Nine (18+)

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I leaned forward and put my whiskey on the table. I turned around and put a leg on each side so that I straddled him. Jungkook put his free arm on my back pushing me closer to him, in response I kissed him. His tongue quickly slid into my mouth. 

While we continued the kiss he had his arm around me and he leaned forwards, which meant I leaned backward. In that way, he was able to put his glass on the table as well, without the interruption of our sudden make-out session. 

His hands trialed from my back slowly to the sides of my upper body, down to the hem of my shirt. He moved the shirt upwards, eventually over my head leaving me exposed in my black lace bra. His face went down to kiss my breasts eagerly. The sound of our moans started to fill my apartment.

His hand went up again, towards my neck and it landed on the back of my head, his fingers intertwined with my loose hair. I looked down and made the movement to also take off his black shirt. As soon as it was lifted over his head I saw his toned abs again, even for the second time that I saw it, it amazed me how physically fit this guy was. 

He smirked confidently at my reaction, but he didn't say anything, instead, he pulled me closer again and kissed me passionately. His kiss, his hands roaming my body, it really did something to me I hadn't experienced before. I craved for more of it. Without much thinking my hands trailed down to his trousers. 

He suddenly stopped the kiss after my action.  

       'Y/n I don't want to create expectations, I am not really a relationship kind of guy.' he said it in a way that felt almost reluctant, as if he didn't want to say it. Perhaps afraid it would ruin the moment and we would stop all together. Or perhaps that was only my interpretation and he had experience with this already. 

My eyes trailed from his lips to his eyes.

     'Good' I answered.

There was a pause, as Jungkook waited for me to explain that answer. I brushed his lips with mine. 

     'Because I am not really a relationship kind of girl.'

It was the truth. I hadn't been in a relationship my whole life. I had been with guys before but not in a serious and dedicated relationship. 

I pressed my lips back on his. After hearing those words from me it was evident that Jungkook definitely went harder on me, which again I did not mind. He truly was unlike the other 

----Warning Adult Content ----

He quickly turned us around placing me with my back on the couch as he was hovering over me. He first got rid of my satin pajama shorts, leaving me only in my underwear. His hand kneaded my breast first but slowly he trailed down. He teasingly touched every part, with his finger, of my lower belly, just above my panties. His touch was driving me insane, I pressed my body up to be closer to his. It showed my need, no, rather desperation for his touch. 

      'Stop the teasing.' I panted

 His hand slipped into my panties. He grunted as he now became aware my panties were already pretty soaked. 

       'Already wet for me angeleyes?' he let out with a content smile. 

       'Have you seen yourself?' I answered with a moan as he started to play with my clit. 

I bit my lip trying to hold in any further moans.

       'Don't hold it in babygirl I want to hear my name from your pretty lips.'

As he said it he suddenly thrusted a finger inside of me and I screamed a little.

      'Yes just like that' he said. 

I arched my back as I was feeling my orgasm was near. He took out his fingers. Before I could even say something he lowered his head towards my core. Kissing the trail of my belly towards the spot I wanted him so desperately to touch. He pulled my panties entirely down and then he started to use his tongue, slowly licking my bud, but soon he went faster. I squeezed the couch with all my might and rolled my eyes back in pleasure.    

      'Fuck Jungkook, I want to feel you inside me.' I let out as I released. 

His tongue suddenly stopped and as I looked at him he pulled down his pants and underwear, he again covered his member with a condom. He quickly pushed himself inside of me, stretching my walls. I pulled his face closer for another kiss. One of my hands roaming his back, and one going through his hair. 

His hand then grabbed mine and he pushed it down. I tried to break free but he wouldn't let go, still thrusting in and out. I broke our kiss as the feeling in my stomach built up again. My legs became tense and I gasped for air as I came. He continued, now even faster and sloppier and soon he also came.

---- End of Adult Content----

In the meantime Civil War kind of ended. I gathered my clothes from around the couch and got dressed again. Jungkook did the same. 

I didn't want to assume he stayed over so I awkwardly stood up from the couch. He stared at me but as I was already unsure what was supposed to happen now I diverted my eyes downwards. 

     'So uhm yeah nice of you to stop by.' I said 

Nice of you to stop by? really y/n? 

Jungkook started laughing 'are you subtly telling me to go?'

     'No! I didn't know if you wanted to stay' I replied and at that point, he got up from the couch coming closer. He lifted my chin with one finger so that we properly looked into each other's eyes. 

      'I was thinking of round two angeleyes if you're up for it.'

He had left at 06:00 in the morning. He did wake me up and kissed me goodbye but I stayed in bed. It didn't stay with one booty call or two, multiple evenings per week he would randomly show up.

Was I complaining? Absolutely not ;

What he did to me was indescribable.

He set my soul on fire,

made me wild.

Was I in danger of feeling more than just platonic for the first time?


It struck me that he really never stayed for breakfast, he always left around 06:00.

However, as I needed to remind myself more often than I normally had to was the fact that  this never could have a future, so I, as I had always done, needed stay to free of feelings.

One night similar to many others the bell rang and I excitedly walked towards the door. I had bought a new lingerie set this afternoon and I was very excited to show it to Jungkook and foremost to see his reaction to it. When I opened up my smile completely disappeared. 

Jungkook stumbled inside. His head was full of bruises, the rest of his body was covered by clothing so I couldn't see it but there was a wound above his eye bleeding.

     'Oh my god Jungkook what happened?' I let out in a worried tone. 

      'I am sorry I didn't know what to do, where to go.. I didn't want to scare my family.'

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