Twenty Five

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I slowly moved towards his bedroom. He stared at me, I recognized the look in his eyes. He looked angry but collected. 

He stepped forwards with his arms folded. 

      'Y/n we have discussed this before, I will not tolerate you making a fool of me.'

He didn't explain what he referred to but it wasn't hard for me to guess.

       'I didn't try to, I just tried to answer James' question' I replied but that remark was answered with a hit in my face.

     'You know what it looks like when my wife, a woman, knows the answer to a business-related question but I do not?!' Henry explained angrily. It was followed by another hit. 

The pain was overwhelming, it wasn't anything new but it had been some time since he had hit me.

Tears brimmed in my eyes, I felt so ashamed of myself. Before I used to not take anyone's shit, and stand up for myself but in this situation, there was nothing I could do. I became frustrated again.

       'I am not only your wife I am also the CHRO remember?' I spat back and as I did I already knew there would be consequences. Talking back to him in a moment like this was something he could never accept. 

       'I guess I need to remind you again what your place is' Henry sighed and with that, the hits became more frequent and harder.

When it was done I stumbled back to my bedroom. I wasn't going to cry, I swallowed the tears that threatened to fall out. I walked over to my freeze and pulled out some ice bags, I put them in a towel,  and pushed it on the bruises. It didn't show too much now but It would surely be visible tomorrow. 

This would mean I'd have to call in sick for work. Henry didn't allow me to go to the office if the bruises were visible. There was no way that he would risk anyone finding out that he abused his own wife. That would for sure mean he'd lose a chance for the CEO position. I pulled the sheets over me and closed my eyes, hoping that the pain would be less tomorrow. 

Jungkook pov

I arrived at my hotel after the dinner. That moment of y/n hands going op my thigh was unexpected and honestly a turn on. I chuckled, even after seven years she'd still pulled these reckless shit. It was one of the things I loved about her.  

      'Mr jeon, your package arrived' I heard the voice of the receptionist say.

      'Thank you' I replied while walking towards her as she got it and gave it to me.

I smiled to myself, I was able to get a copy of ant man which was actually signed by the actors, and as it was kind of rare to have DVDs in this year so it was a special gift for y/n.

The following day I had asked Jimin to deliver it from me to y/n. I was occupied the entire day with meetings. So the plan was that Jimin would just pass by the office to give it to her in secret, as her husband surely couldn't know. However, later on, I received a text from Jimin that she wasn't in, as she was ill. I asked him to deliver it to her house, perhaps the gift would make her feel better as well. 

But when I thought about it, it was strange because yesterday y/n looked perfectly fine, but maybe she got sick overnight?


Today I worked from home, I hadn't even seen Henry, he had left for work ridiculously late. I guess he wasn't ready to face the damage he caused to my body yesterday. 

Fucking coward. 

Instead, he had asked the maid to tell me to take the day off. Putting it that way it was as if it was a request, but it wasn't. 

The very first time, when I still had a fight in me and in a way when I was still naïve, I defied that request and went to the office anyway. As soon as I stepped into the building his assistant notified him and before reaching my own office he had dragged me out and all the way back home. He had locked me up until late that night. 

I got out of bed and stared at myself in the mirror. It did look like I had a fight or something. It was a very one-sided fight but again, at the beginning of our marriage I had sometimes fought back but that would always make my situation way worse. 

At the moment the bruises kind of hurt but it was doable. I showered quickly and opened my laptop to work from home. Later on, a bit before noon, the doorbell rang.

Who could that be?

I opened the door as the ringing continued, to my surprise Jimin appeared.

      'hey Jimin what are you doing here?' I asked.

       'Jungkook wanted to give you something and asked me to hand it over to you at the office but you weren't there.'

     'oh' I let out, I felt a tinkle in my stomach at hearing that Jungkook had bought me something and I was curious to know what it was, but I was also taken off guard by the fact Jimin came to my house. 

    'They told me you were ill so I thought I'd deliver it here.'

    'oh uh thank you Jimin' I smiled at him but I already saw how he was scanning my face.

His eyes were in shock. 

     'y/n, what happened?' he looked at me with a penetrating look, as if he could ready the answer through my eyes. 

      'It's nothing Jimin don't worry about it.'

I smiled at him again 'thank Jungkook for me, this is really lovely'

I made the motion to close the door but Jimin stepped forward and used his foot to block me from closing it

He took a closer look.

     'Did he do this to you?' he asked and I noticed how he had this composed anger in his voice.

     'It's nothing I cannot handle.' I replied, because lying about it would be futile, it was too obvious that yesterday evening I was fine and today I looked like this. 

      'This is wrong y/n you should tell someone, I don't know call the police or something.' Jimin was anxious, it showed in his complexion as well as in his voice. To be honest, it did move me, it had been a while since someone showed that sort of concern over me. 

I chuckled 'and then what? People know and people don't care and that's fine.'

        'It's not.'

I understood what he meant; it wasn't fine at all. but I had tried to tell people and it really did not make any difference, nobody took my side. That was the position I was in. 

       'Please, Jimin let it go okay?'

He reluctantly nodded and I gave him a tight hug 'thank you.'

Henry came home around 18:00 and when I heard his car arriving on the driveway I decided to retreat to my room. 

I know how pathetic it sounds, fleeing from my own husband but I didn't want to see him. I sat with my laptop in my bed, still working.

There was a knock on the door.

'Y/n can I come in?' Henry asked in a soft voice. 

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