Ten (18+)

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       'No its okay, come in.' I quickly said. 

I actually supported him to the couch as he was stumbling, his hand on his stomach. He tried to hide the fact he was hurting. 

       'Sit down' I ordered him when we reached my couch in the living room. 

       'Yes ma'am' he said somewhat funny. He also laughed a little but immediately grimaced from the pain that his laughing inflicted. 

I went to my kitchen and opened up a cabin where my first aid kit was. I took it out and I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the shelf. I walked back to Jungkook, he followed me with his eyes and when I reached him I handed him the bottle.

       'In case you want this against the pain or whatever' I explained. The corners of his lips went up again 'or whatever' he repeated. 

He unscrewed the bottle top and took a big sip. His face turned into somewhat disgust, probably because he took such a big shot, and it's not necessarily the way to drink nor enjoy whiskey.

       'What happened?' I asked while first cleaning his face. I had taken a towel and brushed it against the wound above his eye. He flinched at the first contact but only at the first contact, after that, he didn't move. He still sat at my couch and I stood in between his legs, bending a little. 

He sighed  'We had a job to do and it turned out to be an ambush. It was really bad y/n. Namjoon ordered me to leave and I didn't want to but then the cops also showed up. I couldn't risk being arrested, I- I have responsibilities. I didn't know what to do, so I did what Namjoon had asked me to and I left.'

It was the first time I saw Jungkook, not as his calm reserved self, his chest went faster up and down as he told the story. The anxiety was visible in his voice. 

      'Hey, calm down' I said in almost a whisper while I caressed his cheek softly. 

Jungkook looked down at his hands  'Jimin was really badly wounded I don't even know if he made it, he was taken to a hospital. but I can't go there because the ones that ambushed us might be there or the cops for all I know.'

I couldn't imagine how horrible it must be if a friend got hurt and you were completely in the dark about how he or she was doing. I imagined it to be Momo and a shiver went up to my spine, the bad kind. Then I thought of something. I lifted Jungkook's chin with my finger so he looked up at me again. 

      'Do you want me to check on him tomorrow? I can go to the hospital and afterward let you know how he is?'

      'You'd do that?' Jungkook asked taken aback. 

I nodded  'of course I would.'

We gazed into each other's eyes, the way that he looked at me made my heart beat rapidly inside my chest. I wanted to kiss him, but I then realized we were actually in the middle of something. 

      'But let's focus on your wounds for now, where did you get hurt?'

He nudged down at his stomach, at the place he was holding with his hand before. 

     'Take off your shirt' I said in a serious tone, not meaning anything sexual.

He slowly lifted the shirt and as he did I saw the bruises.

      'Oh my god Jungkook' I said shocked, the majority of his lower ribcage was covered in bruises.

      'It's nothing angeleyes' he said while caressing my cheek.

       'Nothing? this is bad' I exclaimed, I had been pretty calm until this point but seeing the damage to his body made me incredibly agitated. Jungkook however, seemed as if he wasn't even in that much pain. Either he was acting like or he had a high tolerance for pain. I wasn't too sure. 

Dark Paradise 18+ | Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now