Thirty Two

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     'What are you talking about y/n? Don't think that way.' His words were a comfort, because he was right.

I shouldn't think that way. It wouldn't get us any further, only sadder. Still, I needed to get it all out. I gazed at him with tears brimming in my eyes. 

     'You suffered because of me and I am in an unhappy marriage because I always stayed in love with you.' 

I stared back at the city in front of me, trying my best to hold back my tears. 

     'Hey angeleyes look at me.' Jungkook softly said. 

I, as he told me, turned my head right to look him in the eyes

        'I know the situation is dire right now but I promise it will be better and we will be happy. what are 7 years compared to the rest of our lives?'

I started the cry.


He always knew the right words to say.

      'I love you so much' I said through my tears.

His right hand went up to my face to wipe them away. 

      'And you know I love you, so don't give up now.' he said while he still caressed my cheek.

       'I'll take care of the motorbike alright? just get in and I'll drop you near the city at a place you can actually get an uber.' he suggested. 

It was the only way again, if people at the hotel would recognize Jungkook's car, they might gossip and Henry would find out. With every interaction I and Jungkook had, we had to be careful. 

Pretty ironic considering we just had sex in the open but as it was in a place hardly anyone was at this hour that was safer than getting out of his car in front of my hotel where my husband was staying. 

Jungkook got up from the hood of the car and reached out his hand to help me off as well. 

   'I also have some water in the car. I think it might be a good idea for you to drink some.' he suggested. He first went to the passenger seat and opened the door for me. Before I went in I threw my arms around his waist, to give him a tight hug. 

   'Thank you' I whispered. He caressed my head. 

   'No need to thank me y/n.'

We stayed like that for a minute or so until I let him go and sat down in his car. 

Next morning

I woke up with the worst hangover I've had in years. My throat felt like the Sahara itself. I was looking around for water, there was a minibar in this hotel room and I knew there would be a bottle in there. but that would mean I had to get out of bed which I was literally scared to do because it could mean I'd have to run to the toilet to release my drinking party of last night.

Memories of yesterday entered my mind, the moment in the bar with bang pd as well as Jungkook showing up, and fucking in the open.

I already felt my cheeks fluster at the memory, the memory of his hands roaming my body, the touch of his lips on my bare skin. I shook my head trying to shake the thoughts away. 

I took the time to get up properly, my first meeting would be at 11:00 so that was perfect. Around 10:00 I was kind of okay to head to breakfast. I walked into the breakfast room of the hotel and Henry was already enjoying his coffee, which he usually did after breakfast. as it was super late obviously.

He waved at me as I approached him. He looked super happy, he probably spent a very good night with his assistant. I didn't even sit down before he started addressing me already. 

      'Darling, Jungkook called and invited us for dinner this evening' Henry said full of pride.

This confirmed my initial thought that he planned this whole trip only to meet Jungkook again.  

     'oh that is great' I answered. 

      'Are you okay though? you look very pale.' he did seem to be a little worried. 

I look like I want to vomit and die? Because that is exactly how I am feeling. 

But I didn't say that, but instead, I nodded with a stupid smile.

     'Maybe you can take a day to shop for the both of us?' he asked carefully.

      'I'll take half a day' I indicated which was met by nodding of agreement. Considering the fact my day started at 11:00 the day was already half over but I would just go to the store around 15:00, which left me enough time to get something. 

I had bought a long black dress. Before, Jungkook liked me most in black and I figured he still would. Later that day we arrived at the beautiful mansion. We were met by a butler, he was rather old and smiled very friendly to me. He let us in and Jungkook with two other people approached us. 

I could see that my idea about the black dress was successful. Jungkook was checking me out and I wasn't complaining. The only worry I had was that it was perhaps a bit too obvious and Henry might notice. 

Henry first greeted Jungkook and before I had the chance the other two people stepped forwards. Jungkook introduced them

      'I have invited my apprentice yeonjun and his girlfriend Yuju, I thought it would be nice for him to meet the CFO of Vocatus inc.'

     'of course, that's great!' Henry indicated greeting them and the three of them started a small conversation.

I moved towards Jungkook starting a half hug.

     'How are you feeling?' he asked in a low voice.

     'as if I drank half a bottle of whiskey by myself' 'oh wait I did'

He smiled 'you should thank me because without me you probably finished the whole thing and you even feel worse.'

But I need to say you look breathtaking' he added. I chuckled, flattered as well by his compliment 'thank you Mr jeon, so do you.'

I moved on to greet yeonjun and his girlfriend. All of us moved to the dining room. 

Suddenly a girl appeared at the entrance of the dining room, she was a young adult.


We all turned our heads to her and Jungkook smiled at her.

      'This is my younger sister Lana, if you don't mind she will join our dinner, to make it an even number'

     'of course, we don't, the more the merrier' Henry replied.

She introduced herself to everyone and when she gave me a hand we looked into each others eyes she squeezed my hand, just as Jungkook had done, and I nodded. a smile appeared on her face.

Dark Paradise 18+ | Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now