Thirty Three

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It was obvious that the table seating was done beforehand, just as the time the dinner was held at our place. At the end of the table it was Jungkook and his sister, then me and henry, me sitting next to kook, and next to us yeonjun and his girlfriend, his girlfriend sitting next to me.

We kind of conversed in duo's and it seemed I was in one with yeonjuns girlfriend. Her name was Yuju and her and Yeonjun had been together for about three years. They had met in university. She asked me how I met Henry. 

I reproduced the story I had told many times before. I never told the truth though, it wouldn't feel comfortable to tell them that my father chose him, and that my grandmother arranged a dinner for him and me, the evening of my graduation. I couldn't even celebrate it properly with my friends because in their eyes that was the moment my "independent" time was up. 

   'I would love to have a little yeonjun to take care of' Yunju said to me super happy, and out of nowhere. Well perhaps as we were discussing how we met our partners and also about my wedding it wasn't too surprising she went there. 

     'What about you y/n? Any baby fever already?'

At that time everyone turned silent, and their eyes were all fixed on me. Jungkook's grip on his cutlery tightened.

      'I uh' I kind of choked on the words, normally I had a prepared answer but I don't know with Jungkook present, it was different. The thing was I had gotten an IUD* in secret, to prevent any form of pregnancy. Momo's sister was a doctor and as soon as I knew I needed to marry Henry I quickly got one. It would stay in for 5 years so a year ago I got a new one. 

I really didn't want his children. In the beginning, because I wasn't ready, but later on because Henry showed his true colors and the abuse began. I knew that the moment I would get pregnant would be the moment I was stuck to him for real. 

Henry thought we were kind of trying. Considering we hardly slept together it also didn't appear to me he was trying hard. 

    'We are not rushing anything.. I mean y/n is busy with her work as well, but if anything happens we will let you know' henry indicated with a wink, as if he was such a playful man. It made my stomach turn honestly.

He turned his head towards Jungkook.

    'so jeongguk what about you? Are you thinking of marriage?'

Jungkook slowly put his fork down looking at Henry, he gave my husband a soft smile. 

   'I do have my eye on someone but there is some complication surrounding her circumstances and mine so it takes some time.'

    'I am sorry to hear that and I am sure it will work out' henry answered genuinely. 

   'I am sure it will' Jungkook replied. The whole thing was rather absurd, considering the fact he was talking about me, to my very oblivious husband. 

My foot slipped sideways under the table towards Jungkook's. Slightly touching it, his eyes shot up to look at me, while I subtly put another bite of food in my mouth. He stroke it as well but then his hand slipped under the table touching my thigh and my eyes widened and I looked back at him. 

He took his hand back and put it on the table again smirking. Obviously content with the effect his touch had on me. 

After dinner, we were sitting in the living room drinking whiskey. It took some effort to drink that while I was still recovering from my hangover. 

    'I am going for some fresh air' I indicated and I left to the garden at the back of the house. 

Not long after I saw Lana approaching me. 

She hugged me 'y/n it's so good to see you' she whispered and I checked if nobody was around which wasn't the case. 

    'Let's go further into the garden' Lana suggested and I agreed. We were walking around

    'Jungkook told me everything, I am really sorry about your father, that he treats you that way.'

    'I'm sorry this even affected you' I apologized. 

Luna shook her head 'my brother asked me and it's really fine y/n. You two belong together'

We talked about Lana's life and mine and a lot of time passed. Lana studied which had something to do with the creation of video games. It was really nice to hear that she was doing so well. 

Jungkook and Henry showed up at the entrance of the garden.

    'Darling are you okay to go?' Henry shouted.

    'yeah that's fine' I said.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and left with the car back to the hotel.

   'What did you talk about with the sister?' henry asked.

     'uhm she was interested in HR so we talked a lot about it' I bullshited on the spot

Henry nodded not really responding.

   'Jungkook seems to be quite taken with you'

   'I uhh what do you mean?' I said very, obviously stumbling on my words

    'just the way he looks at you' Henry chuckled 'maybe he forgot that girl he talked about' 'but still this is good for us if you keep doing what you're doing that will help'

I internally rolled my eyes instead of being jealous of a guy that's according to yourself eyefucking your wife you are using it as an opportunity.


y/n had returned to Seoul with her husband after visiting Busan. The meeting of choosing a new CEO was approaching. It was set in 3 weeks. This was the vital point of my plan. Y/ns father agreed on that date and indicated to accept any outcome, probably sure that the outcome would be his choice.

It was time to proactively influence the members of the board. But not in a very obvious way. I would have drinks tonight with James. He was visiting Busan for the weekend with his family, as a weekend get-a-way sort of thing. 

We were drinking whiskey and talking about everything. I tried to subtly start the topic of the succession for y/ns father. 

   'Why is the daughter not considered as a suitor though?' I asked him casually.

James looked at me 'well her father has always set his senses on Henry. And as he is a good candidate there hasn't been too much resistance to that idea.'

   'but y/n knows the business pretty well too, right?'

   'yeah I honestly think he is just very conventional and she is a girl, and a female CEO would be unimaginable to him. Even if it's his daughter.'

I tried to act shocked not as if I didn't know her dad was like that. James inspected my face and chuckled 'yeah it also took some time for me to process that. I mean y/n is super suitable but yeah I think it's clear Henry is everyone's first choice'

2 weeks before the meeting.

My phone suddenly rang, I saw it was Fred so I quickly answered the call.

   ' Jungkook'

   'Your father' I heard Fred's voice shaky, for the first time in my life.

   'please visit him as soon as possible,'


* Explanation of IUD: 

An IUD is a tiny device that's put into your uterus to prevent pregnancy. It's long-term, reversible, and one of the most effective birth control methods out there.

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