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Hello Loves! :)

I'm glad you found your way to this story. As you might have seen in the description, this is a Monsta X/Got7 fanfic... cause I thought if I'm already creating my universe I can totally bring in both bands :D

First, I wanna apologize for any kind of illogically. Especially about everything that happens at this college, since I'm not from the U.S and have no idea what's going on over there :D

Also, please note that English is not my mother language but I hope my skills will be enough :D Please let me know if there are any kinds of weird words or expressions - so I can change them :)

I would kindly ask you to not be a silent reader. Votes and comments mean so much to us writers and it motivates us a lot! I'd be so thankful for everyone who shows me some love! <3

Have fun, Loves!


Changkyun nibbles the end of his pencil while tapping one senseless sentence after another into his MacBook. He hates this. He hates the atmospheres in libraries. He hates the silence. He feels the gazes of the other students on him and realizes that he cursed under his breath for a few seconds now. "Sorry.., "he mumbles and keeps on nibbling his pen while re-reading that bullshit on the screen. Science has always been his asset. That's why he chose all those kinds of natural science as a major. He's very interested in psychology. He loves how he can read and analyze people by hearing just a few words from them. But he has no idea how he ended up writing an essay about love. Explaining love scientifically is easy. It's a certain amount of chemical reactions in your body that make you feel this way.

Unfortunately, this is not what the prof wants to read. He wants to read about love in personal experience. How is he supposed to write about something he never felt before?
His devotion to science also reflects in his character. Everything the world has trouble explaining logically is senseless to him. He doesn't get how someone would want to fall in love. Because it never lasts. He can see it. By his parents and his friends. So why bother?

Changkyun is a decent student. And a well-known. He's that kind of guy parents want as their son-in-law. But he could never imagine a marriage. He loves girls. Oh yes, he does. Especially the ones he can get easy, fuck hard and leave the next morning. He never plays. He is straightforward. And the girls decide whether they're okay with that or not. He'd never touch a girl against her will, would never let a girl get too close when he knows she has feelings for him. He'd never hurt someone. He doesn't have to. His looks, charm, and intelligence are enough for him to open basically every door to every girl's dorm on the campus. And yes, this is something he loves. But he can impossibly write that into his essay... or maybe he can? The prof didn't specify what kind of love he should explain... huh...he sighs and writes something down that finally seems logical to him...

"Mister Im. Can I talk to you one second?", Changkyun hears the profs voice behind him as he's about to leave his class. He nods over to his friends and signals them to go forward.
"I meet you outside!", he says.

Nalya, one of his friends looks at him smirking as she, Alicia, Jaebum, and Kihyun, pack their stuff to leave.
"Guess I know what this is about...," she sings as she walks by.

"Shut up!", he laughs and walks to the prof's desk.

He's a teacher's pet. So a conversation with one never caused sweating or heart racing. This time it's no different.

"Sit down!", the prof says and sits down as well. "I always enjoyed your works. I like the way you express yourself and I like your cleverness. But ... this essay...," he slams it printed on the desk. "Is this a joke?"

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