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Jungkook turned his head to me, with a very intimidating look. As if I had really offended him.

Okay ,I guess in a way I might have. 

      'No, I am going out for a cigarette.' 

       'You didn't ask me if I wanted.' I replied, not entirely enjoying the tension in the air. 

      'Well do you angeleyes?' 

He now had a little smirk on his face, which made me feel more at ease. I nodded and I quickly put on an oversized shirt and panties. We went to the balcony, the fresh air did me well. Jungkook handed me a cigarette and lit it first, after that he started his own.

There was a comfortable silence. I was a bit of an introvert but as it seemed so was Jungkook. I felt his gaze at me from time to time and I didn't know where to look.

     'So you really thought that after the sex I would immediately leave like that?' he asked out of nowhere. 

I coughed and my cheeks flustered out of embarrassment. 

     'I don't know, I didn't know what to think. I'd rather be direct in that way when I ask you.' I answered in all honesty. 

    'and I like that about you' he replied, which made my cheeks fluster again. 

We both finished our cigarettes. After a short moment I turned to him to ask if he wanted to stay or not but before I had the chance he cupped my face and kissed me. 

       'Now, let's get some sleep'

The following weekend I had nothing planned and it was not a bad thing. Especially after the party and my wild night with Jungkook, it was good to have some rest and catch up on some sleep. 

Plus tonight was finally an evening without other humans. Don't get me wrong, I loved my friends but I needed these evenings by myself to recharge again. 

It wasn't as if I was texting Jungkook that much. He didn't seem to be the texting type but neither was I. We actually hardly ever texted but whatever.... it had only been a week. Normally I wouldn't be so focused on it but with Jungkook everything was different. 

For my birthday my dad had sent me a bottle of one of the most expensive whiskeys in his assortment. A week too late, that is, but he tried anyway. I poured myself a glass and put on Captain America Civil War. I was a sucker for those Marvel movies.

My phone beeped and I checked it

He didn't reply anymore after my message, I rolled my eyes annoyed

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He didn't reply anymore after my message, I rolled my eyes annoyed

of course

I started the movie again, I wouldn't let this guy hold this much power over me. If he wanted to act like some hard-to-get asshole, be my guest but I wasn't falling for it.

I focused my attention back on the screen again as Ant Man just joined team Captain America.

There was a knock on the door, which was odd because only Momo did that and we didn't plan anything. The rest would always ring the doorbell. 

Fuck did I forget I made plans with her some time ago or something? ugh, I was actually enjoying the movie a lot.

I walked to the door and opened it, only to be met by Jungkook's piercing eyes.

My mouth opened in surprise, I didn't expect him at all. 

He smirked.


     'What are you doing here?' I asked pretty confusedly. 

He was wearing ripped jeans and a black shirt, his hair ruffled.

     'Uhm to see you?' he asked as if I was stupid I didn't know.

     'Come in I guess.' I answered and I opened my door wide. I tried to act naturally not as if I was in my pajamas watching a nerdy comic book movie. 

He casually walked in,  as if this was his own apartment. 

He started laughing as soon as he saw which movie was displayed on my screen.

      'Civil war, really? I didn't take you for a marvel girl.'

      'Don't dare to say anything bad about marvel movies or you'll find yourself on the outside of this apartment very fast' I replied crossing my arms. He laughed again 'I would never, Iron man is my favorite movie actually.' 

He took place on my couch.

This time I looked puzzled 'really?'

    'Yeah, what about you?'

'I like them all, but ant man might be my favorite avenger I don't know'

I also took place on the couch, next to him but keeping a safe distance between the two of us.

Jungkook's face turned into disgust 'ant man? not even Iron man?'

     'As you have said before, I am insane' I replied referring back to our first bike adventure. It seemed Jungkook also remembered and he smiled to himself. 

      'Are you drinking whiskey by yourself by the way?' he suddenly asked looking at the glass on my table.

      'Yeah so?' I asked a bit defensive as he seemed to judge me over it. 

      'You turned 21 not like 61' Jungkook chuckled.

      'well Jungkook do you also want some, so I won't be drinking alone?' 


I walked into my kitchen. I took a glass out of the cabinet and the bottle that was on my kitchen counter and I walked back.

     'Woah that whiskey is more expensive than my motorbike.' Jungkook gasped. 

     'It's my dad's birthday gift, it arrived this morning.' I explained while pouring his glass. 

      'Uh your birthday was a week ago?' he asked puzzled.

      'Yeah he did better than last year though; he sent me a bottle of wine a month after my birthday.'

Jungkook didn't say anything. It wasn't as if I was feeling sad about it, maybe I did when I was a teenager the whole "my father neglects me" act but I was over it.

I could live my life now pretty well due to his money so I wasn't complaining, maybe it was also because I knew that complaining wouldn't change my situation either.

Jungkook took the remote and pressed the play button in order to continue the movie. We watched it together in silence.

It was so random, like it was comfortable as if I was watching a movie with Felix or something. Except for the fact I had a harder time concentrating on the screen than the person next to me. Plus the physical attraction and tension between the two of us were extremely high. Our bodies slowly moving towards each other inch by inch. 

Jungkook poured us another whiskey, which would be my third one.

He casually put his arm around me and I scooped over and he first placed me on his lap. It was actually kind of cute as we were watching the movie together like this. He started to play with my hair and trailing his fingers across my shoulder up to my neck. Paying extra attention to trailing my sweet spots. It was obvious he was aware of my reaction as I heard him chuckle silently.


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