all cheesy now.

That's Malec Brown for you.

I agree Pablo. I hundred percent agree...

"Sometimes I wish I could just capture these moments forever. Like I'm way it stays with me permanently, not just as a memory," I sigh and enjoy the silence.

"Yeah... You can actually you know,"

"How?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"Like this," She leans in, and I think she's leaning in for a kiss but to my very disappointment, she turns around and pulls down the back to her shirt revealing her back. My mouth parts the moment I see a beautiful sunflower drawn in the middle right below her neck.

"Wow.. That's really pretty," I mumble and trace the sunflower with my fingertips.

"These moments are now permanently marked on my skin," I couldn't see her yet I knew she had that beautiful smile on.

"You got this tattoo for me?" I ask, pretty surprised by the fact.

"Who else will I get a sunflower for?" She turns around grinning and leans in again, but this time I was sure it was for a kiss and I gladly kiss her back.

"You know what?" I breathe out. "There's somewhere I want to take you,"

"Another abandoned building?" she smiles cheekily.

"Sort of," I shrug and pull her along.

We walk out of the building towards my bike and I pass her one helmet and take one for myself.


"Ready," she tightens her grip around my waist and for a moment there I literally lose my grip on the bike because of the burst of butterflies in my stomach.

Shaking my thoughts out of my head, we finally make our way out. We zoom through the traffic towards that one place close to my heart, something I regret to this day.

"Where are we?" May hops off the bike and stares at the lake infront of us.

"You'll see. C'mon," I take her hand and lead her towards the trail. After walking for good ten minutes we stop ahead of the demolition.

"What is this?" she frowns looking at the burnt remains.

"This is what once used to be a warehouse. A second house to all five of us," I sigh.

"Woah... Its.."

"Destroyed, I know. I did it," I close my eyes and lean infront of a tree.

"What? Why? How?"

"Remember when the twins said they wanted to burn something mine because I burnt something if their? This is what they were talking about. The next day after Jay's death I called up these men to burn down this warehouse because it was one of the evidence if the accident,"

"It was fucking hard for me, but I had to, atleast for the sake of his family, for him. This place one last thing related to Jay we had, and I burnt that down too. That is why the twins were so angry," I glance at May to see her reaction, I didn't know what to expect, disappointment? Anger? But she looks at me with soft eyes and leans her head on my shoulder.

"You did what you thought was best. You did for Jay, you don't have to feel guilty about it,"

"I wish I had handled things a bit differently. I could've saved Jay, my dad, my brother, this warehouse, our friendship,"

"No Andrew, somethings just happen for a reason. You did everything you could. Stop blaming yourself, this is the past, now you all can build everything once again, Jay is always going to be with you all, and so is your dad, he's going to be proud of who you've become, taking care of your mom all by yourself, he'll be really proud. And I'm sure so is your brother, he was more than happy to see you that day. And this friendship, whether you four deny it, you all care for each other, and there is still this friendship hidden beneath all of you," she smiles at me.

"Wow... That was..."

"I know. I don't even speak this much all together once, so better understand that I mean every word of it. Life's too short to dwell on past Andy-"

"Andrew," I mutter.

"Andrew," she chuckles. "It's not easy but slowly everything will be fine,"

She walks towards the burnt warehouse, and just then Avery bright idea sparks in my head. Maybe we really can build everything destroyed once again. Perhaps not build, but you know...something like that.

I wouldn't have even considered doing something like that, but Malec Brown you certainly bring out something weird in me.

And you sure like it very much.

Yes Pablo, I do.

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