Twenty Seven

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      'Okay' I replied shocked, I was too stunned by this news that I wasn't too sure what to say. 

The police officer seemed to purposely let a silence fall, perhaps for me to take a moment. 

     ' Which hospital?' I eventually was able to ask him. 

     'Asan medical center.' 

I thanked the officer for calling and informing me.  I grabbed my bag and car keys quickly and headed out. 

Half an hour later I arrived in the hospital. My father was already there as well as Henry's mother. She was crying like crazy, not too unexpected considering her son was robbed and beaten up. Plus she was a rather fragile person to begin with. 

This would probably be one of the scariest things she experienced. I passed both of them without saying anything and I went inside his room. I gasped at Henry's bruised face.

 He was not conscious for the moment. The door opened again and as I turned my head I saw that my father had joined me.

'Good of you to come but there is not much you can do for now, go home' my father said and I nodded.

Leaving the hospital again after spending 5 minutes there. He probably didn't want anyone to see me as the bruises were still kind of visible.

I walked slowly towards the parking garage again. I first said goodbye to Henry's mother, I tried to console her a bit as well. She had always been kind to me but she had always put Henry first. I think ever since he got born he was the apple of her eye. She knew about the abuse, I was sure of it. I mean this moment again she scanned my face, and I recognized that same look in her eyes. Just like the first time she had seen it, but that time she had told me that "her son had a temper that he couldn't control so I shouldn't provoke him." Ever since that moment I had lost all my respect for her. I shouldn't provoke him? Maybe she should have taught him how to properly treat a woman. 

But still, I was stuck in that marriage and consequently stuck with her as well. She hugged me tightly, tears still flowing over her cheeks as she sniffled. 

      'Who could do such a thing to my perfect boy?' 

      'I don't know but the police are doing their best to find the perpetrators, it will be okay.' I patted her on her back. 

     'Y/n, I told you to leave.' I heard my father's stern voice behind me. I released myself from Henry's mother. 

      'Yes, father.' 

I sat in my car, unable to drive yet. 

It was too much of a coincidence; the day after Jimin saw me my husband ends up in the hospital? Instead of going home like my father instructed I went to their hotel. 

James, in one of the conversations mentioned the name of the hotel and as it was one of the best in Seoul it wasn't hard to forget. I had my ways of finding out in which room Jungkook was and so I found myself in front of his door. I knocked and soon after the door opened.

     'y/n?' Jungkook said with widened eyes

     'Jungkook' I answered looking into his eyes.

     'What are you doing here? wait how did you even know where I stayed?'

I thought of what to say but that all kind of flew out of the window.

      'I uh have my ways, but uhm Henry is in the hospital' I indicated. At the same time, Jungkook opened the door entirely waving his arms to signal me I should get in. 

      'Yes I heard he was robbed'  Jungkook answered it in a monotone way, and the fact he already knew not too long after it actually happened confirmed my suspicions.  

      'Was it you?' I asked pretty directly. 

       'Seems you still have no filter' he shrugged. 

       'That's not an answer.'

       'I guess your husband got what he deserved.'

        'Kook' I said with a penetrating look

He sighed, 

     'Nobody, and I really mean nobody hurts you without consequences if I can help it' he said while looking at me severely. I had to admit that I felt the tingling in my stomach hearing those words. 

     'It's not your job to protect me.'

     'Yes, it is if you don't! I mean why didn't you tell someone? like the police or something? It's unlike you to accept it like this.'

I scoffed 'unlike me? I guess you're right because I did file a report with the police. They said they would look into it. The next day my father paid me a visit.'

Jungkook's face changed now into indignation. 

     'Think about it kook, he was able to put you in jail in Busan, imagine the power he has here in Seoul.'

There was a long silence and I saw the typical Jungkook contemplating face. I was wondering what he was thinking of, after a while he looked back into my eyes.

      'I am sorry if it upsets you he is in the hospital.'

I was thinking, I did wish this a lot of times to Henry. I mean it was scary to see him that way but after enduring his abuse for 7 years I won't say that I disagreed with Jungkook. I mean that Henry deserved it.

      'I guess it doesn't' I stated. 

      'Come have a drink with me' he suggested. I thought about it, but considering I already took a risk by coming here I didn't see a threat in staying here, as I was already inside of his room. He waited patiently for an answer and eventually I gave an affirmative nod. 

He grabbed a bottle and poured me a glass of whiskey. I sat down on the sofa that was in his suite. Jungkook took place next to me. 

     'I am sorry this is all happening to you y/n.' 

I looked away 'Don't be, I should have done what you did in the first place.'

He looked at me dubiously.

     'You did what I was too cowardly for, you left the comfort of your father's position to live in reduced circumstances with your family.'

     'Y/n you can't compare that, I already finished my studies when I did that and foremost I realized soon enough that I was the reason you were stuck.'

I looked at him with big questionable eyes.

    'Remember one time we got drunk on the whiskey and you talked about your plan to move to Europe to escape your dad? I realized that you weren't able to do that anymore because you were scared he'd put me back in jail.'

Jungkook was right, it impressed me he figured that out based upon those memories. I couldn't flee anymore to Europe or wherever because my father  would search for Jungkook and put him back within a heartbeat if I were to defy him. 

     'But I am the reason you went back into it, I am so sorry 'I said looking down. I did feel very guilty about it. It wasn't like he sacrificed something small, the plan he created in his mind would take years and he knew it. 

     'Don't be.'

He scooped closer towards me and tilted my chin. 

'I know in the end it will be worth it'

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