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     'I am not following' he replied confused.

I wasn't too sure how to properly explain my situation to him. But it all started with my father so that is where I would start as well. 

      'My father.... He is the CEO of Vocatus Inc, he is very powerful and has influence everywhere. He apparently has been following me while I was here, and he noticed that I spent so much time with you. Let's say he didn't like that too much and that is why he framed you.' 

I took a pause 

     'That's how you ended up in jail. I guess he has hired someone, perhaps the same guy that has been following me, to plant those drugs in your room. He doesn't want to see me with someone like you.'

There was a silence, Jungkook's face was in absolute incomprehension.

       'You're joking right?' he eventually asked. 

To be fair, I had expected this as an initial response. It was understandable, I guess if the roles were reversed I would also have a hard time believing the story. Especially when you think about the fact we live in the twenty-first century. 

I shook my head. 

       'I wish I was... Remember when we talked on my birthday that there is a cost for the fact he provides me all these things? He has so much power over everything, he always had. So there is no way that he will not have that same power over his own daughter. That is the cost that I need to pay. And in this case, that means that I can't associate myself with you and to keep you safe we cannot talk anymore.'

I looked away to hide my horror as I left out the part of my father choosing my husband. It was too painful for me to accept.

     'What did you do y/n?' he asked agitated as if he could read my thoughts. 

     'Don't worry about it Kook.'

      'Don't worry about it?' He repeated while raising his voice in disbelief 'you are telling me we can never see each other again after telling me it was your father who got me into jail. and now I am suddenly free. Considering what you just told me he didn't just set me free without any conditions. So I am going to ask you again y/n, what did you do?'

Jungkook had always been perceptive and smart since I met him, but the fact that he came to this conclusion so fast really impressed me. 

It was as if he knew my father, the way that my father handled his affairs. 

      'I made a deal and your release was part of that deal.'

       'What was the deal?' Jungkook's voice was calmer this time, but stern. 

I took a deep breath before speaking. I stared at my hands which I was fumbling in front of my belly. For some reason, I couldn't bear to look Jungkook in the eyes when I told him the truth. 

When I told him my fate. 

       'He'd let you go and let me finish my studies but in return, he chooses my husband.'

I said it so numbly because I still couldn't quite grasp it myself. My choice in love was irrelevant, my life would be determined by the choice of my father. A man that had only eyes for his business and who didn't know me at all. 

But there was no other option, I needed to finish my studies and more importantly, Jungkook should be left out of any of this. This was between me and my father. 

      'What?' Jungkook's voice cracked, it was the first time I heard it and for some reason, this made my eyes watery. I shook my head still looking down.

       'I apparently need a husband who is fit to take over his company.' this time I raised my head to look at him again. 

        'You're not serious?' Jungkook asked but I didn't answer him. He knew I was, it was a rhetorical question. 

        'We are living in the 21st century, how can this be? you are one of the smartest people I know, why can't you do it?' he rattled on, stuck in his astonishment.

        'Because I don't have a dick and my dad is one?'

 Jungkook's eyes widened in incomprehension  'How can you joke in a time like this?'

I swung my arms in frustration   'I'm not. Do you think I want any of this? my life is determined now and I will live in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life.'      


       'I won't let you do that' he stated. 

       'Do you think there is a choice Kook? He can put you into prison at any time he likes. You have to think about your sister, your mother.'

Jungkook shook his head, but I knew him by now. He also knew that there was no other choice. He either chose me, in the hope he wouldn't end up in jail, perhaps if we would run away together to another country or even better another continent. Or he chooses his family and nothing in his life would change, except that I wouldn't be part of it. 

It wasn't a fair choice, and therefore it wasn't an option for me either, to make him choose. 

        'I made up my mind and I made the deal. There is nothing that can change that.'

       'But that is unfair.' Jungkook said defeated. 

       'Yes, but I have lived a good life, I never was in need of anything, all due to my father. I hate this more than anyone but if I am not allowed to choose a man that I love to marry then I need to accept that.'

       'But I love you!' he almost shouted. 

        'And I love you' I answered calmly but this time I couldn't stop my tears from falling any longer. I had finally found someone that I really loved and as soon as it started it was ended by my father. 

I would have to be in a marriage with someone I didn't love while there was someone that loved me and that I loved right in front of me. 

I really couldn't stop the crying. I looked away quickly drying my tears.

Father always said that you should never cry in front of people, as according to him it is a display of weakness.

        'Don't hide yourself from me y/n' Jungkook said softly and those words broke my heart even more.

Because for the first time in my life I did feel I could cry in front of someone.

I turned back to face him again. I felt super exposed as the tears were rolling down my cheeks.

He suddenly grabbed my face pushing his lips on mine. The taste of my salt tears intertwined with Jungkook's lips.

There was this feeling, or better put, this awareness that this was going to be our last time together. 

The last time sleeping together.

It brought a lot of sadness but also a deepened need with it.

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