Chapter 31 "Not her sweet twin?"

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Anderson's P.O.V

The day hasn't even started yet and my blood is already boiling. You ask why? Well maybe for the fact that jackass standing beside May and acting like he didn't visit my mom in the nursing home.

He got some nerves coming here after doing that. I make my way up to him but instead of confronting him, I decide to not bring it up.

"Hey, Malec," I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Hey, Andrew. Good morning," she smiles at me.

"Sup dude?" jackass pipes in.

"Oh nothing, just trying to keep my nose out of others business. You should try it," I roll my eyes at him and leave their chirpy chit chat.

"What's up with him?" I hear jackass from behind me.

"Cut him some slack Dan, guys been through a lot," I hear May speak followed by a thud sound.

I had this really bad urge to turn around and knock him out but alas, I refrain myself and head towards English class.

Good job Andy, finally controlling your anger eh?

Yeah well, I want to get to the root of the problem and the only way I can do it is by being nice to May to get her to tell me what she's hiding and then eventually knocking out Dan for visiting my mom.

My boy is finally playing by strategy. Isn't that wonderful!

Yep, it is.

The hallway seemed pretty empty even for a Monday. Many people come early to get their homework done and some come in a second before the first bell.

I walk towards my locker and see May standing there with Scar. They both looked so contrasting. Total opposites with May wearing her regular black jeans with a plain white tee and her signature leather jacket that hung loosely on her shoulders while Scar with her usual colored skirt and a cute top.

Wait. How did she get here before me?

"Hey, Andy!" Scar waves at me.

"Hey Scar. How did you get here so fast May? You were just standing outside talking to your boyfriend,"

"First of all, he's not my boyfriend. Second of all, I'm faster than you think, plus I'm trying to mind my business, so if you'll excuse me," she turns around to face Scar and intentionally hitting my face with her leather jacket that hung on her shoulders.

What I did next was to be blamed on the jackass. He's the one who got me angry.

I keep my hands on May's waist from behind and bend a little so my mouth is near her ear.

"The only business you should mind is how you're going to hide your little secret, Alec," I let go of her waist and come in front of her and the look on her face. She looked so pale. I can get to you through your best friend. Mr. Jordan.

I turn around and head into the class. I take my usual last seat. I groan when I see Hezeke sitting in front of my table.

It's so annoying to sit with them. I don't even know why I sit with them.

May and Scar come in class and May still look darn pale. Still not recovered I see. She avoids my eyes and takes her place beside me.

The class was pretty silent without Hezeke's remarks but eventually, the bell rings and May runs out of the class. Yes, she literally ran.

"You really should think before you speak sometimes," I hear Scar over my table with her hands folded.

"Well if May tells her best friend to stay out of my business I might start thinking," I pick up my bag and leave the class.

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