Nineteen (18+)

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---- Warning Adult Content ----

It all went so slowly. We first took each other's shirts off and we really took the time to take the other in. 

His gaze that scanned over my body made me even more filled with desire for him. It set my soul on fire. Jungkook first took his moment to kiss my neck, it was the spot he usually started with as he knew that it was a sensitive spot for me. He went down slowly towards my chest and his lips eventually slowly brushed over my breasts.  It was extremely satisfying and I tried to  imprint this memory in my mind. His arms wrapped around me and his soft lips kissing the sensitive spots on my neck. 

Whereas in previous times I was impatient by desire and driven by lust, this time it was the opposite. I wanted to fully experience every second, and I wanted it to last forever. 

We slowly moved towards my bedroom. His lips never leaving mine for more than a few seconds. A few seconds we really needed in between to catch our breaths. 

He gently laid me down on the bed. He hovered over me but soon pulled back. His hands loosening my sweat pants and he used both his hands to undo me of it. He leaned forwards again and I immediately pulled him closer for another kiss. When he pulled back again he caressed my cheek with his hand. 

His finger brushed over my lips and it slowly moved all the way down. I already let out a moan when he reached my lower belly. I was so turned on that my entire body was sensitive. Every single part reacted to his touch.

Excruciatingly slow his finger slipped inside my panties and he flicked his index finger over the right spot. He let out a groan 'so wet' he grunted and his hand movements speeded up. 

The tension in my legs increased as well as the knot that formed in my stomach. My bedroom filled up with my moans. I pulled him closer by his neck, so that head was next to mine. My lips were on his shoulder and the nails of my hand digging into his back as I released. He quickly pulled back and stood up, I was gasping for air as I watched him undo himself of his pants and his boxers. 

He leaned back on the bed and slowly got rid of my panties and bra. Eventually, he hovered over my naked body again and he entered, thrusting in and out. The nails of my fingers left marks all over his back.

I was experiencing so many different emotions;

Fear that this was going to be the last time, and I didn't know how to deal with it, I couldn't picture it without him.

Love, because I only knew now that I had been in love for some time already and all the time I hadn't known that I had it all.

And lust because definitely, no one could satisfy me the way that he was able to. and I was experiencing such a high feeling. 

     'I love you so much' I gasped.

He stopped his movements for a moment and looked at me.

       'You are my only one angeleyes' and with that, he kissed me again and continued his thrusts.

I didn't want it to stop.

I didn't want there to be an end to this heaven. 

I reached multiple highs as we switched positions every now and then. We were both kind of gross as we were sweating but I didn't care.

When we were finished and Jungkook came, I put my head on his chest. I listened to his rapid heartbeat while he played with my hair. 

--- End of adult content ----

       'I am so tired' I mumbled because I didn't really know what else to say. Plus I really was exhausted, not only because of our active "session", but also because of the confrontation. I had tried to avoid Jungkook and in doing so I had built up the anxiety of confronting him. 

Until today, because I had to tell him the truth. 

There was so much to say, yet at the same time, there was nothing left to do. 

       'You worked hard' he joked.

       'So did you.'

      'Hmm' he murmured 'now let's go to sleep angeleyes.'

For a split second, I saw his face in front of me that first night we had slept together. Outside on the balcony where he had said those exact same words to me. I smiled at the memory, how uncomplicated everything seemed back then. 

I eventually nodded my head and closed my eyes.

The next morning we were cuddling in my bed, there was nothing more I wanted than to always wake up like this but I knew that wasn't possible. It would already be lucky if father let this one slip, assuming he still keeps an eye on me. Which honestly I was pretty sure he was. 

And I knew this had to end at some point. I stared into Jungkook's eyes trying to again hold back my tears.

       'You have to go now' I said trying to sound strong but failing miserably.

        'Yes but people need showers so we can have a shower?' he asked and I couldn't help but smile through my sadness. I knew what he was doing, stalling time, spending just a little while longer together.

He showed his bunny smile and it made my heart melt, like it always did.

After showering together we prepared breakfast. We looked at each other silently while eating our pancakes. I just admired his beauty going through everything of the past months in my mind.

How he caught my eye in the bowling alley, and how bold he was in approaching me. How we ended that night looking over the city and sharing our first kiss. It was unimaginable at that time that it would have led to where we were now. 

Both in love.

and torn apart. 

Jungkook stood at the front door. I couldn't hold my tears in anymore and I cried again. Man, I hadn't cried this much in my life I guess as I had the past 24 hours.

        'Thank you for the past months. You are truly an amazing person Jungkook. and because of you, I know what love feels like.'

I saw the evident sadness on Jungkook's face. He took both my hands in his.

         'y/n, I will fight for you. Please don't forget me.'

I caressed his cheek while tears escaped my eyes. The fact he asked me not to forget him seemed almost comical to me, but in a sad way. 

       'I will never forget you Jeon Jungkook, but please forget about me and move on with your life. My father has no mercy or thought for others and I want you as far away from him as possible.'

He shook his head

       'Forget you? That won't be possible. I have a plan angeleyes.'

It confused me but I didn't want to hear it now. I wanted him to make it better.

      'Just kiss me Jungkook' and so he did.

One last time

      'I will always love you' I said as he opened the door to this time really leave. 

      'and I will always love you' he replied. 

He went through the door and when it closed and I was entirely alone in my empty apartment I finally broke down completely.

I sank to the floor, sobbing.

It really was over now.

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