Chapter 14: Day 8

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Day 8

Changkyun opens his eyes as he hears a noise.

"Fuck my life!", Nalya whisper-yells in the bathroom.

Chuckling he stretches and rubs his heavy eyes before looking around and trying to wake up. His gaze wanders to the side of the bed where Nalya was laying the entire night and something inside of him wishes, she'd still do. Gosh, he's so tired. This night was way too short - again.

The bathroom door opens and Nalya walks out but cuts off. "Shit. Did I wake you?"

Kyun smirks and runs his hand over his face. "It's okay... everything alright?"

"Yeah...", she nods gloomily. "Just dropped my perfume..."

Changkyun's eyes widen, shocked. "That cotton candy one?"

Again she nods. This makes Kyun surprisingly sad. This scent simply belongs to her.

"Thank god I have another brief sample at home but ...", she clicks her tongue. "Yeah, well, it still sucks..."

"I'm sorry to hear that...", he mumbles.

Immediately she shakes her head. "Don't be. That was my clumsy ass. Just smells extremely like cotton candy in there so ... sorry for that.."

Kyun chuckles. "You know I love this smell.."

"Oh, right...", Nalya smirks. "Almost forgot about that.

They both laugh and he looks at her for a moment. All she wears is his long shirt, her hair is ...

"Your hair looks different...", he sits up tired, leans against the backrest, and tilts his head. "It's so ... curly..."

"Yeah ...", she sighs. "That's because I fell asleep with wet hair last night...", she explains shyly and looks down at them. "My natural curls..."

Changkyun does not understand why she gets insecure again. "That looks beautiful!", he admits. "I mean ... I like them normal as well but this ... looks pretty good on you..."

A beaming smile appears on her face. "Thank you!"

Suddenly she walks over to him, climbs on the bed, and straddles him.

"Oh, don't do this!", he whines playfully and laughs. "I'm in no mood to get a boner again. This is way too early!"

The mere imagination of the fact that she only wears a slip ...


Nalya just chuckles, throws her hair over one side of her shoulder and leans closer. "You look so cute, barely awake... like a fluffy cloud!"

Laughing, he closes his eyes as she squeezes his cheeks. When he opens them again, he feels this ache in his chest. A stabbing feeling he can't explain. But it distracts him from getting a boner, at least.

"What's going on inside your beautiful head, huh?", she asks, smiling.

How is he supposed to explain a feeling to her he doesn't even understand himself?

So he just shrugs. "Just focusing on not getting a boner!"

Chuckling, he grabs her hips, lifts her, and places her under her squeals next to him before swinging his legs out of the bed. To his surprise, she immediately back-hugs him tightly.

"Thank you once more for last night!", she whispers into his ear and a pleasant shiver runs down his spine. "For taking care of me ... again..."

Smiling, he caresses her arm in front of his chest and turns his head back to her. "Like I already said last night: Always, princess!"

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