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y/n pov

It was a Friday night and my friends and I from college often planned an activity to celebrate the start of the weekend. This evening that activity was bowling.. 

I didn't necessarily enjoy bowling that much but it was something to pass the time and I was pretty good at it as well. It was an activity we did a lot in the first year of college. Before that, I had never touched a bowling ball, according to my father it wasn't something I needed to waste my time on. 

The building in which the bowling alley was situated was in the center of Busan, it attracted a big crowd of mainly students like myself. There were about twelve lanes. Upon arrival, we changed our shoes and took place at our assigned bowling lane.

Momo, who I considered my best friend of the group, started to type our names in the system. 

    'Okay I will go first' she stated 'then y/n' 'then Sana' 'then Ji-hyo.'

     'Is it a coincidence the girls go first?' Felix asked slightly annoyed and I smiled at him.

     'Ladies first right?' I answered and he scoffed in return. 

     'So then Chan' Momo said while sticking out her tongue to Felix. 

     'And lastly Felix. Everyone is okay with this right?'

     'Sure it's not like I have a say' Felix complained. 

     'Awh are you okay or did we hurt your feelings, Felix?' I joked caressing his arm and speaking as if he was a little kid. 

     'Ahh fuck off y/n' he said but with a smirk and I chuckled. My friendship with Felix was always like this, we would tease each other whenever possible. 

     'I think we can start.' Sana suggested. 

These five people were the ones I hung out with the most. In other words, they were my friends in this city.  

The thing was that they did not know who I truly was, nobody did and I intended on keeping it that way. These were the years I could finally live in freedom, and I would take full advantage of it. We took turns one by one and halfway in I was in the first place.

Suddenly a group of boys entered the venue and it was an understatement to say they made an entrance. All girls, no scratch that, all girls and boys turned their heads to the seven boys walking in. One of them especially caught my eye.

    'It should be illegal to be that handsome' I said checking him out top to bottom.

He had black hair and he was tall and from what I could see also pretty muscular. He was wearing a grey shirt and black trousers, his boots were most impressive; as in if you kick someone with those there is a possibility you'd kill them. All the guys were wearing dark-colored clothing. 

The funny thing was that I actually was also wearing black jeans and a grey top.

   'Which one are you talking about?, I mean all of them are fine as hell' Sana said, her eyes were big while admiring the guys. 

   'The one with the tattoo's on his arm.' I answered scanning the guy again. 

    'Which one?' Sana asked again as multiple of them had their arms covered in tattoos.  I didn't even pay attention to the others, I just gawked at that one boy. They were making their way to their lane, it was one on our right side with two other lanes separating us. 

    'The one with the insane boots.' I answered following the group of boys, if it wasn't for the fact my friends did it as well, I would feel like a creepy stalker. 

    'Oooh, that one' she let out, finally understanding who I meant.

    'They look like they are some biker gang' Sana gushed.

    'Wait guys, is this the embodiment of y/ns perfect type?' Momo asked with an overly shocked face. She wasn't far off though, he really was my type. but to be fair I could imagine him being anyone's type. I only stared at the guy while sunken in my thoughts. 

    'Y/n I can almost hear your dirty thoughts' Felix joked as his face was close to mine, waking me up from my trance. I playfully hit him.

   'They look like trouble though' Ji-hyo said nervously and I rolled my eyes, she always was a bit shy and scared of danger. Momo once told me that Ji-hyo's parents are pretty conventional and they had taught their daughter not to trust people if they were a little bit different. 

    'I don't think he will kill me for admiring his beauty' I said turning my gaze back at him, surprisingly though he interlocked his eyes with mine and as it was so unexpected I instantly looked away, feeling my cheeks fluster.


I quickly took a big sip from my soju, the burning sensation of the alcohol hitting my throat. We returned to playing our game. I threw multiple glances at the guy.

    'Y/n it's your turn' Felix said. I stood up grabbing a ball and aiming for the pins. The direction was pretty good but the speed wasn't great, regardless of that I saw the ball knocked over all ten pins.

The screen showed a celebration and a big STRIKE written over it. Behind me, noises emerged as my friends enthusiastically cheered. I turned around with a smile and even though I tried not to look at him I couldn't really stop myself. My eyes moving sideways to their lane and to my surprise he smirked when he saw me looking at him again

He gave me a nod and clapped silently in tiny. I gave him a nod in return with a cheeky smile. I acted all flirty but I had to admit that this affected me, and I was feeling nervous..?

I seated myself but quickly got up again as I needed to go to the toilet after all the soju I had consumed. It seemed like a good idea to go as quickly as possible so I'd be back before it was my turn again. When I was done and I walked out of the bathroom I was met by the guy. He was standing against the wall, his arms folded against his chest. I tried to act naturally walking past him. He chuckled and as I turned to face him he raised his eyebrow. 

    'Babygirl didn't your daddy teach you it is rude to stare?'

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