Thirty Six

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Yoon Kan nodded in response to James' suggestion. 

      'That has been my idea as well.'


     'Isn't she awfully young to be CEO?' one of the board members asked with an obvious doubt in his voice. 

     'Henry is only two years older than she is and we were willing to choose him, weren't we?' James responded. 

I was so happy he was basically saying the things I was dying to say. It seemed like a good idea for me to stay as much on the sidelines at the moment as possible. In the very unlikely case my connection to y/n would come out, at least it was obvious I didn't push the vote today towards her. 

     'Two years is quite some time in experience' the other guy answered. 

      'but y/n has been in the business ever since she was young as I have understood from her' James replied again.

I should really buy this guy a bottle of whiskey when this is all over. 

     'Yes, and in fact, I have talked to her this week to know what she thinks about becoming CEO and it seems she indeed knows the business really well, as well as the history. She seemed to be informed and keep up ever since she was young' Yoon Kan added

All the members nodded in understanding. The backing of Yoon Kan really meant that tipping point. Everyone had huge respect for him and he was a very well-known businessman in Korea so if he had his faith in y/n you would need a good argument to doubt her. 

I didn't want to jinx it but I had to admit that it couldn't have gone better I think.

The meeting continued discussing the pros and cons of y/n as CEO. Eventually, we had to vote,  this was the moment I had worked towards for seven years.

I was so nervous, my heart beating out of my chest and my hands were sweaty. 

but as Yoon Kan was such a big y/n fan the majority of the group was kind of convinced as well. I counted the votes in my head and it really seemed she received the majority of the votes.

and then finally the concluding words. 

     'We unanimously agree that y/n should be the next CEO of Vocatus inc.'

I tried with all my power to control my emotions in order not to show how proud and over the moon I was.

It worked. 

It really fucking worked.


I was pacing back ad forth in my hotel room. 

I was waiting for any sort of news from the meeting. 

I stared outside of the window. Everything depended on this moment. My future, and my future with Jungkook. 

My phone rang and I practically ran towards the desk I had placed it on. 

    'It's y/n' I said. 

    'Miss Lee, a decision has been made, could you perhaps join our meeting?' Yoon Kan's voice echoed and I indicated I would be there soon. 

I put on formal clothes, looking the best and most professional I had in a while. 

I arrived at the location that Yoon Kan had sent me and with a rapidly beating heart, I walked into the room. All eyes turned my way,

I was so nervous but as I met Jungkook's eyes that all vanished, it was difficult to explain. His presence there gave me so much confidence in myself as well. 

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