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I entered my apartment and as soon as I did I kind of took a moment just to sit down. I was feeling something I couldn't explain or properly put into words.

I didn't want this feeling to stop though, of that I was sure.

What scared me more was that it was the opposite; I wanted more. Suddenly the thing that was happening became so clear. It hit me like a truck. 

fuck it

I fell in love

I love Jeon Jungkook. 

After that day at his place, Jungkook and I became closer and closer. He still would visit me unannounced in the evenings but he also invited me to evenings he spent with his "gang", when the girls of the other bikers were also there if they had any. 

It was honestly unclear to me if they were girlfriends or just girls for the night because sometimes I saw different ones. Especially Jin and Taehyung switched partners regularly. The others were sometimes alone and other times they weren't. The only one I was sure of that was in a relationship was the leader of the gang. Namjoon, he, as Jungkook told me, had been with his girlfriend since high school.

I became quite close to Jimin as well, he was truly grateful for the fact I visited him in the hospital. He told me he could hear everything I had said and that it reassured him. 

I spent so much time with Jungkook; nights of drinking and fucking, or watching iron man over and over again. and during the days we'd go for a ride on his bike.

I always felt the most free when I was on the back of his bike holding on to him as we drove through the streets of Busan. It was like a drug I couldn't get enough off. 

He was like that. 

Furthermore, I also spent more time at his home, with Lana. Playing video games, watching movies, cooking together. Basically what we did the first day I was there. It was nice that I was able to bond with his little sister so well, it was very clear to me that she meant a great deal to him. 

At some point, Momo, Felix, and the others complained that Jungkook claimed all my free time. The thing was that it was also me that wanted to see Jungkook whenever I could. When he wasn't around I would think of him. Plus I only saw him in the evenings or weekends, during the day I was in college together with Momo and the gang so they eventually had more time with me, just not as much as before. 

Momo also didn't understand what the deal with him was. According to her we were basically behaving like a couple in a very committed relationship but wouldn't define as such. It was true, Jungkook and I hadn't discussed it. He hadn't told me those three words and he hadn't asked me about a relationship at all. He hadn't even asked me whether we were exclusive. 

I was pretty sure he wasn't seeing anyone else but as we didn't discuss it I could never be sure. I knew it was stupid, but we were in such a good place that I didn't want to ruin that either. 

Momo was annoyed in the beginning, throwing the "chicks before dicks" slogan at my face repeatedly, plus she was a bit worried that Jungkook would break my heart. She knew me the best and even though I tried to convince her I hadn't fallen in love she could see right through me. 

Tonight Jungkook and I were at my place and we were watching avengers endgame, it was the final scene, in which they were all attending iron man's funeral at his and pott's house.

       'I would love to live like that when I am older' I said, as it was something that came to mind every time I watched this movie. 


      'yeah like near the water in this wooden house it's great.' 

      'wait.. are you crying?' I asked realizing pretty late that his voice cracked.

       'No' he said way too fast turning away from me. I moved to him as I couldn't hold back my laugh, I climbed on his lap so I could turn his face to me, and indeed there were tears in his eyes

      'Wait, the bad boy Jungkook crying over iron mans funeral?' I giggled

      'ah shut up y/n.' Jungkook groaned embarrassed. 

      'No, I get it it's very sad, any tough guy would cry' I replied sarcastically to teas him while I was still smiling. It was honestly really cute though. 

      'You're mocking me angeleyes, do you think that's wise?' he joked back while he started to tickle me.

      'No kook stop!' I screamed out, and I tried to get off his lap but one of his arms already was wrapped around me holding me in my place while I, with all my force, tried to escape, but without success.

I hit his chest playfully but he still didn't stop.

So I kissed him.

and magically he stopped tickling me, the arm that was around my waist pushed me closer to him while his other hand roamed through my hair. I moaned into his mouth and Jungkook also grunted as I felt a hard bulge under me.

     'ah babygirl you're kissing me to distract me from tickling aren't you?' he panted.

     'is it working?' I asked back.

      'hmm' and he put his lips back on mine.

Suddenly he got up and I put my legs around his waist. He was still only holding me with one arm walking towards the bedroom.

The next morning we were lying in bed. Lana was staying at a friend's place so Jungkook was free to stay at mine. I was trailing my fingers over his exposed tattoos.

He smiled

     'You are fascinated with them aren't you?' he asked

      'Yes I think it's beautiful' I answered truthfully. 

      'So why don't you have any?'

     'I don't know I have been thinking lately about getting one but I don't know' I shrugged

      'I think I know what we are going to do today' he stated determinedly. 

I quickly understood what he meant. 

      'Alright' I agreed without any hesitation. 

After we had our showers and ate breakfast we left together on Jungkook's bike. We arrived in this ally and if it wasn't for the fact Jungkook went straight here I would wonder what the fuck I was doing in a street like this.

       'So it's here' he indicated as we stopped. I got off the bike and looked at the house in front of me with questionable eyes. It didn't look at all like a tattoo place. Not that I was an expert on what those places are supposed to look like, but you know, you have a certain image in your head for those kinds of places. 

      'Just follow me angeleyes' he smiled as he walked into the building.

The inside was completely different from the outside and now it became clear to me we really were at the right place.

        'Jungkook, I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?' a guy asked as he approached us. He leaned forward and they did a bro hug. Jungkook pointed at me

       'This is my friend y/n and she likes to get her first tattoo.'

There was a bit of sting by hearing Jungkook introduce me as "friend". but then again, we both said we weren't relationship-type of people. The fact I had fallen in love was not something Jungkook suddenly had to reciprocate, plus as I also hadn't told him there was no way he could be aware of it. 

 The guy I faced was tall and had a beautiful smile

'hi y/n, I am Soobin, your first tattoo huh, are you nervous?'

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