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   'Excuse me?'

I was shocked by his boldness, no one ever spoke that way to me before. He shrugged unbothered 

     'I've seen you staring at me since I arrived.' 

The confidence of this guy.

He wasn't wrong though; I had been staring at him since he walked through the door. He smirked cockily waiting for my response. In all honesty, confidence was something I found most attractive in boys.

Throughout my time in high school guys were always intimidated by me, the guys that knew who I really was that is. Not that I was special but I had my father to thank for that. 

Everyone knew who he was and that apparently made me not too approachable.  In university, I was luckier as nobody knew who my father was, but there it seemed that the guys I came across were very ordinary. I wasn't sure if that was the right word but they didn't light up that spark inside of me. 

The guy looked at me still with a smirk, with this hint of triumph, perhaps thinking he made me shy. However, I was raised to always outwit your opponent even with words so I wouldn't let this guy be an exception.

    'Oh, I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable I just really visually enjoy you.' I answered with big innocent eyes. 

Confidence was never really my issue either, especially after some drinks. The guy seemed to be impressed as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, he then raised his eyebrow. 

   'You can also enjoy me more than just visually angeleyes.'

Damn this guy, my heartbeat increased, did I have a good comeback to this? And did he just call me angeleyes? I gazed into his eyes, searching for the words to answer him. 

    'Are you attempting to corrupt my innocence here?' I asked trying to sound shy.

He stepped closer 

    'You don't strike me as the innocent type.' he said in a low husky voice. 

    'The thing is that you don't know me' I replied with a passive-aggressive smile while crossing my arms. 

    'Maybe I need to' he said stepping closer again. A part of me felt the need to take a step back but I wouldn't cave and stood my ground. As a result, our bodies were so close that they were almost touching. 

I smiled at him 'maybe' and with that I left him behind hearing him scoff.

I returned to my friends. 

    'What happened y/n?' Mono leaned forwards while asking me. 'we saw that guy heading for the toilets and you are blushing like crazy.'  There was this excitement in her eyes, I bet she is hoping to hear something happened. I shook my head

      'I had a little chat with the guy.' 

As I explained it to my best friend, I saw that the guy had also returned to his lane and he was met with scolding from his gang because it was his turn and he was late. I looked at the screen: 


That was what was displayed on the screen as the current player.

So that was his name?

He took the ball and also threw a strike. His friends enthusiastically hyped him up, they looked like a close group. He glanced at me and I imitated his reaction from before to me throwing a strike by clapping silently in tiny. He shook his head amused with a grin. 

Our two hours of bowling were up which meant we were heading out. While changing my shoes I kept thinking of Jungkook. I don't know what it was about him but I felt the urge to seek any form of contact with him. Thus, before we left I decided to do a thing I had never done before. I put my number on a napkin with the message: in case you are serious about getting to know me.

I ordered a Soju indicating it should be delivered to him together with the napkin. 

Here goes nothing  

    'You really are bold y/n' Sana stated and I chuckled while shaking my head.

I wasn't: because if I was really bold I had either asked him myself directly or I had pulled this action while we were still here instead of doing it when we already were leaving the venue. This way I didn't need to face any embarrassment in case he wasn't interested. For all I know he has a girlfriend. 

"'You can also enjoy me more than just visually angeleyes.'"

Okay, maybe not a girlfriend if he made such comments, though you never know right? 

We left the bowling venue and ended up next door in a bar. We conversed about everyone's weekend plans while enjoying our beers. I observed the continued teasing between Felix and Momo, and I kept wondering if there was something going on between the two of them. I mean I teased Felix as well but it was not in the obvious flirting way as he teased Momo. 

One thing that was clear was to me was that I couldn't really stop thinking about the guy. It didn't make sense; I didn't even know him so why was I feeling this way?

Would he actually text me?

    'y/n you seem absent' ji-hyo indicated.

    'y/n has a crush' Momo teased. 

    'argh shut up, I don't even know the guy' I rattled, grabbing my glass for another sip. 

    'Seems to me for the first time you don't really care that much' Momo replied.

    'Perhaps it is love at first sight?' Chan indicated and the girls made an overly uwu sound receiving a vomit sound from my side. 

I rolled my eyes  'that's for fairytales.'

   'Don't you believe in those anymore y/n?' Chan asked while using a high pitch voice to sound like a little girl. 

   'Of course I do, he will suddenly appear and ask me to go for a ride and we will fall in love and marry and live happily ever after' I replied sarcastically. Momo and Chan both chuckled.

   'He doesn't strike me as the prince charming type' Chan indicated and I smiled as well. Reminiscing about the guys tattoo-covered hand and arms, his dark clothes and impressive but pretty aggressive footwear. 

   'Hey guys, if we go home now we can still take the metro?' Felix suddenly suggested while pointing at his phone which indicated the time. I looked around and saw everyone nodding in agreement. We paid the bill and went outside.

The breeze of the night hit us and it was rather refreshing. It had a sobering effect as well. I took a deep breath and smiled contently. Spending evenings like this with friends was more precious to me than they could imagine. Maybe it was the alcohol talking but I should really throw them a big thank you party after we graduate and before I would have to return to Seoul. 

My peaceful thinking was disturbed though by the sound of a motor that emerged from behind me. I turned my head to meet the form of Jungkook sitting on his motorcycle. I gulped as he waved at me.

I and Momo walked towards him, and as we were close he looked at me.

    'You in for a ride angeleyes?'

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