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I took the shot, my throat burning like hell 'no'

    'Well fuck him' Sana replied 'enough nice guys coming tonight?' she added. 

It was an obvious attempt of Sana to comfort me and to get my mind of Jungkook. I nodded with a smile but in truth, I already knew I wasn't interested in all those other guys. Ever since I met Jungkook he had occupied my mind and I hadn't paid a lot of attention to other males. 

     'It can get your mind off him y/n' Momo also said. 

Before I could even reply our conversation was put to a stop as the bell rang repeatedly. I hopped towards the door. I opened it and I was met by Felix and Chans, whose face's turned into surprise.

   'Woah y/n, you look fineeeee' Chan said and I bowed as if I was in some contemporary movie.

    'Thank you very much.'

    'Happy birthdayyy you can now legally drink in the US if you ever want to go there.' Felix exclaimed. 

I hugged them both 'you are the first ones so you are in time for all the good stuff.' 

I didn't have to tell them twice because they immediately did go for all the good stuff. 

Soon after their arrival, more people flooded in. The presents consisted mainly of envelopes containing money, which at this age was quite expected.

After a few beers, I had a strong desire for whiskey. I began my search for the last remaining bottle but I soon found out that Felix had just drunk my last stash. 

Disappointed and headstrong as I was I decided to leave my own party to get it. It was unconventional as the party was in my apartment but I couldn't think twice about it at this point. 

Momo insisted on going with me, and if she has her mind set on something it was almost impossible to change it. At this point I just wanted the bottle so I didn't fight her on it either, I didn't see a good reason to do so anyway. We took the uber to the closest liquor store that was still open. It wasn't too far, about a seven-minute drive. 

We entered the shop, it didn't go unnoticed that the cashier, a middle aged man with a pretty visible beer belly and a scraggly beard, was checking us out. 

I ignored it and immediately made my way to the whiskey shelf.

As the daughter of the CEO of the biggest liquor business in Korea it was only natural I knew my father's products. On my 18th birthday, he gave me a whiskey tasting, classic father. It wasn't even the first time I had tasted alcohol obviously. 

My first beer was at my 14th and the hard liquor started when I was 16. He could be so insanely strict on some aspects of my life during my teenage years, but alcohol seemed to be the only exception to it. 

It was kind of ironic I was looking and deciding which product to choose with the money it actually and indirectly was going back to.

     'Well well well, who do we have here?'

I saw a boy with a biker jacket standing a few feet away from me. I guess I was so deep in thought that I hadn't noticed him approaching me. It also took me some time to realize it was one of the seven guys from the bowling alley two weeks ago.

    'Hey Kook, come here' he shouted randomly with a smirk on his face. 

    'Do I know you?' I asked while raising my eyebrow because I was actually not introduced to this guy.

He still smirked at me   'I am Hoseok, I remember you from the bowling alley, but it's not me that is interested' at the same time Jungkook appeared at the beginning of the lane.

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