Fifteen (18+)

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I was not prepared for this confession at all, and that is also the reason why I was looking at him like a dumbass with a loss of words.

     'You love me?' I asked after some time, still stunned.

       'Yes I fucking love you' he replied as if it was a hard thing to say.

I didn't answer him but instead, I pushed my lips onto his, it felt like the right thing  to do at this moment.  

The thing I wanted to do. 

He answered the kiss with a deepened passion as if my lips were the air that he needed to breathe. 

He broke the kiss and went down to my neck, aggressively kissing my sensitive spots. I whimpered as I felt this intense desire.

----Warning adult content ----

His hand that was intertwined with mine was pushed against the wall. I squeezed it tightly as I was feeling some already high stimulation. I mean he didn't even touch my womanhood but I was already wet for him. 

I guess that his confession had that effect on me. Plus as I wasn't wearing any bra I could feel how my hard nipples brushing against his chest.

When he released my hand I trailed it to the back of his neck pushing him closer to me, feeling that he as well was "stimulated" as his hard boner pushed against me through his jeans. 

I lifted one leg that he took in his arm and I wrapped it around his waist. So that our bodies were even more connected. 

He kissed me again while his other hand caressed my cheek

      'kook' I said, or rather panted. 

I didn't know why, but it was exactly the time that I wanted to tell him what I was feeling for some time now. I wanted to tell him that his feelings weren't one-sided. That he was in fact the first guy I ever felt this way for. 

       'I think I am in love with you too' I let out, and in all honesty, it felt like a relief to say it out loud. finally.

His eyes widened in shock and I smiled softly at him. He suddenly lifted me off the ground, and I quickly put my other leg around his waist as well. He walked towards my bedroom. When we arrived he laid me down on the bed. 

It took him like no time to get rid of all of my clothes, he was however careful with my new tattoo. 

My hands roamed impatiently over his body because I needed more of him. I needed all of him. 

He undid himself of his boxers and for a moment gazed at me. He then slammed himself inside me. It was an unparalleled feeling of pleasure when we were moving together in sync. I let out a moan and immediately Jungkook kissed me shortly on my lips. 

For some reason it did feel different, that we were in fact making love and not just fucking. My legs were wrapped around his waist as he was fastening his pace. 'you're so beautiful' he panted and I grabbed his neck to get him closer to kiss me.

We quickly released though, as we both needed a breath. We panted but Jungkook continued his movements. My legs tensed up and I arched my back as the knot in my stomach grew bigger and bigger. My panting became more frequent, showing that I was close to my high. 

       'Come for me angel eyes' Jungkook whispered as he went a bit deeper, this pushed me over the edge and I trembled as I released. 

Jungkook's movements became more desperate, more hurried and he buried his face into the crook of my neck. Not long after he came inside of me as well. 

After we both released we laid next to each other silently. Normally it would be a moment that we'd take the bathroom break or a smoking break. Something like that, and we wouldn't have any real physical contact but this time Jungkook pulled me into a hug. His muscular arms holding me in an embrace. He kissed the top of my head softly.

    'that was pretty amazing' he chuckled and I nodded against his chest 'it was yes'

------ End Mature Content------

It felt comfortable, perhaps the most comfortable I had ever had. 

I was happy.

But I knew I needed to ask him about the girlfriend moment, if I didn't ask it now I'd probably ponder over it all night and not get into sleep. 

I nervously shifted in his embrace.

     'What is it y/n?' Jungkook asked as a response to my movements.

Alright here it goes 

      'Were you serious about the girlfriend thing?' I asked hesitantly.

      'Uhm I should have asked you first, but yeah I am, if you want to be my girlfriend' he said while his arm left my should and scratched the back of his neck. 

His signature move. 

It was difficult because I knew this probably wouldn't have a future, not after I finished university.

But knowing he loved me and I loved him I was determined to fight for this.

I smiled at him 'yes I do want that.'

He also smiled brightly, then he leaned forwards and kissed my lips again. It was a short, yet such a meaningful kiss. 

Afterward, we fell asleep and Jungkook left the next morning around six, as usual.

The unusual thing though was that days passed without any news of him. It was kind of strange because he finally admitted he was in love with me and he asked me to be his girlfriend and then he vanished.

Maybe he got nervous or something?

I mean it wasn't like we texted every day before but at least we sometimes texted and he would show up but that suddenly stopped. 

It was radio silence from his side. 

I didn't want to be too clingy so I waited a long three days before I called Jimin. He told me he didn't know where Jungkook was, but he told me I shouldn't worry about it too much. 

I had this eerie feeling Jimin was lying. that he did know but he just didn't tell me.

The following day my phone rang, it was an anonymous number, normally I'd just let those ring but I picked up anyways hoping it was any news of Jungkook. 

It really had come to a point that I was worried sick. I didn't believe he would suddenly ghost me after everything that happened. He might be a cold guy or a bad boy or whatever names my friends had given him, but he was certainly not a coward. If he was going to end things he would say it right to my face. 

I even visited his house earlier today and nobody opened up. Not him, not Lana. I assumed they both weren't home but the question then remained where they did were.. 

     'hi this is y/n' I said when answering the phone call. 

      'y/n it's Jungkook. I am sorry I didn't let you know anything but I am in jail.'

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