Twenty Four

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7 years ago

I couldn't sleep that night, y/n was sleeping vastly in my embrace, the black marks of her make-up still under her eyes. I just couldn't grasp what was happening. Her father put me in jail just to force her to stop seeing me, and now he used me to choose a husband for her.

Her father was like mine, getting whatever he wants just because of his money and power.

I couldn't bear the idea of her getting married to someone else. It wasn't right.

There were various options I considered on how to stop her father, on how to free y/n from his grasp, but only one of those did not involve violence. It would take some time though, years for sure. and most of all it will take a lot of mental strength from my side.

It mean that I had to go back to him, my father.

y/n suddenly made a small snoring sound and I couldn't help but smile to myself. She was absolutely adorable like this.

She had moved my heart in a way I didn't know was possible

I knew I had already made up my mind about what I wanted to do. I did need to discuss it with Lana though as it would also impact her life as well.

A week later I arrived at the house I used to call my home. In which I spent my entire childhood, so basically where I grew up.

The butler opened the door soon after I rang the bell, as he saw me a smile appeared on his face. 

     'Mr jeon, it's so nice to see you again!'

     'Fred, it's good to see you too!'

      'I am here to see my father, is he home?'

Fred nodded with a severe look on his face 'he is in his study' . I thanked him and made my way towards the study.

I knocked and heard a confused 'come in'

As soon as I opened the door and my father saw me he watched me in shock, but an arrogant triumphant smile crept upon his face. He got up from his chair and confidently walked towards me.

      'Ah, the long-lost son had returned. Well not so long... I told you, you wouldn't last without me.'

He said so overly proudly and I had a hard time swallowing my pride, but I had to, for y/n. I wanted to tell him we were doing just fine without him but instead, I shrugged. 

       'Are you done gloating?' I replied and I felt a hit of a flat hand in my face.

       'I know you have become some biker person the last two years but let's be clear: You don't talk to me that way.'

I balled my hands and took a deep breath trying to keep my calm.

Think about y/n

        'of course Sir, I apologize.'

         'so why are you here?'

        'I would like to work here.'

My father raised his eyebrow.

     'Do you expect me to believe that after you vanished for two years?'

     'I made a mistake, I realize that I am not using my full potential at the moment. I think I could be a real asset to your company. You know I was top of my class. I know the business well'.

     'Knew' my father indicated. I stared at him and instead of defending myself in some futile way, I answered him with the current facts of the business.

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