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      'I will send you the address via text, that is if you put in the correct number' I replied, kind of surprised they would actually want to attend my party as well as excited that Jungkook would come. 

A smirk formed on his face 

       'Don't worry, I did.'

I and Momo paid for the whiskey and left the bar. We got into the uber, it was clear the driver was not amused as he had to wait for a considerable amount of time. When we arrived I told him I'd run in for a few minutes to get the bottle but due to our encounter with the biker gang, those few minutes turned into a bit more than 10 minutes. 

       'y/n are you sure you want them in your house? They can like steal your stuff or something.' Momo said somewhat worried. I rolled my eyes, pretty annoyed by this assumption. Just because they were in a biker gang you shouldn't immediately think they would steal stuff. 

       'That's stereotyping Mono and even in case you are right what are they going to steal? you've seen my apartment there is not a lot there except for my tv I guess, but how will they steal that?'

Momo kept quiet to my rant, probably not in the mood to really start an argument over this. 

We arrived back at my party. I kept my ears open for the ring of the doorbell but there wasn't any. Mono and Felix enthusiastically pulled me on the middle of my living room which now, as it seemed by various people dancing, had become the dancefloor. 

An hour passed. My mind often going back to my little encounter with Jungkook and his friends in the liquor store. 

"Alright angeleyes, why not?"

Did I misinterpret that? That was a clear yes right? I shook my head as if I could shake those thoughts about him away as well. 

Would he again blow me off?


More people would come anyway and it was already quite crowded.

The bell rang and I enthusiastically opened the door. I was met by four dark pairs of eyes who all stared at me without emotion. 

     'You actually came?' I asked surprised. 

      'Yes, we told you we would didn't we?' Jungkook answered, in a tone as I was asking a really dumb question. 

      'Yes but that was like an hour ago.' I answered slightly annoyed, not because they arrived after an hour but because of Jungkook's tone. 

      'Are you going to let us in or not?' he asked coldly. 

I opened the door wide nudging them to come in.

       'It's your birthday y/n?' Jungkook asked looking at the big happy birthday balloons my friends had bought me as decoration.

      'Uh yeah' I said in the least exciting way ever.

      'Happy birthday y/n!' Hoseok suddenly exclaimed while throwing his arms around me for a hug. I was rather weirded out because firstly I didn't really know him and secondly they were a biker gang who up until had acted pretty cold. 

Why was he so soft, he smelled so nice though like vanilla.

     'Uhm thank you.'

Jin also stepped forwards and kissed my cheeks in a way to congratulate me, he seemed to be the older one. He had this grace to him that I could hardly put into words. Yoongi was next, he basically just shook my hand. 

Dark Paradise 18+ | Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now