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Stay? at his place? It seemed the wall that was between us, regarding sharing personal information was slowly crumbling down. Jungkook really did open up to me. 

     'I uhm, that would be nice.'

I entered his home and kind of took the whole thing in. The place was rather small and also inside it was old and decayed. Jungkook scratched the back of his neck. 

    'It isn't much but we manage.'

I looked around feeling ashamed for my own apartment. How much space and luxury I had, while I was by myself and Jungkook was not. Through the hallway, we ended up at a door and he opened it up for me. We went inside that room, which as assumed was definitely his. 

He sat down on the floor going through his LPs, he eventually chose one to put on. 

     'So uhm if you don't mind me asking but where is your mother?' 

It was the thing that struck me in this house. It seemed an "older" woman was living here but she wasn't around, plus Jungkook has mentioned before he takes care of his little sister. 

      'She is in a hospital, like a mental hospital.' Jungkook explained. 

       'oh I am really sorry' I said even though I still didn't know exactly what was going on with her. I stared at him and as if he could read my mind he answered my question

     'yeah my dad kind of left my mother for a younger version, he had a long-time affair. That's why she is depressed. I take care of my little sister now. We don't want anything to do with him anymore. Lana is mature for her age, she can do a lot herself but I don't like it if she has breakfast by herself every morning.'

I sat next to him on the floor, understanding why he always left so early in the morning. 

      'I can imagine that Jungkook.'

We sat on the floor listening to songs, my head on his lap while his hands went through my hair. We talked about his gang called BTS, his friendships with the guys. My friend group and studies. It felt like I had known him all my life for some reason, the way we communicated.

Later, he went to the store to get groceries for dinner. I was walking to the toilet and heard his little sister talking, I walked into the living room and saw she had a game controller in her hands.

She paused the game and stared at me for an extensive period of time. 

     'Hi, I am y/n.' I said to break the silence that was part of the staring. 

     'I am Lana , what are you doing here?' she asked and I was surprised by the directness of the question coming from a 12 year old.

      'Uhm Jungkook invited me here.'

     'He never takes girls here, are you a friend?'

Yes was I? because we never defined what we were doing. Except for the "I am not a relationship kind of guy" statements we didn't talk about our relationship. 

      'I guess yes I am.' 

She raised her left eyebrow at my answer, showing me she was still pretty suspicious of both my answer and the reason why I was here. 

     'So what are you playing Lana?'

     'It's a game called Need for Speed, it's a racing game.'

      'oh I know that game, I played it a lot when I was younger' I replied with a smile. Farther never really approved because racing games were not games suitable for girls. Luckily for me, he was away all the time and my nanny did not agree with him. She always told me that it was our little secret. I'd tell my dad some lie about how I played with my dolls, something that in his narrow mind would make sense for a small girl to like. 

Lana looked very confused

      'But you are a girl, how come you play video games?'

Okay, I guess my dad isn't the only one that doesn't get it. 

I chuckled 'you are too are you not? Besides girls also play video games you know.'

     'The girls at my school don't, they say I am weird.'

I made an overly humph sound 'they are weird'

      'Do you want to play with me?' she asked and I smiled again 

      'Sure, but are you ready to lose from another girl?' I replied confidently. 

Lana started laughing  'I never lose, except from my brother, but he is the best in everything.'

She handed me the controller. 

     'okay let's get itttt' she exclaimed enthusiastically.

We were shouting during the game and Lana triumphantly smiled at me when she came out as the winner.

      'I told you I don't lose, but you're a pretty decent player as well.'

     'You just have more practice' I replied as a joke 'I want a revenge' I added

     'Game on!'

We just started another game when Jungkook came in with the grocery bags in his hands. 

     'What's going on here?' 

     'I am beating your friend in need for speed' Lana proudly replied.

I laughed out loud 'I am afraid she is right, she is really good at it.'

      'I didn't know you like to game?' Jungkook asked me raising his eyebrow.

I chuckled 'especially as a child this was my idea of fun, playing video games'
'I still like it though' I added.

      'And she is good, just not as good as me' Lana indicated and I pouted at her.

     'I think we should make dinner?' I asked and Jungkook nodded.

     'Can I help?' Lana asked while she got up.

      'yes of course you can' I answered smiling at her.

We made some Pork Bulgogi. Afterward we watched a movie together with Lana but after that, it really was time for me to go.

      'I will take you home' Jungkook indicated. 

I shook my head    'I can take a Uber' I replied but as a response he shook his head.

I guess that was the end of the discussion

I turned to Lana 'it was nice playing need for speed with you, I need a bit more practice I think. but it was fun.'

      'yes, you can always come by to play more?' she asked with this certain hope in her voice and I chuckled.

      'Yes, maybe'

Jungkook and me silently left his house, I got on his bike and he drove me home. 

When I stood in front of my apartment building I wasn't too sure what to say.

       'I uh... it was a nice day' I said, but there was this nervosity in my voice which I didn't completely understand. 

       'yes uhm thank you for checking on Jimin and staying for dinner.' Jungkook had that same nervosity. 

I nodded and turned around to go to my apartment. Out of nowhere Jungkook grabbed my wrist and swirled me around. He grabbed my face and pushed his lips on mine. 

I wasn't sure if it was just me but there was surely something different in this kiss.

It took my breath away. I gasped as we released. We didn't say anything, our faces still so close to each other. and as I also had no clue what to say I turned around again and left towards my apartment.

Dark Paradise 18+ | Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now