Twenty Nine

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Flashback 5 years ago

y/n pov

I stared at myself in the mirror, I must have looked like one of the least happy brides in history. I frowned as I scanned myself in my ridiculous white wedding dress. It was chosen by my grandmother, I didn't even want a white wedding dress, or at least not as extravagant as this one. 

It wasn't happiness nor healthy nerves that I was experiencing, it was something completely different. 

Fear, was the thing I was mostly feeling.

It really had come to this. The truth was that the whole day I could only think of Jungkook. I know it sounds crazy but up until now I still held on to hope that for some stupid reason father would change his mind. 

Maybe if he saw how unhappy I was, how not right this was, he'd put an end to it, but that didn't happen. Being married to another would definitely define my life.

I was wondering how Jungkook was doing. would he think of me sometimes? or maybe he had found someone new. There was nothing I'd rather do than to contact him, hear his voice again. 

It was weird; as some automatic pilot I took my phone and searched up his old contact info. Maybe it wasn't even valid anymore, such as mine as I did have a new number, who knew. I dialed his number and it took some time but suddenly someone picked up. 

    'hi it's Jungkook'

I froze, it was the first time I heard his voice in two years. 

There was a long silence. 

      'Y/n, is it you?' he asked hesitantly. 

I quickly stopped the call by pressing the red icon on my screen with trembling hands. 

It was too painful. I thought it would maybe be reassuring to hear his voice. Or perhaps if he didn't pick up I'd convince myself that it was meant to be that way. But he did pick up and he had guessed that it was me on the other end of the line. 

Momo came in, she stayed my friend, I told her everything, and honestly I couldn't have seen a way to go through it all without her.

She had an obviously broken smile on her face.    

      'How uhm how are you doing?'

       'I am okay' I replied. 

She caressed my arm

     'Oh my god y/n you are trembling like crazy' her eyes widened and stared at my arm. 

    'I called him' 

    'Who?' but as she asked it, I could read from her face she figured out whom. 


Present day

I sighed, feeling a sudden sadness filling my body by recalling that memory.

   'yeah it was me.'

 Jungkook pulled me closer into a hug. 

     'I wanted to tell you, you shouldn't worry about me anymore'

   'It didn't matter' I replied, maybe it did but on the other hand I didn't want to think about that. 

There was a silence. 

I eventually looked up, into his eyes. Now that there weren't secrets between us anymore I needed to tell him something I had wanted to say since I saw him at the business event. 

    'kook, I am not the girl you fell in love with anymore, my dad and my husband..'

    '.. I just'

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to break into tears. but they broke me, both of them.

The shame I felt for being abused by my husband and the worthlessness I felt because of my father who determined my life like it was nothing.

I wasn't the same person.

Jungkook hugged me more tightly. 

    'Y/n, You don't ever have to be stronger than you really are with me.'

     'I know that the person you really are has been hurt and they tried to break you but you are still that person. I know that. and I will make sure you can be that person again.'

I leaned forward to kiss his lips again.  They were the exact words I longed to hear. That I needed to hear, as I had given up hope. 

      'My angel eyes.' he moaned through the kiss. His words sent butterflies all over my body.

Jungkook pov

Y/n sighed deeply 'I think it's better if I go now, I mean that in the morning at least I'm home. Before the maids arrive and they might gossip.'

I didn't want her to leave but then again I knew she was right. If anyone would see us together or had any suspicion about our connection, the whole plan would fail.

I nodded 'hmm but we can't risk being seen together anymore.'

     'I know' she confirmed, while she was obviously thinking about everything,

I pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

     'You have to endure a little while longer.'

     'I know, I hope it works.' She replied and I detected the anxiety in her voice. I understood it as well. I

       'It will'

We put our clothes back on and I kissed her one last time before she walked out the door. 

Three days later we returned to Busan. 

It was so hard to leave y/n behind with that abusive asshole but this was a long-term plan, impulsive short-term actions or emotions had to be controlled and avoided. and to the best I could, I tried exactly that.


Jungkook returned to Busan and I already missed him. Ever since my father chose Henry as my partner I solely focused on my work. Becoming CHRO was my dream and I reached it.

The people around me all think I have it all. But I now realized it means nothing without him; All my dreams and all the lights mean nothing without him.

Henry came home after two days in the hospital, he did seem softer than before. As if this was a wake-up call. Maybe it made him realize the pain and shame you felt after you were beaten up. 

However, within a week he was back to normal again. He never liked to show his emotions so he wouldn't show me that it did affect him mentally.

This particular evening Henry wanted to have dinner together and as we were eating he announced his big news:

    'y/n next week we will go to Busan for business.'

    'What business?' I asked.

     'We will look at the local stores and have some meetings with investors.'

I was suspicious, we sometimes went to Busan but not like randomly as we did now. Somewhere I already had the feeling he went there for Jungkook. It was the only member of the supervisory board he couldn't quite get close too and he really didn't understand why. 

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