Chapter 11: Day 7

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Day 7

"So...", Nalya looks up to that giant building that looks like a futuristic blockhouse in the middle of the woods. "This is what you guys consider as camping?"

Changkyun chuckles. "What did you expect? Bunkbeds or tents for us spoiled rich-kids?"

They laugh, walk inside, and throw themselves on the little sofas in the foyer while their tutors organize everything at the reception.

"Tents would be so romantic!", Alicia sighs and leans her head against Bam's shoulder after they all joined them.

"Mh..", Bam smirks and caresses her cheek. They really act like a couple. Once again Changkyun asks himself why the hell they're not dating. "I prefer real walls ... just imagine, babygirl they'd hear you..", he chuckles and kisses her forehead.

"We already do, thanks for that!", Wonho says annoyed.

"Yep!", Changkyun confirms.

"Oh don't open your mouth too wide, Wonho! You have the room under the roof and I can still hear Maggs in the kitchen!", Mark laughs and she instantly blushes hardcore and buries her face in her boyfriend's chest.

"We hear Ari in our room as well!", she points at her after she's done whining. "And Jackson's room is next to the kitchen!"

"Hey! Why are you pulling me into this?!", Ari squeals but smirks and looks at her boyfriend. "Jacks just knows how to do it!"

"Yes, babygirl. Every day, every night!", Jacks laughs, cups her cheek, and kisses her softly.

Maggs lays her hand on Wonho's chest and caresses it. "So does he!"

"I'm only here for the sex!", Alicia giggles and bites Bam's plump lip, before they make out passionately.

Changkyun's brows rise in disbelief. They can't be serious. A super awkward silence comes up, only the smacking of the couples' kissing is to be heard.

"Wow... thank god this is not uncomfortable at all!", Nalya throws in and Changkyun can't help but laugh.

"And?", Minhyuk looks at her. "Still annoyed by the fact that the girls leave you alone in your dorm? At least it's quiet there ..."

Changkyun watches her wrinkling her nose. He heard her complaining a couple of times because her friends are barely at home and he kinda gets that. All of her friends are basically hanging out in their dorm, but she never has a reason to stay. Especially not since Bam has Alicia. She used to hang out at their dorm a lot with him. But now he spends most of the time with Alicia in his room. Just like Maggs and Wonho.... and Ari and Jacks.

He suddenly thinks about what she said in that store the other day.. about her having the feeling of annoying the others. And that she feels different with him around. If he could, he'd give her a million reasons to stay. If this whole thing won't work out, he has no problem to replace Bam at this part. Be her friend, hang out with her...

"Not at all!", Nalya answers sarcastically and rips Kyun out of his thoughts. "I feel so much better now!"

Chuckling, Kyun wraps his arm around her and pulls her on his chest. "I can offer you a place in my bed ...", he smirks from behind into her ear. "Only so you can make yourself a picture of how loud your girls moan, of course!"

"Naw!", she squeals playfully as if he just asked her to marry him. "What a super sweet offer of you! I'd love to hear that!", her sarcasm almost flows out of her ears. "What do you think, girls? Can you be extra loud for me when I stay? Just wanna check how haaard these poor guys suffer when they hear three hot girls moan!", Nalya slaps Changkyun playfully, laughs, and sits up again, while the rest of the guys laugh out loud.

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