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I stared into his eyes, he showed me a cocky smile. There was no trace of insecurity in the way he asked me the question nor in the way he looked at me. 

    'Did you lose your tongue?' he asked in response to my silence. 

As a response, I smirked at him as well. 

     'Sure, I'd love to.'  I answered his initial question. Before I could actually make an attempt to get on his bike there was a hard yank on my arm by Momo. 

She took me further from the handsome biker.

    'Are you crazy? what if he is some kind of serial killer?' she hissed at me. Her expression filled with annoyance. It was a pretty normal reaction I suppose, I would probably react the same way if she thought of doing something similar. 

    'Then I die because of my own stupid fault' I answered sarcastically.

There was something about this guy that I trusted, maybe I was naïve and maybe I was not. I couldn't deny this force of attraction and I knew I would regret if it I didn't go.

I laid my hand on my best friend's shoulder and softly smiled at her.

     'It's going to be okay Momo, I will text you when I am home okay?' I said, in an attempt to reassure her.

     'Or when he tries to kill you?' she answered with a certain irritation. I rolled my eyes again and turned around. she grabbed my wrist 'just be careful y/n' 

I smiled again and I kissed her cheek 'sleep well babe' 

I stepped towards Jungkook.

     'So handsome stranger, where are we going?' 

He chuckled in amusement 'you can call me Jungkook.'

   'Okay Jungkook, where are we going?' I repeated. 

    'Well, angeleyes maybe you can start with telling me your name.'

I guess Jungkook didn't go stalker mode like me in the bowling alley. considering I already knew his name because I checked his screen when it was his turn. 

     'It's y/n.' 

     'Okay y/n, we will just go for a ride.' he answered casually as he handed me another helmet. 

     'Alright,' I didn't ask more questions but hopped on the bike behind him. When I turned my face to my left I saw the worried and disapproving faces of my friends.   

    'Your friends aren't happy with this action of yours are they?'  Jungkook asked. I chuckled 'no they are afraid you might be a murderer, so in case you are you, now know that they saw me with you.' 

Jungkook laughed  'oh too bad, I will leave my knives in the bike storage then.' 

     'Just hold on to me angeleyes' he then instructed and I put my arms around his waist. Which to be honest was way slimmer than I expected. Maybe it was because he wore loose clothing and it wasn't that obvious. He was very muscular as well, as far as I could feel. 

He drove off and being at the back of his bike was such a good feeling. It really gave me an inexperienced feeling of freedom. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time. 

When we left the city center he speeded up making me hold even tighter to him. 

We ended up at a bar on the side of the road. It wasn't a fancy-looking place, but it looked cozy, perhaps due to the wooden look. 

Dark Paradise 18+ | Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now