Thirty Four

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'I will be there shortly' I said as I was already gathering my stuff. 

I drove way too fast, but this request for me to come quickly was rather exceptional so I was sure something was terribly wrong. I rushed into the house and rushed to my father's bedroom, as Fred already indicated that my father was in bed. When I entered the room I gasped at the state I found him in.

    'Father' I said taking place at his bedside. 

    'Jungkook' his voice sounded as fragile as his body seemed to be. 

Father talked about his health, he explained that he had been sick for months now. and it became worse and worse. He then took my hand

    'Jungkook, there is something I need to ask you, and something I need to tell you.' 

I waited until he either told me or asked me. 

      'I've always wanted to know why you came back because honestly, I know it wasn't for me or for the company' he said in a weak voice,

In the past years, I grew a lot closer to my dad and I developed a kind of respect for him. He was a formal man but he did care about the people around him. 

     'I uh' I didn't say anything I mean what could I say? I became CFO for a girl? 

       'Is it a girl?' my dad asked as if he could read my mind, I again didn't really answer his question but his mouth turned into a weak smile

       'y/n?' he specified, hearing him say her name was the biggest surprise. 

      'How did you know that?' I asked bewildered. In a way, I was also shocked he hadn't mentioned it or put a stop to my plan because I was pretty sure he was aware of it by now. 

      'Well, it struck me that you put so much effort and focus into becoming part of the supervisory board of Vocatus inc. so I took a look into it. I found out that the CEO's daughter, y/n studied in Busan. It was the only connection I could find to you, so I kind of talked to Lana about it. We were going to tell you as well. I mean I know y/n's father and he isn't a very pleasant man, to say the least. I kind of puzzled it together. I think I know what you are trying to do, but what I don't understand is why you didn't ask me sooner for help. I could have done something.'

    'You? why would you even help me?' I asked dazed. 

      'Jungkook, I am your father and all I want for you is to be happy. I care about my family above else.'

I scoffed, I did grow closer to him but I wouldn't say he was a family man. He left his own family, my mother, and Lana. If he cared so much how was he able to abandon all of us so easily? 

      'What about mother and Lana?'

Father sighed deeply, his eyes turned sad. 

   'I know you probably don't believe me but I always loved your mother. I know I cheated but your mother had issues before the affair, I always tried to protect you and Lana from it but she would say the most horrible things to me. It was just with the other woman I felt normal, it was so nice to be loved for a moment, with your mother I was never sure of it. and the thing is it became clear quite early that Lana wasn't mine. I know this comes as a shock but your mother cheated before I did and I accepted Lana as my own but I couldn't shake the feeling she was the product of your mother's adultery. I didn't want you or Lana to go through knowing that at your young age. I talked to Lana about it a year ago when she turned 18 and when I found out that I was ill.'

I was indeed shocked. everything fell into place. I always saw my dad as the bad guy but he wasn't. Not really, because I also wouldn't know what to do in his position. My mother always blamed him and as my father's affair became known to us it made sense to take my mother's side. 

It was my own quick judgment that made me decide to leave him. 

I took his hand while tears were rolling down my cheek. 

         'I am so sorry Father.'

Father swallowed, it was clear he was trying to hold back his tears. 

      'Don't be, it was my choice as well not to tell you until now, I guess I wanted you to know the truth about me before I die. I don't have long anymore'

I now started to full-on cry. I couldn't hold it back. 

       'Jungkook, I know I have not been the best father but you have been the best son I could ask for, even if you went away for a while. and Lana is so precious and so smart. and as for y/n, I hope she is the one for you and that the plan works out. I think you should use everything against her father and her husband.'

He paused for a moment. 

     'I uhm I kind of as a last act wanted to help you. so I hired a private investigator and it appears the husband has an affair and is violent against his colleagues so I have gathered evidence for that and I think you should use it.'

I looked at him confused but he explained that Fred would provide me everything I needed. 

The remainder of the time we spend reminiscing about our happy times. He was so weak and tired though and after a while, I knew he wanted to sleep.

    'I love you son' 

     'I love you too father'

I stayed with him the entire night but at some point I closed my eyes to get some sleep as well.

The next morning I woke up to a loud beeping sound. I knew this was the sound indicating fathers heart had stopped. Doctors rushed in.

y/n pov

I was in the office when my phone suddenly rang. It was an anonymous caller, I initially didn't pick up. Anonymous callers are often phishing calls or people that want to sell you random shit. However, I then thought about the possibility it might be Jungkook. He would for sure call me anonymously as well. The fact there might be a small chance it was him made me pick up the phone and answer the call. 

    'Hi, it's y/l/n y/n.' 


I heard Jungkook's voice, but there was something different in his tone, I could already hear it in only him saying my name

     'What happened kook?' I asked softly. 

I heard a sniffling sound; he was crying.

My heart ached as I imagined him by himself crying. 


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