Chapter 25 "Did You Know This?"

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Malec's P.O.V

A loud thud brings me out of my sleep with a sharp jerk, I groan and start walking towards the main door. I jerk the door open to find a psychotic Scar waiting for me.

She barges inside and starts ranting about God knows what. I go and sit on the sofa in front of her still drowsy from my incomplete sleep. I pick up the glass sitting on the table and wonder if I should put in on my self or Scar.

Nah I don't wanna get wet right now.

I throw the water right at Scar's face.

"What the fuck May!?" she shouts.

"Are you done?"

"What do you mean if I'm done? I'm in this nerve-racking situation with my maybe- maybe not boyfriend and you are just sitting so calmly!" she growls.

"Scar I understand and all but it's 6 in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep, so I'd appreciate it if you let me doze off for a bit,"

"Ughhh fineeee....Go take your beauty sleep. I'll be here chewing on my nails,"

"Okay gross, but whatever," I doze off.


Currently, I'm supposed to clear the misunderstanding between a very grumpy Zeke and a very anxious Scar.

"I don't even know why I came here," Zeke mumbles under his breath.

"Ummm... I don't know, maybe to clear the misunderstanding between us?" Scar grumbles.

"Ugh please don't start again, Zeke just hear what she has to say, alright? I promise it's gonna be worth your time," I interrupt them.

"Better be," Hezeke mumbles again.

"Okay here goes nothing." Scar sighs. "Look first of all I'm not cheating on you. The date was just a condition for May to not get fired. I know it sounds wrong but trust me I don't have any interest in that stupid dumbass,"

"Well, why didn't you tell me beforehand? And why May getting fired? And who exactly is that stupid dumbfuck?" Hezeke bombards getting irritated every next second.

"If I had told you beforehand then you would have never let me do this shit! And May could have been getting fired because of the chaos we had created in the diner,"

"And whose fault is that?" Hezeke quirks his eyebrow.

"Yeah I know its mine, okay? And for your last question, he is the son of the owner of the diner," Scar exclaims.

"Guess what dear Scar, it still qualifies as going behind my back on a date," he rolls his eyes.

"You guys haven't even labeled your relationship yet so it's only fair if you don't get so angry," I pipe in between them.

"It's not that I'm angry May, I'm very fucking hurt. It's not fair that she can get away with going out with someone on a date because of some bullshit plan that you both are working on!" he yells at me.

Me and Scar stay silent. I look at Scar who has the same expression as me.

To add to the fire I say, "Do you even know what plan we are working on?" I stand up.

"Oh, I don't know what you are trying to do with getting the four of us together in one place,"

"Well, you know what we are doing it because your petty assess can't get one story straight and sit down to clear the freaking matter for once and for all because you know what it affects the people around you more than yourselves,"

"And you know what Malec, stop thinking that you and Scar can end our dispute so easily! You can't fucking fix this! So stop! And why are you getting involved anyway?"

I grab the file from the side table that Dan had given and slammed it on the table.

"I'm not trying to get involved, I am involved, dammit!"

"What is this?"

"Just fucking read it!"

Hezeke picks up the file and starts scanning it. A few minutes pass and he looks at with disbelief all over his face.

"May-- you-how-how--his parents--I can't...." he falls on the couch and holds his head in his hands.

"I wanted to tell you about this for a long time but I just didn't get the right moment,"

"You think you need a right moment to say this!??" he shouts.

"You think it was easy to say that the reason my friend's parents are dead is my drugged ex-boyfriend? What am I supposed to say that my ex-boyfriend who was smuggling drugs in a different place because I told him he couldn't do it in Vegas that he bought from my money happened to crash the car in which Anderson's parents were,"

And boy the way he looked at me like I killed his parents with my own hands. I have never seen Zekes jaw

"Did you know this?" he asks Scar in disbelief.

"Yes," Scar replies looking down at her feet.

"Oh my god...I can't even. I never knew his parents... I feel like a fucking jerk,"

"His mom is still alive but she has lost her memory,"

"What about his brother?"

"He's in rehab. He was present in the car at the time of the accident,"

"I.. I need time to process this all," he runs a shaky hand through his hair.

"Take your time," I say softly and sit back on the couch. Until an hour or so we kept sitting there silently, not even uttering a single word, the only sound was of our harsh breathing. Hezeke kept his head buried in his head, it was a lot for him to take in, but he needed to know. It was important.

"Now what?" he breaks the never-ending silence.

"Now we have a plan and we need you to help us with it," I sigh. He nods his head and stares at the carpet below him.

"I'll.... go and make some coffee," Scar speaks through the thick air of tension around us. Without any reply, she walks off towards the kitchen. From the corner of my eye, I see Hezeke staring at her.

"I think you should start by fixing this relationship first. She only meant everything for your good," I slouch back in my seat with a steady gaze on him.

He quickly walks up behind her in the kitchen.

"Hey... I'm sorry," he says softly

"Me too. I really didn't mean to hurt you,"

Scar's voice echoes.

I know its a bad manner to eavesdrop on someone but I just couldn't help but try to listen to their conversation. I sigh and fall back on my seat after assuring everything was fine between them.

Now here's when the real shit starts.

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