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     'What?' I asked bewildered. No, this must be some sort of joke. Perhaps some weird prank he came up with. 

    'You're joking, this isn't funny Jungkook.' I let out but not all too convincing because Jungkook wasn't the joking type, especially not about things like this. 

     'No, I am serious y/n. The police suddenly busted into my house and they found drugs in my room.' 

His voice was filled with anxiety, almost a hopelessness in it.  I was unable to say something in return. Someone planted drugs in his room to put him in jail? Immediately I got a really bad hunch about the person that could possibly orchestrate such a thing. 

      'but I swear it wasn't mine y/n. Someone is setting me up.' Jungkook pleaded, but I had already reached that conclusion myself. He wouldn't lie to me about this, plus his house, in which lana also lived was the last place that he would keep drugs. 

      'I uh I believe you' I reassured him 'is there anything we can do to get you out?' 

     'No there is little we can do. I already talked to Namjoon and he talked to a lawyer. It doesn't look good y/n, we don't know how to prove my innocence.'

     'What about Lana?' I asked. 

       'She is taken care off' 

I sighed in a sort of relief   'just.... I will work it out Jungkook.'

      'What do you mean?' he asked confused.

      'I can't explain, just know I love you and I believe you.'

      'I don't understand' he said agitatedly but I heard someone shout on Jungkook's side. Another inmate that claimed his time on the phone. 

       'I need to go y/n, I love you.' 

I stood frozen with the phone in my hand. Considering all the different possibilities in my mind, but they all lead to the same conclusion. I immediately rushed to my bedroom and grabbed my bag. I randomly put some stuff in there and checked my phone for the next train to Seoul.

The train journey wasn't too long but considering everything that was going on, and the fact that Jungkook was stuck in a jail cell somewhere made every passing minute too long. 

I finally arrived in Seoul. I stopped a cab to take me to the familiar address. When I arrived I entered my dad's huge mansion. The maids had already indicated that he was in his study, he spent most of his time there for as long as I can remember. 

I knocked on the door receiving a stern 'come in.'

When I entered he looked at me kind of surprised but that surprised look disappeared fast.

Too fast.

       'To what do I owe the pleasure?' he asked getting up and giving me a half hug, but not entirely. Like he always did.

My body also didn't give in to the hug, it was overwhelmed by anger. The way he acted like nothing was going on, as if the boy I loved wasn't in a cell because of him. 

There was a silence.

      'Was it you?' I asked finally confronting him.

       'I have no clue what you are talking about.' he replied unbothered. 

The anger boiled up inside of me because I was sure that he knew exactly what I was talking about


When his name escaped my lips I felt a hit of a flat hand on my cheek. The pain was burning and with one hand I smoothed over the place my father just hit.

      'You are a disgrace' he said while shaking his head disapprovingly.

        'My daughter whoring herself out to a lowlife like that.'

Tears were forming in my eyes but my father stayed composed.

          'He was not the only one' I spat out, in a desperate attempt to hurt father.

         'oh yes I know' he replied calmly 'there were more, I knew it was a pathetic childishly move of you to act out against me, sleeping around like that, but I saw no danger in it, I mean you didn't see any of them a second time until this boy, the worst one of all.'

Anxiety filled my body, he knew everything that I had done in Busan, he always knew fucking everything. 

         'You don't even know him!' I exclaimed with tears in my eyes. 

         'I know he is beneath us, and he is not suitable for you.'

        'It is not a reason to send someone to jail father' I raised my voice.

        'Do not raise your voice at me'

It was almost scary how he stayed so calm, so composed as he just hit his daughter and sent a young boy to prison for nothing.

        'Consider it as a warning, we have talked about this before, you are going to find yourself a husband that is suitable to take over my company.'

Again that husband discussion. Father didn't care which university I chose, nor which study. It was because he always had envisioned a male as his successor, and as I was his only child marriage would be the only way. He never even considered me as an option. 

         'I am a top student, why can't I take it over and choose who I want to marry?' I pleaded, it was such an old-fashioned idea that I had to find a man to take over my father's business. Yet father was so focused on it. I knew it was a futile argument though, he never was open to the idea of me as his successor. 

         'This is not a discussion y/n, this is what it will be like. I have contacted your grandmother and she is going to select some bachelors from decent families for you to choose from as soon as possible.'

As soon as possible?  What was he talking about?

        'But what about my studies? I only have this year left to finish.' my voice trembled, and my entire body filled with panic. The way he spoke to me was as if I would get married as soon as possible and Jungkook would stay where he was. He couldn't possibly mean that I would quit my studies this abruptly, could he?   

         'Out of the question, you have yourself to blame for that.' 

 The panic increased until the point I was entirely desperate. 

My whole life was falling apart.

        'Please father' I cried out but he didn't move, even his expression didn't change, as if he didn't give two shits.  

          'Please, I will do what you want without resistance if you please let Jungkook go and let me finish my studies.' 

There was no reaction from father. The longer he stayed like that the more desperate I got. He knew that, I bet he reveled in it. He finally had that power over me. 

        'Please father, he has a little sister who, without him, is left with an unfit mother who can't take care of her' I begged again, I was literally at the point of getting on my knees to beg.

He sighed but there was some hint of victory in the way he looked at me.

       'Alright.. You can finish your study... on the condition that you will never see that boy again, and you know I am watching' he stated sternly.

I couldn't answer. 

No, I couldn't move at all. 

Never see Jungkook again? That was an unbearable thought. 

But it wouldn't be my father if he couldn't make it even worse.. and he did when he explained the additional condition:

'and instead of you choosing your husband, that decision will be made by me'

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