Chapter 5 "Because Its A Forbidden Topic."

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Malec's P.O.V

"What the fuck??!?"

"What is this place? And why am I here? And more importantly how the hell do you know this place?"

"Follow me," I start making my way towards the bleachers at one end. I hope Scar's following me because if she ain't then I don't know how I'm going to find her.

"Dude! Can you like wait for a second! I'm still a learner here" I stop and turn around to look at her and her expression was the funniest thing ever. I mean how can someone be so stupid? I shake my head and continue walking.

We get to the bleachers and I sit on the front row making people around us give me a confused look.

"Are you sure you can sit here?" Scar doubts.

"Sure as hell," I assure her.

The bikers take their positions on the start line and I carefully observe them. A girl in some skimpy clothes and heels that match the ego of these bikers marches in between of the race track. She raises her arm and holds a blue flag in it.



"Go get 'em fuckers!" she yells and lowers her arm in a swift motion.

The bikers roar their engine and recklessly ride through the dirt in awful speed.

"You do this shit?" she asked incredulously.

"I do this? I live for this,"

"You're insane,"

"As if you aren't,"

"As a matter of fact, I don't go on a suicide mission every Friday."

"I don't come here every Friday. And how would you know anyway?"

"I might look stupid but I'm not. And I don't know how you're so oblivious to the awe looks of the people towards you,"

"Not all of them stare with admiration. Some people wanna kill me,"

"I don't know about that but I hope you don't have a boyfriend because it would be a pity to see these handsome guys ending up in a hospital,"

"Oh, so you think they are handsome? Want me to set up a date for ya?"

"That's all you pick up from my whole sentence? What's up with the boyfriend issue?"

"It was the only interesting thing in your sentence. And there isn't any boyfriend issue because there is no boyfriend," I roll my eyes at her.

"No boyfriend, no problem!" we both say together and burst out laughing with earns us nasty glares from the audience.

The race ends with Shade winning as always and we get up from our seats to get some sodas from the food stalls.

"So why didn't you race today?" Scar catches up behind me.

"It's not alwa-" I'm cut off by bumping into someone.

Can't people watch where they are going?? I mean seriously!!

"Hey sorry, didn't see you there," The guy I just bumped into apologizes.

I look up to see who it is only to find stupid Shade looking down at me. I am not short, he's just an Eiffel fucking Tower. Who the hell is so tall in this world? And no I am not 5 feet something, I'm a good 6' feet tall. I can see the disgust and anger floating through his pale green eyes that he happens to share with his twin brother, Nick Wright. He runs a hand through his coffee brown kinda hair.

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