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We both silently sat down on a big rock, we sat in the direction of the big city in front of us. It gave us a pretty amazing view of all the city lights in the dark of night. 

        'So y/n what do you do in life?' Jungkook asked me, breaking the silence between us. 

       'I study.. business at Busan National University.'

       'Oh cool' he replied without much emotion, but not uninterested either. 

        'What about you?' I asked him in return, a question of which I was more than curious of the answer. 

  He shrugged 'I finished university two years ago.'

     'You studied?' I asked surprised, he didn't entirely answer what he was doing now in life but rather indicated what he used to do. 

    'Don't look so surprised angeleyes' he replied with a little smile. 

    'Why are you in a biker gang then?' I let out, it wasn't that I was 100% sure he was in a gang. It was an assumption based on his group of friends I saw in the bowling alley. Perhaps I was completely wrong. 

     'It's a long story.'

He said in such a way that it was pretty clear he was not in the least interested in discussing it with me. But he didn't deny the "being in a gang" part either. 

    'Alright' I answered, which seemed to end the topic. 

I lit up a cigarette and handed out the package to Jungkook, it was to offer him one. He took one and lit it, I leaned forwards with the cigarette between my teeth. He raised his hand with the lighter in it to also lit mine. I could inspect the tattoo on his hand now more up-close. He retracted his hand and I shyly stared ahead. 

There was a bit of this typical first date awkward silence. I stared at the thousands of lights in front of me, coming from the different houses. It always fascinated me for some reason, this sea of lights which seemed so small from this viewpoint. 

     'Don't you think it's crazy, all these lights are households with people living their life day in day out, like what are their hopes and their dreams.' I blurted out. 

I wasn't too sure why I got so fucking deep but I did. Jungkook turned his head and gazed at me with a hint of confusion. 

    'Yeah, I know what you mean actually.'

We stared at each other intensely while leaning closer and closer until his lips touched mine and within second the soft-touch became an intense one.

His hand found his way to the back of my head pushing me closer. Our tongues fighting for dominance and me eventually giving in. My hand going around the side of his neck.

I hated to admit it but when people talk about the ridiculous fireworks they were sometimes experiencing when they kissed someone for the first time this was definitely that.

I always made fun of those people though.

I couldn't help but smile at the irony of that while kissing him. His lips moved away from mine stopping the kiss. 

    'What is it?' he asked confused. 

I chuckled 'I don't know.. This evening turned out to be a surprise.'

    'Yes for both of us' he said but he didn't really smile, he was dead serious. 

He got back up from the stone and I was honestly disappointed that it was the end of our kiss.

    'Let's get you home angeleyes, before your friends send out a search squad and report me to the police.'

I laughed out loud now.

    'Fair chance that might happen.'

He walked back to his bike, I followed him and we both sat down, me behind him again. He looked back at me 'you're seated okay?'

His voice was surprisingly soothing, sending another rush through me.  

So instead of answering, I kissed him again with passion, which he gladly answered. Without saying anything we released and put on our helmets. He then turned around to face the front again and drove. My arms firmly wrapped around his waist. 

I navigated Jungkook to my home. We finally arrived at my place, which was a huge flat with hundreds of apartments. 

I slowly got off the bike. 

    'I had fun Jungkook'

He stared at me, not saying anything. Without giving it a second thought, I stepped towards him and pecked his lips one last time. His left arm found its way around my waist and pushed me closer. His right was still on his hand clutch. 

After that final kiss, I quickly turned around, walking towards the entrance of my apartment complex.

     'Can you at least tell me your last name?' he shouted and I turned around with a smile. I had to admit that I was scared he wouldn't say anything for real. 

     'Why? so you can tattoo it on your arm?' I shouted back not answering his question but I could hear him laugh.

Days passed and every hour I checked my fucking phone hoping that Jungkook had sent a message. I mean I had given him my phone number via a napkin and I actually didn't have his. 

There was nothing.

It hurt my pride I'll admit, I never got rejected this way or I guess ghosted might be a better word for it; He had my number but he didn't text.

Plus it was the first time I really felt something, like the excitement when we kissed.

This spark.

Was it only me who felt that?

After two weeks I gave up the hope of hearing anything from him again. I wasn't interested in pining over a guy that evidently wasn't interested in me.

Especially not today as it was my birthday. 

Momo and Sanna would arrive earlier so that we could do preparations together, in other words;  make ourselves look party-ready.  I had already changed into my dress but I had no make-up on yet. The bell rang and I opened up to be faced by my two friends. 

    'Hi birthday girl' they entered my apartment.

    'Okay that dress is very sexy y/n, when did you even get that?' Momo said while scanning my dress. 

    'I've had it for some time.' I answered because I did but it wasn't entirely a dress I would wear to classes. 

     'Okay sit down, I will do your hair, and Sana your make-up.' 

I chuckled at Momo's bossiness. She knew me pretty well, and she therefore, knew I didn't like it too much. Plus I was also not good at it which often meant that in case I did it myself it would take a lot of time. 

     'Fine, if I can drink while you're doing it, everything is fine with me.' I agreed. 

It took what seemed forever but eventually Mono curled my hair beautifully while Sana applied smoky eyes and dark red lipstick on me.

I had to admit I really did look good. I hardly recognized my face, make-up truly could make a difference. Don't get me wrong, I prefer my bare face but this was also nice for a change. 

It was almost time already for the guests to arrive. I took a bottle of vodka and I turned the cap a few times, to open it up. 

    'Let's do some shots.' I suggested and both girls grinned at me and nodded. 

I filled the tiny glasses which Sana had taken from my cabinet. Momo looked at me while we held our glasses up to cheer 

     'You heard anything from that guy?'

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