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7 years later

y/n pov

Tonight I would be attending a business event, it was pretty chic and it was foremost very important. The fact that made it important was that big shareholders and the members of the  supervisory board of Vocatus inc were both attending. All these people were exactly the ones that we needed to impress. 

I had bought a long black dress for the occasion. It was proper yet it also showed my figure pretty well. 

As I was changing from my work attire into the dress I saw the tattoo. Just below the strap of my bra. 

The primrose

It was a daily reminder of Jungkook. About the day I got it and how he confessed his love to me. I admittedly considered on a few occasions to get it removed because it was sometimes too painful to think about him. About all the times I shared with him. but I kept it precisely because it was a reminder. 

I never truly lost those feelings for him. He was always there, in the back of my mind, and always very present in my heart.

He really had been the one for me.

'you look beautiful' my husband's voice suddenly emerged from behind me. His voice was soft and he smiled at me. His name was Henry, I mean the name alone could give you an idea who he was.

He had done his studies in England and was a straight-A student while also being the captain of the sports team. All the qualities a father would appreciate in a suitor for his daughter. 

The worst trait he had was his likeness to my father. A similar view on women and a bad temper. He was belittering, like he was cute to me but as if I was an incapable child.

The bad temper I had endured sometimes. More frequent at the start of our marriage than I did now. It was mainly this way, because I learned what sets him off by now. Father knew about what was happening of course but he explained he wouldn't mingle in "personal matters" as long as it doesn't influence the business. 

In the beginning, I had the hope that Henry would something to jeopardize his position as the company, but he was too smart for that. And in time I realized that I needed to accept my situation, because there was no way out. 

My father who wouldn't go against my husband didn't surprise me because he choose Henry after all. 

Through time, I had accommodated to a loveless marriage. Or at least from my side. 

The thing was that I knew Henry did love me, in his own fucked up way, but I definitely had never been in love with him.

I mainly focused on my job that I truly loved. With my degree in business and specifically HR I eventually did work my way up to CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) .. well nepotism was involved as well but still. As the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) "I am responsible for developing and executing human resource strategy in support of the overall business plan and strategic direction of the organization, specifically in the areas of succession planning, talent management, change management, organizational and performance management, training and development, and compensation"

Next to my job, I also focused on getting pleasure out of the smaller things in life. Whether it was a new Marvel movie that came out in cinemas or a whiskey tasting with colleagues. There was something that I could look forward to. 

It wasn't the same as when I was with Jungkook though; 

Because even my best days without him were nothing in comparison to my worst days when I had him. 

Henry waited patiently for me to finish up. During our drive to the venue, I also noticed that even he was nervous. That didn't happen too often. He was a calm and collected man, and the funny thing was that he could be so social as well. 

I mean sometimes people expect those calmer business men to be distant or cold but that wasn't Henry, or at least that wasn't him when business was involved. The contradiction in that was pretty ironic. In our marriage he was distant but when business was involved he could suddenly change himself into an easy-going friend. 

Honestly, I think he was trained by his own parents to set aside that colder part of himself. The car stopped and the driver indicated that we had arrived at the venue. We both walked in, my arm entangled with Henry's. 

People looked at us as we made our entrance. My father approached us to welcome us to his event. He could be so charismatic in public. It sometimes made me want to roll my eyes, but instead, I smiled. It was fake but I got better at displaying a fake smile, as if it was genuine. 

Afterwards I and Henry went our separate ways through the room, I conversed with many executives from the company. I had known them since I was a little girl so they always were kind to me. The funny thing was that these (mainly men) treated me with a lot of respect. They complimented me on my hard work and conversed with me in a way that made me feel I was on the same level as them. This was very much in contrast to my father and Henry. 

The reason why tonight was so important was because my father was planning his retirement and my husband, as chosen by him, would take his place when the time is right. The support of the supervisory board was vital as they would suggest and eventually choose the next CEO. In other words; My father couldn't just decide to make Henry his successor. He needed the support of the people in this room. That was decided by the law, there should be internal and external directors in the supervisory board. 

Henry walked towards me again and smiled, as I knew people were watching. I also knew we would resume our way together again. I guess we were to meet highly important people. Some of the supervisory board I had met before and tonight at the arm of my husband I'd meet them again.

    'Y/n, would you accompany me?' He asked in a soft voice   'I would like to introduce you to the last member of the supervisory board. It is the first time he attends an event like this.'

I nodded taking my husband's arm. He guided me towards a table and I looked at the man in the distance my husband was walking towards. I got this eerie feeling in my stomach. It wasn't clear because the man was sitting and he was conversing with another man, which happened to be a friend of mine. 

Eventually, the mystery man turned his head to me, his piercing eyes meeting mine. And my heart just seemed to stop for a second, everything around me became blurry as if he and I were the only ones in the room.


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