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y/n pov

The next week as planned by my husband, we visited Busan. We arrived at our hotel, his assistant handed over our room keys. We slept in different rooms, nobody knew except for his assistant. She was also in a separate room but tonight I was pretty sure that he would probably visit her, the assistant. He did this mostly on "business trips". In the beginning, he also did it back at home, he would be absent on certain nights. 

Our maids started to talk and my father had a private conversation with my husband. I think the message was that he can't risk people gossiping, because from that moment he always slept in our house. But whenever there was a business trip, she went with him and even when I was also in the same hotel I could sense it. I have known about the "affair" for months already.

Was I upset or complaining? not really. I mean before if he had needs he'd come to me and I was not that enthusiastic to help him with that, now he hardly ever did anymore. 

Every time I was in Busan it was rather difficult, all the memories were so vivid. My college time was, as it appeared, really the best time of my life. I reminisced about it often, the evenings I spent with Chan, Momo, and the gang. 

I was so free back then, I was able to do whatever I wanted with whoever I wanted. I could just jump on the back of a stranger's motorcycle. In hindsight, this wasn't the most responsible decision I have ever made, but it was my best one. It was the start of my story with Jungkook. 

Instead of sulking on it in my hotel room the whole evening, I decided to rent a motorcycle. I had taken motorcycle lessons in secret, well not so secret because Henry found out eventually. Let's say he wasn't a fan. 

As I drove around the city I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I took a turn and drove to the outskirts of the city. Eventually, I arrived in the bar on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. 

The familiar place I visited often with Jungkook. The same bar we visited on our first date. I was in a way surprised it was still here though, I mean after seven years. 

I parked the motorcycle and walked inside. 

     'y/n?' an enthusiastic but very surprised voice shouted. I looked up and smiled widely at Bang PD who had the biggest smile as well. 

      'Is that really you?'

He walked from behind the bar towards me to give me a hug.

    'It really is' I answered and hugged him tightly back. 

     'What are you doing here?' He asked still surprised I was here. 

     'I uhm am in the city for business and I thought I'd visit an old friend?' I said chuckling. 

     'yeah that's great! What can I get you?'

      'A whiskey, please.'

He poured me a glass and I thanked him. We started talking about his business, as well as about my job. His life in Busan, and my life In Seoul. I had my second whiskey and it already made me a bit tipsy. 

He poured me a third one then he looked at my hand. 

     'Ah, you're married now?'

I nodded without a hint of emotion, I hadn't mentioned Henry in the entire conversation.

      'Oh, I always thought you'd eventually end up with Jungkook. I don't know.. you two had something rare, I remember when you two broke up, Jungkook was heartbroken.'

I swallowed 'oh'

    'But if you are happy now that means it wasn't meant to be right?' he said with a smile and in a comforting voice. 

Yeah so happy with a husband who is currently fucking someone else, and worse is that I didn't even care.

At that point I drank the remaining alcohol in the glass, Bang's eyes growing wider.

    'hmm I nodded

    'Can I have another?' I asked

     'You still need to ride your bike don't you?' he asked hesitantly. 

      'nah I'll call a cab' I indicated. 

     'Does uhm he still come here though? you talk to him?' I asked not specifying I was talking about Jungkook but he seemed to understand.

      'yeah he still sometimes comes here, not that often anymore though he is a very busy man.'

      'Was he happy?' I asked. 

Bang PD didn't answer, the look on his face actually told me quite enough. A lump forming in my throat.

Fuck my father, fuck his father, fuck henry. It all seemed so unfair, I was unhappy and Jungkook was unhappy, all those years because of our own families. 

     'Y/n?' he asked and for some reason, at that point, I started to cry. I buried my face in my hands. Ashamed I was crying so out in the open.

     'Hey don't cry' he awkwardly said

     'I am sorry'

Bang PD shook his head   'You don't have anything to be sorry for.'

     'I don't know exactly what happened but I got an eerie feeling a lot of injustice has passed.'

I became calm again and he handed me some napkins. I thanked him as I wiped my tears away.

I didn't drink the third whiskey anymore instead I asked for a bottle to drink in my hotel room. He gave it with some worry in his eyes. I smiled softly at him 'just tonight, normally I am not this much of an alcoholic.'

He chuckled 'from what I remember all those years ago, you were quite the drinker young lady.'

I laughed out loud as he was right. 

I gave him a strong hug 'Thank you again' 

     'No problem, and if you are ever in the city again, promise to visit me.' 

     'I promise.'  

With that, I walked out of the bar but instead of going home, I drove off to the viewpoint. 

I knew it was irresponsibly to drink and drive but eventually, two whiskeys in total wasn't all too bad. Though I already knew getting back would be more of a problem if I continued drinking. 

I didn't care.

I sat on the rock looking at the city in front of me. I opened the bottle of whiskey and I took a big sip, the alcohol still burned my throat. 

I chuckled, y/n CHRO of Vocatus inc. drinking in the dark by herself.  If the employees saw this I'd probably lose some credibility. Or maybe not and they would only identify with me more. My job and colleagues were the things that got me going through the years. I had given up the hope of happiness in love, but now I found that hope again. Though, hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have. 

Having Jungkook in any capacity back in my life was way harder than I thought. In a fucked up way it is a constant reminder of a time when I was fully happy.

The images of our first kiss replayed in my mind as I saw the rock we were sitting on seven years ago a few meters away and I took another big sip.

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