Thirty Seven (Final)

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And as I left the house I realized that I was finally free. 

At least from my husband. 

My father was next. 

I let out a deep sigh of relief

    'y/n, I am so sorry I never picked up the signs that you were trapped in such a marriage. now that I think about it I should have seen it. How controlling he could be.' 

I smiled softly at him, James really was a good guy and regardless of what I would say now, I was sure he would eat himself over this. Which I didn't want for him at all. 

   'It's okay James. I am finally free of him, and thank you so much for coming with me and for standing up for me.' 

   'That's the least I could have done' he looked down with a sad expression. 

   'I think I will head back to my hotel now. It has been an eventful day.' I said because, to be honest there was one person I really wanted to see at the moment. 

   'Will you be okay?' James asked. 

   'I will be. Let's have dinner later this week okay? to celebrate?' 

James gave me a sympathetic nod 'that sounds like a good idea y/n.' 

During my drive to the hotel, I texted Jungkook I would be back soon in my hotel room. I was in the room for not nearly five minutes when there was a knock. 

I opened it and as I saw him I immediately kissed him.

He hugged me tightly, he leaned back and caressed my cheek. 

  'How did it go with Henry?' he asked

   'it went' I answered 'but the good news is that I am finally divorcing him.'

I couldn't hide my smile and neither could Jungkook. 

My face turned serious again.

   'I want to talk to father tonight' I said and Jungkook looked at me in doubt 'wouldn't it be a good idea to take some rest y/n? It has been a very busy day in which a lot of things happened.' 

He was right about that but I also knew I wouldn't be able to have a good night's rest if I didn't speak to father. 

   'It's just I would like to finish it all today.' I eventually explained. 

He contemplated but then nodded in agreement.

   'I also have some words to say to your father so I will come with you if that is okay?'

   'of course it is.'

We arrived at my father's home, he was in his study as always. 

We both stood in front of the closed doors.

    'I would like to talk to him first' I indicated and Jungkook nodded 'just wait here okay?'

     'Just shout if you want me there' he said while caressing my cheek. I kissed him shortly again and then went inside my father's office.

He was reading some document at the time of my entrance but he put it down as soon as he saw it was me. 

    'Hello father, I came to let you know that as the next CEO I found it necessary to let Henry go, having indecent relations in the workplace and using violence against employees are two severe violations of the company regulations.'

Father looked at me unimpressed, as I in a way expected. 

    'Y/n you will stop this nonsense right now, you will let the supervisory board know you, unfortunately, could not accept this position and urge them to reconsider Henry.'

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