Thirty Five

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Jungkook sighed which was audible through the phone 

    'My father passed away this morning.'

I took a deep breath

       'I am really sorry for your loss Jungkook.'

      'He wasn't even the bad guy I always made him to be.. Y/n I don't know how I could have been so blind and so horrible to him.'

Jungkook started to explain everything that his father had told him in the past 24 hours. After he was done there was a shared pain I felt for him. The fact his father in a way tried to protect his children from the truth indeed made it even more painful to Jungkook. Besides, he also found out that Lana wasn't even his full sister. 

All that I wanted at this moment was to take the first train to Seoul and hug him, and be there for him. 

   'I really want to see you right now' I sighed. 

  'There is nothing I want more, but we can't risk it' Jungkook replied clearly hurt as well. 

When we hung up I felt a pain for him. I knew this affected Jungkook greatly. I wished I could actually be there for him now that he needed me. All this hiding and being cautious should be over soon. 

Jungkook pov

We held my father's funeral. Lana was there as well of course and afterwards we talked about everything. How dad had contacted her, how he started to plan to help me. Everything. 

Lana still did have a hard time accepting that my mother conceived her with another man but never told her. She had always believed that my father was her father, even though they were so different in every way.

It was also complicated because there was one week left for the supervisory board meeting to select the next CEO for Vocatus inc. But it was hard to focus with the recent passing of my father.  However the thing was that I worked to this point for 7 years, even my father worked on it. 

It had to work.

The plan from the start had always been to ignite this idea of y/n as the next CEO and get some dirt on Henry, so that he wasn't a good contender anymore. With the content my father had provided on Henry it would be so much easier. 

There were two main "items" father even selected to use, and they were both good


It was Tuesday evening and coming Friday the supervisory board meeting would take place. I was already sleeping less because of all the nerves. As I was watching Ant Man (the DVD Jungkook gave me as a gift) for the 6969 time, my phone kind of exploded with messages and as I looked at it I read an article ;

LEAKED; Vocatus Inc CFO heated video in the elevator.. but not with his wife. 

I knew of course that this was probably happing, but it was still kind of weird to see my husband on a news site fucking his assistant in the elevator. I wasn't too interested in watching the video itself. 

A thought entered my mind that it might have been Jungkook who found this video and released it, as it might be part of his plan. It would make sense, but it didn't mean that this wasn't highly embarrassing for me. Still, I wasn't too sure, it could be someone else just the same. 

One thing I did know is that I didn't want to be here when Henry would come home. I quickly gathered my stuff into a bag. Henry was in a meeting till late, and hopefully, he saw this just now like me which would give me enough time to leave. I entered my car and drove off. 

I arrived at the hotel and sighed in relief while unpacking my stuff. I had been lucky that Henry was in a late meeting this particular evening. I don't know what he would have done if I was home. 

My phone rang and I saw it was Jungkook. The fact he called did confirm my assumptions were right, that he was behind it all. 

      'y/n I'm so sorry' he began 

      'No, don't worry kook. It's embarrassing but it's also the truth so.'

     'Where are you now?' he asked. 

      'in a hotel'

      'y/n I know it will be difficult but please go to work tomorrow. Show the employees the other directors that this will not stop you.'

I didn't reply but Jungkook continued. 

     'oh and I am pretty sure Yoon Kan will contact you soon.'

      'I know what to say' I indicated knowing Yoon Kan is the chairman of the supervisory board and why he would contact me.

'I know you do' Jungkook replied in a soft voice. 

The next morning I indeed went to work. I was scared Henry would be there too but luckily he wasn't, he was probably too ashamed. Too scared for all the gossiping. After some hours the stares and whispered got slightly annoying but I ignored most of it.

The days passed slowly this week, but it was finally Friday; the day of the supervisory board meeting. I woke up in the hotel, in which I stayed the entire week, and luckily for me I was able to avoid Henry all week. He had been away from the public eye, he didn't set one step into the office building either. He did try to call and text me but I ignored all of it. 

As I opened my phone another alert for a news article came up.

"Allegations of physical abuse against Vocatus Inc CFO Henry Lee"

I scanned through the entire article and this was honestly new information. That he used violence against employees. I mean in a way it was perhaps not too surprising, I guess it was in his nature. I had been a victim of that violence many times, and maybe it was wishful thinking from my side that it only stayed with me. 

Today I did decide to stay at the hotel and not go to the office. Partly because of all the scandal surrounding Henry and partly because of the nerves.

It would either be finally put to an end today, or I had to run away. But either way, I would not stay with Henry.


I was at a fancy business location, we sat in a meeting room, all members of the supervisory board. We were awaiting the arrival of Yoon kan, who would lead the meeting. James was seated next to me. I tried very hard to control my nerves but it wasn't easy. 

Yoon Kan entered and we all bowed to him. He cleared his throat before addressing all of us. 

      'Hello everyone, thank you so much for coming. I will be completely frank with you, mr Kim tried for us to postpone this meeting but as it was scheduled I convinced him we should still do it.'

Some attendees nodded their heads, while others, like me, waited for him to continue. 

     'I anticipated this meeting to be very easy as we as I think all agreed two weeks ago that Henry was a good match, however considering the two incidents this week changes things.'

     'I do not see a man who abuses employees and sleeps with assistants in the workplace as a good CEO, what are your thoughts?'

We all agreed, all the other members. Yoon Kan therefore continued

       'I was wondering if you have other suitors in mind?'

Three different names were proposed and I was getting nervous as y/n wasn't among them.

     'y/n' James suddenly said

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