Seven (18+)

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------ Warning Adult Content -----

He licked his lips and the next thing I felt was how his hand was on the back of my head pulling me in for a kiss. His lips touched mine and the taste of the cigarette filled my mouth. 

I experienced that same feeling that I felt during our first kiss. While we were sitting on the rock, with Busan's city lights shining in front of us. 

He softly pushed me back into my house via the balcony door. As soon as we were inside he pushed me a bit rougher against the wall. He took both my arms and put them above my head.

He was strong, normally I would be dominant but this guy wouldn't let me. He kept my arms steady above my head as he was kissing my neck.

Every touch of his lips was more intense than the other. I couldn't get enough of it, a moan escaped my mouth. He suddenly stopped and let go of my arms. 

I felt this sort of desperation. I needed and I mainly wanted more.

He stepped back scanning my body slowly. 

      'Take off all your clothes' he ordered me with a straight face. 

For some reason I obeyed, it was as if I was under some fucking spell. I couldn't properly explain it. 

I slowly unzipped my dress and as it dropped on the floor I was left in my black lingerie. He licked his lips again and stepped closer but I moved away from the wall. And I took a step back, away from him. 

I shook my head.

       'Now it's your turn' I confidently told him. 

       'After all, it's my birthday' I added with a cheeky smile and he stared at me. 

      'Fair enough' he replied with a smirk as well and he quickly took off his shirt.

I couldn't help but gasp at his body, it was like this Greek sculpture like god body.

It seemed Jungkook saw my impressed reaction

      'Like what you see angeleyes?'

      'I uh, actually you're only halfway' I nudged at his trousers. 

He stepped closer and this time I didn't step back anymore. Waiting for what he was going to say next. 

     'Perhaps you could help with that?'

His hand subtly found it's way around my waist, pulling me closer. He kissed me again, we stumbled back to my bedroom, I opened it. 

Jungkook looked up slightly confused as he scanned my room. I could guess why, my whole interior was black, like my closet and my bed and the bedsheets, everything.

Some guys subtly tried to ask me if I didn't want a more "uplifting" bedroom.

There was something in Jungkook's eyes not as if it was strange but as if it was something positive and it weirded me out.

We moved towards my bed and I seated myself on the edge. I also signaled Jungkook to come closer. As he stood in front of me I started to unbuckle his belt. I first slowly pulled his trousers down, revealing his black boxers. I put both my hands on the hem of his underwear and also pulled this down. 

His already hard member sprung out, I lowered myself from the bed onto my knees to have a more comfortable position. I pumped his member a few times before taking in it, he let out a groan. I looked up to see Jungkook's reaction, he had pushed his head back but soon he looked down at me. 

The moaning and groaning escaping from his mouth made me wet already as well. His hand went through my hair, and he started to take control of the pace by pushing my head.

It wasn't unexpected as he was obviously a dom as well. I gagged but it wasn't unpleasant especially as I heard how Jungkook enjoyed it by all his groaning and moaning. He suddenly stopped and pulled me up. He got rid of his trousers entirely and pushed me down on the bed, quickly removing both my panties and bra. 

He started with soft kisses in my inner thigh, and he slowly made his way up. My hands found their way to his hair, I initially roamed his hair softly but as his tongue was circling around my sensitive spot my grip on his hair tightened. I was moaning out his name and as a response one of his hands went up to knead my breasts. I was reaching my high and patted Jungkook to let him know but he didn't stop, not at all.

       'Jungkook I am coming' I gasped for air as my legs became weak and I released. Jungkook planted kisses going his way up. taking a breast in his mouth, keeping me extremely stimulated. He suddenly withdrew and reached for his jeans, he grabbed a condom, unpacked it, and slid it over his member. 

I was actually on contraception myself but for the first time with someone, I did prefer the condom, just to be sure. Then he positioned himself and entered, he started thrusting at a fast pace. He didn't even give me a slow start. 

fucking hell this guy

I quickly rolled him over so that I was on top, I lowered myself on his member and gasped. I did start slow with my bouncy movement but soon also picked up the pace while riding him. 

 'fuck y/n' he growled out between his moans. He held my hips firmly but soon his hands went up to my breasts

I threw my head back as I was feeling my second high coming, it released faster than I expected and as it did Jungkook rolled me over again so he was on top again. This time he went fast and faster. After some time I noticed that his movements got sloppier and not long after he came. 

After removing the condom and throwing it away, he laid down next to me again and we both stared at the ceiling. We were both just breathing as if we had done some workout in the gym. 

Was this perhaps the best sex I had experienced in my life? It probably was. There was something about the boy panting next to me that ignited a fire inside of me. 

------ End of Adult Content ------

We laid next to each other like that for a while. In silence, that was until Jungkook sat up on the side of my bed. He collected his boxers and trousers off the ground and put them on. I wasn't too sure what he was doing because he didn't put on any shirt. 

       'Are you leaving?' I, after going through possible scenarios in my head, eventually asked. 

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